Happy New Year everybody.
Good ..we are still around this time, right?
I learnt that my students are sitting for their sem exam. Just wishing you All the Best Ok?
For a start, here are some basic steps before sitting for exam.
1) take of your health. Good food , good milk ensures your well being at this time. IWould advice ..dont try new fo
ood ..especially curry etc etc. I Usually take lots of fruits and drink plenty of water.
2) make sure you sleep well in the exam week. Dont take drugs. Such drug that can make you stay awake more than hours. There is no miracle of staying awake far too long.
3) go to the exam hall a bit earlier. Say 10 minutes b4 the paper. Please.
4) answer the 77questions after reading it very carefu,ly.
plan your answer. Dont rush.
5) think thats all mates. Wishing you all the best ok. You can do it insya allah.
till then focus during the exam. Will you?
Selamat Tinggal 2013 dan Selamat Datang 2014.
esok 2014 insya allah.
3) 2013 tinggal kenangan. Ada manis dan ada pahit.
yang manis apa dia yer?
macam macam bukan? Ini dipanggil nikmat tuhan. Ada orang dapat isteri baru, kereta baru dan ada dpt jawatan bergred baru. SYUKURLAH. Jangan lupa kat tuhan. Cara mensyukuri nikmat tuhan ialah ..kita baiki sedikit amalan agama. Hadiahkan elaun kat ibu ayah lebih sedikt ke. Boleh you?
4) ada juga kalangan kita dapat benda pahit 2013. Contoh perkara pahit ialah doktor diagnoz sahabat kita dgn barah usus tahap 3. Kritikal. Tunggu masa je..nak ucap selamat tinggal dunia. Ada sahabat kita bergaduh dan dipendekkan cerita bercerai. Macam macam kena bahagi. Anak 4 bahagi bahagi dpt 2 seorang. Kasihan bukan?
kenangan pahit orang umno kuantan ialah tuhan turunkan banjir. Tenggelam habis kereta, MPV dan semua perabut antik imported dari Italy. Kasihan. Saya tumpang bersedih mengenangkan nasib sahabat dari kubu kuat UMNo itu. Pengajaran dari tuhan ialah jgn cakap besar besar seperti UMno sahaja yg mampu buat itu dan ini di negara ini. Kalau lapik dgn insya allah..saya rasa Kuantan terselamat dari bencana alam itu.
Selain dari bencana alam, be da benda pahit ialah kerajaan tarik balik subsidi gula dan petrol. Ini bermakna gula pasir bertambah mahal dan kuih cina dan makanan mamak pun naik secara mendadak. Oleh yg demikian, kita kena kawal minum air air manis. Yg efektif kurangkan lawatan ke warung mamak dan kurangkan outing.
sebulan dua ini ketua keluarga dikejutkan dgn berita GST. Cukai barangan pun naik. Cukai tol nak dinaikkan juga. Bila ini berlaku, 2014 disambut dgn ngeri oleh kelurga berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana. Nak complain bnyk bnyk tak boleh..kerana PMKata negara lain lebih teruk. Malaysia lebih beruntung adanya BRIM 1 dan 2.
dalam menulis ini, saya cukup insaf. Kita kena recycle banyak benda dlm rumah.
a) pakai baju baju lama jer
b) mak dia ..please stop beli jubah dan tudung bertingkat tingkat tu. Kurangkan masa melawa dan adjust pandangan tepi dan belakang tubuh mu itu di hsdapan cermin almari . He..he..terimalah hakikat kita tak se slim dulu dah.
kunci utama kebahagiaan rumah tangga ialah ..kita kena terima hakikat umur makin banyak dan harga barang semua dah naik.
kalau benda ini dapat ditelan dgn cermat ..2014 ..we welcome you lah..else ..tunggu ..kehidupan ini makin susah dan mencekikkan leher ketua keluarga.
boleh faham you?
sekian. Maaf kpd pembaca kalian jika ada bahasa tak kena dengan selera tuan hamba.
wallahu aklam bis sawab.
Just because the west introduced the term quality time in their lifes, we as well wanted to talk the same thing.. STRANGE,
Actually all of us have 24 hours . The Mongolian has 24 hours , the Gaal Pasir Puteh people too have 24 hours a day. The president of America has 24 hours, so does Tok Muden Jali in Pasir Puteh Kelantan. So what is the fuss quality time.
if you sleeep 18 hours before the exam, then the remaining 6 hours is just what you have. If you went out to get food for dinner within 2 hours ..then you are left with 4 more hours. As a result, you must be careful with that remaining 4 hours prior to the exam.
Time is time. Nothing more than that. Dont worry if you have 30 minutes left in the exam long as you answer the questions well..i am sure you will pass the paper. So what?
2) actually there is no such thing as quality time. It all depends on you. If you think you can spend 22 hours a day washing the clothes for your family daily and as a result all the members are happy..then you are said to have contributed to quality life and quality time.
if you spend 30 minutes before Eid Mubarak with your old mum ..after missing from her eyes 30 years or sooo then that 30 minutes is all that she cared for. After talking to her and then she suddenly went quiet.never mind ..that time spent b4 she pass away is called quality time. It is all depending on you.
3) in the Holy Quran, Allah swore that all men is at loss ( no quality time) unless you are busy doing 4 things. They are
do good amal sincerely,
do behave well with your family, relatives, neighbours, friends, office mates and many more. How you lead your lives among the rest of the people (muamalat)
Forbid people from forbidden things like cheating in the General Election, Bribery, robbery, prostitutions, interest takings, accusing good ladies doing fornications, bad lies, back bitings, and invented stories like Dsai in Tivoli Villa
enjoin people to do good things,
be patient doing these dakwah
and ..
rest assured you already attained good life from quality time.
Ramai pasangan muda melayu faham istilah kasih sayang.
Bila baru kahwin , setahun dua, semua benda kasih sayang. Cium tangan suami bila keluar bertugas adalah amalan baik menandakan kasih sayang. Bila hujung bulan masing masing memberi hadiah dari wang gaji. Ini pun kasih sayang. Bila dikurniakan anak pertama dan kedua, semua susah diharungi bersama. Ini pun kasih sayang. Tetapi mengikut pengalaman, sang suami payah nak bangun tifur untuk siapkan susu untuk anak anak yg tiba tiba menangis kerana kelaparan susu. Why? Kerana susu asli ada dengan ibunya sepanjang masa.
time kemarau atau tengkujuh ..susu ada dgn ibu. Kadang kadang ibu sanggup memberi layanan memyusukan anak walaupun dia kekurangan tidur. Semua ini adalah kerana kasih sayang. Tetapi jika ibu jaga body, sang suamilah kena kurbankan tidurnya untuk maksud menyusukan anak anak kurniaan tuhan robbul alamin.
Jangan jealous jika ibu tidur. Apa salahnya ..sepanjang masa suami buat susu dan sambil tidur ..suapkan botol susu ke dlm mulut bayi. Itulah tanda kasih sayang. Semoua boleh pahala.
2) tapi nikmat tertinggi kasih sayang dtg dari tuhan penvipta kita. Rsmai org fikir, kalau isteri lawa itu kurniaan kasih sayang tertinggi darjatnya. Siang dan mlm jaga kelawaannya kerana ada org dpt kerja kerana modal utama ialah lawanya. Dengan degree yg baik bercampur lawa..dia dpt pangkat promoter dan mcm mcm. Syukurlah. Tanda tuhan kasih kat awak dgn hadiahnya bernama lawa.
tetapi pangkat tertinggi kasih sayang tuhan kpd kita ialah dia beri kita faham ..apa itu fikir agama.
dengan fikir ini dtgnya taufik dan hidayah. Bila ada taufik dan hidayah tuhan telah campakkan kpd kita satu keimanan. Alhamdulilah..kerana iman kita dimasukkan ke syurga Allah. Oleh itu, syukur sgt sgt jika ada iman dan bertakwa.
bila ada iman, sang suami dan isteri boleh tidur lena dan buat kerja harian pun ada fokus yg tinggi. Masing masing boleh dipercayai.
3) huru hara berlaku seluruh dunia kerana pasangan tidak jujur antara satu sama lain. Mencium tangan suami di waktu pagi sekadar lakonan belaka. Begitu juga..sang suami beli itu ini untuk sayangnya pun adalah sekadar berlakon sahaja. Di belakang masing masing, lain cerita dibikinnya.
hari bertukar hari, minggu bertukar minggu..lama lama story baru dijejaki orang. Pecah tembelang. Bila pecah angkara jahat, cerita dijejak akhbar metro ..matilah engkau.
ada orang sanggup membunh. Why? Sakit hati. Sakit ..kerana dikhianati.
oleh itu, jglah kasih sayang antara suami isteri ini. Bila dijaga.. dunia akan jadi syurga. Tak payah pakai security.
nilai kasih sayang terjamin..bila kita ada kompass takwa. Takut kpd tuhan yg mempunyai beribu ribu spy dipanggil malaikat. Ughh..payah nak silap data entry mereka bila sebut dosa dan pahala.
tabik spring bagi pak chik dan mak chik yg saling berkasih sayang walaupun usia sudah masuk zone..dunia kata pergi , kubur kata meri.
mereka jaga ikrar taat setia sejak dpt skrol bergelar laki bini. Syukurlah.
yg lain..berwaspadalah. tuhan boleh tangkap kita bila bila masa sahaja. Ayuh..saya memanggil diri saya dulu..then my dear respected your partner in the name of Allah. Takbir?
Alam. Bercakap pasal kuality time ..istilah ini kerap digunakan dalam kalangan ibu bapa yg sibuk berkerja. Masa mereka sudah terhad sangat nak berdamping dgn anak anak. Maklumlah bapa pilot tersohor dan si ibu doktor oakar di hospital sawsta. Semua item berkira. Lpendek kata semua mahal. bila mereka bertemu sekali dlm seninggu , sebulan, setahun, sedekad ..maka tempoh masa bersama itu dipanggil quality time. Tak banyak nak cakap. Masa itu pilot nak berehat dgn isterinya. Jika anak ada 3 orang ..pasangan di atas kena reka fikir panjang panjang to create time for two of them only while the children are fully engaged or occupied. Di bawak budak budak ini ke rumah nenek di kampung. Rumah nenek ala melayu trandisional ..banyak lantai yg berlubang lubang. Dipanggil budak budak..kasi sedikit briefing..pilot keluarkan buah guli beranika warna ..dan saiz. dia cakap abah akan golekkan gulu guli ini atas lantai kayu. Siapa yg dpt kumpulkan bilangan guli yg paling banyak abah bawak dia holiday ke london. senang jer briefing. Ditaburkan gulu guli itu ke atas lantai rumah nenek ..apa lagi ..banyak guli terjatuh ke bawah tanah kerana rumah nenek lantainya berlubang. Bila budak budak turun ke bawah memcari guli guli itu.. Pilot dan doktor dapatlsh merasai quality time terbaik punya. begitulah satu cerita org pandai. sekian. wasallam. He he
Salam It is good to say somethiing nice to our selfs. Example: Great! you are great man. Bravo! your writing ..accepted for IEEE journals. Alhamdulilah.. syukur nikmat. Dapat merasai pagi yg cantik ini. Bacalah doa bangu tidur jam 0500 pagi. Apakah doa itu? ------------- If we practice saying good things .. and our children do the same and our neighbours do the same too.. the society will be so nice ... Believe me! I was away from Kelantan for so many years. One of my friends met me at the masjid. this is the first word that came from his blessed mouth Huh... ingat mu mati lamor dahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .... mu gi manor selama keni ni......? Itu contoh nice words .. sesetengah org melayu kito guna pakai .. after that they doa .. ROBBANA .. dunia .. hasanah .. akhirat ...hasanah. Ghitu kor laghunya? ------------ However, we try our best to forgive. But that is something to ponder at. Melayu dah jadi apa yer? He..he.. Aapa nak jadi My ROBBBB? wallahu aklam bis sawabbb
Salam Mulut mempunyai peranan yang penting di dalam kehidupan manusia sejagat. Dari mulut , akan keluarnya idea/ buah fikiran. Mulut boleh berkata-kata dengan adanya lidah . Dalam budaya melayu ada pepatah ' lidah tidak bertulang'. Lidah boleh mengeluarkan kata kata ala penipuan, kata kata kesat , penghinaan, menjatuhkan imej seseorang dan ada lidah mengeluarkan kata kata indah. Contoh kata kata kesat ialah "Mu melayu tak cerdik manalahhh?" dari lidah ini lah .. pembunuhan berlaku bukan setakat satu generasi tetapi seterusnya banyak lagi generasi yg akan datang. Mengapa bodoR? mu tahu mcm mcm pasal agama islam ..tetapi mu tok buat bnyk manor pung. mu pilih pilih jah apa yg hendak kau amalkan. dari lidah begini .. perceraian berlaku. Contoh .. isteri menghina kepandaian suaminya di hadapan anak anak yg baru jer tamat pengajian UPSR, PMR dan SPM . lantas ..suami menceraikan isteri kerana maruah dirinya tercabar (konon-kononnya). sebenarnya klau boleh dah lama ..dah isteri nak ceraikan suami nya 40 kali sehari. Contoh kata kata indah ialah " cantik kita kerana budi bahasa nya". zaman munshi abdulah ... mmasyarakat melayu terkenal kerana budaya dan bahasa yg indah. Sebab itu Puteri Hang Li Po tertarik dengan islam Sultan Melaka. Yor kor? he..he... zaman dahulu melayu bernniaga . ..beras ... sebelum apa apa dah ada secekup beras yg lebih diberikan kpd pembeli. Ramai org portugese/ belanda / ingeris memeluk islam kerana cantiknya budaya dan budi bahasa yg ditunjuukkan. Aghhhh.. itu zaman silam brother/ where got Mendiang Antan tuya .. MOngolia mari ... belum dapat apa pa pun hatta secekup beras pun . tubuhnya telah diletupkan oleh orang orang kita. Siapa? (tuhan lah yg maha tahu). ---- Banyak kes .. terbukti melayu adalah insan yg kurreng cerdik * contoh .. orang pakistan jual karpet sampai kaya raya ** orng melayu suka berdengki dalam usrusan menjual beli. Di Kota Bharu .. pasar penuh dengan org org kemboja dan siam. Mengapa? org melayu tak panda berniaga. * kita tahu dah .. org itu tak sesuai jadi pemimpin ..tetapi ..disebabkan kepandaian kita ..kita tetap mengambil orang itu sebagai pemimpin kita siang dan malam. Bagus bukan? * tandas kita hancur dari Perlis sampai ke Johor dan terus ke Kelantan. Org kutip duit ..jaga tandas ..kito pun kutip duit jugok pasal tandas ini tetapi ..kualiti tandas tetap kotor, gelap dan bau ..cukuplah .. memalukan. Kadang kadang penyelok pintu pun tarakkkk. Yg dashat dinding tandas ada, tetapi pintu tercabut tuan.. yang hairannya .. org asing (laki tino melayu) menjaga tandas melayu kita. Surau .. surau .. hancur .. tikar sembahyang .. lusuh ..koyak.. busuk belum termasuk .. kain kain sembahyang wanita .. Kita setakat tahu ..tetapi kita kurang cakno .. (tak kesah). Projek Masjid telan berjuta juta ringgit ongkosnya tetapi pintu tandas yg paling nipis sekali ... kalau tak silap setebal manila kad sahaja. Paku / penyelak harganya 5 sen satu. Sekali pakai .. tercabut sudah bahhhh. Setiap hari pemimpin mahu kita . jadi negara bertahap dunia tetapi ..mentaliti tahap dunia ..sekelas England dan German tandas kita .. astagh firullah hal azeem. Ada tandas .. tak ada air/ ada tandas kehilangan batang paipnya/ flush sistem sudah rosak ..tetapi duit kutipan derma hari jumaat setiap jumaat semakin banyak. Ke mana perginya duit tersebut? panggil 999/ ASTRO TLC buat rakaman .. kasi Majlis Islam Malaysia .. tonton .. dan buatlah sesuatu tuan hamba selepas memikirkan keadaan hancur ini. Kita kutip banyak zakat ..tetapi ..budak perempuan semakin ramai bawak cetong mintok derma kat petrol station .. mintak derma sambil menjual ubat sapu sapu cream, jual tisu .. ubat sakit badan dan macam macam. Meminta derma dari pemandu kereta tak kira agama. Malunya .. islammmm Semua bawak tabung ke hulu hilir kat kawasan petrol station..mintak derma ..untuk pembinaan sekolah anak anak yatim, ibu tunggal dan macam macam // depa kata sesi Latihan Industri, praktis soft skill, merayu derma konon kononnya / ada dalam silibus sekolah mereka di Kedah dan Kelantan .. budak kedah kutip derma di Kelantan dan budak Kelantan kutip derma di Kedah .. org bukan islam pun ikut serta stail mintak derma ini ..mereka beli cawan/ chetong plastik kosong warna merah lusuh ..letak duit 40 sen 60 sen ..lepas itu ..dia pergi kocok kocok cawan plastik depan mata keluarga islam biar ada bunyi bising sikit duit duit dalam cawan itu .. 5 minit selepas itu .. org cina itu sudah ada duit punya. Begitu juga benggali lelaki dan perempuan ..rama yg datang mintak sedekah di sini dan jugak Mekah/ Madinah sana dok gelewak kat jammah malaysia jer / mereka tahu .. hati melayu cepat cairrrrrrr .. cepat kasihan belas ..dengan aksi aksi cawan merah plastik di kocok kocok sahaja.. kita terus memberi derma ini tanpa henti ..kerana .. org tua saya selalu kata .. org bodoh adalah makanan org org cerdik. So org cerdik ialah ... master mind budak budak melayu kutip derma anak anak yateem .. di PLUS Highways RESTHOUSE dan tandas tandas awam ..seluruh negara. Betul kah gitu tuan hamba? Entah ..sakit mata , sakit hati aku ..tetapi ..bila kito semua rama tak cerdik mana kita telan semua ini atas dasar apa yer? TQ. Wallahu aklam bis sawabbbb ...
Salam.. semalam saya dengar formula "Spider" - senjata menhancurkan org melayu di Mlaysia/ Indonesia/ Brunei/ Selatan Thailand/ Selatan Africa. Ikutilah huraian seorang ustaz di Masjid Besar Sultan Mansur ..kpg sireh, kota bharu, kelantan. "S" is sex. By sex we have seen infants being disposed at the rubbish bins and sometimes .. the stray dogs brought the newly born baby without head across the streets. "P" is politics. Umno fights Pas And Umno fights PKR. The end is Malays are losing so much ground. We hate each other. When melayu fights for power , Allah disgraces us immediately by putting 'incapable' rakyat as our leaders -- they think big , talk big , but they love good lives , thinking of putting higher taxes , higher tolls and .. due to our stupidity/ negligence and short sightedness ..they got the power what ever way ..they can. Imagine .. the woman is the most influential figure in this melayu world. How? ask the melayu. Good bright people just watch .. and do nothing actually .. don't they? Rakyat suffers ... and keep suffering .. "I" is taking interest..riba/ haram..We borrowed so much money from the bank. One day we can't pay the bank. Malay lost again. "D" is for drugs. Not only heroin, marijuana, but also internet/ facebooking are also drugs. We lost focus what is the objective of our life? Our life is to obey Allah at all times according to the ways of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) "E" is education. Now too many females in the universities because the system suits them learning more efffectively than the males. As a result, the females are bringing more money into the homes. Thus .. they have bigger say in managing the house. males! you just follow the commands. "R" is for rock stars like Elton Johns, Rod Steward musics musics musics. Some of us idolise our singing / film stars like their gods. They are willing to skip prayers just to glorify these musicians. Soon the melayu is on the road to kehancuran. Other than Spider they have 4F and 4S. 4F = fun, food (haram) , festivals and fashion including tudung 3 lapis. 4S = sex, sloppy work, Sangham songs and SINS ..good bye Islamic practices. They left obeying Allah. I got all these from a short tazkirah maghrib/ isya di masjid kota bharu semalam. 21 hb disember 2013. The ustaz put a video/ power point slides about these. Wallahu aklam bis sawabb. Fikir-fikrkanlah.
Salam. Peace be upon you my respected readers. After asar prayer, many of us settle down in their blessed homes. Surrounded by our parents, wives, children and modern gadgets many of us forget one important key towards hapiness. what is that key? the answer is .. 20 minutes before maghrib (dusk) prayer is the best time to do zikir towards Allah. in one hadith, if we remember allah, He will remember us. if we remember him at the time we r so rich, Allah will remember us at the time when face sudden difficulties. HADITH. WHAT IS THE best form of zikir? try and recite the Holy Quraan. Try and read the last 10 ayat of surah al imran. followed by the last 3 ayat of surah hasyar. then .. make doa so that we are happy. Allah is happy with us, is He? wait in the masjid and perform fard maghrib. Insyallah .. if we are steadfast with this small amal ..we get happiness. Settle? --------- Feedback. many families complain to me ,.they are not happy. inspite of them taking expensive food, living in high cost apartments, sleeping in the latest state of art ..bedding.. they still seek happiness. actually happiness is the heart. By following the simple ways as prespribed by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) , insyallah Allah promised us happiness. when we are happy, we are contended with our wife, children, simple home, vios toyota car and eating simple food like laksam kelantan. Sometime after we have eaten the food, suddenly some body paid all the bills. Alhamdulilah. when we are happy, the animals wanted to share that state of condition. If one is not happy, nobody comes to his house. Accoding tto radulullah if a guest comes to your home, treat the guest properly because he comes with rezeki and berkat. if we dont practice thid dunnah, other creature comes to our house. Who are they? Ahlong. This creature must be careful. The problem is with you. Why did you borrow his money in the first place? in Malaysia, sometimes ah long were found to kill their borrowers. Oh my god! if we want to be happy, we must live according to our means. If the parents are earning rm5000 a month ..they must live with that amount. Many of us got killed by the road accidents and credit card gangters because we had lived beyond our means all the time. We work so hard to pay all the loans. We took all kinds of vitamibs to pay the loans. We took expendive holidays abroad but guess who waited for us at the aiport once we landed malaysia? are correct. One day, you will got killed by all kinds of self infkicting pressures. conclusion. if one wants happiness, read my first 2 paragraphs. Very cheap meyhod but vrry rffective ad far as happiness is concerned. aplogies.. if i wrote badly just now. If we are happy, we got quality time. period! no need mountain climbing. Rock high gliding..because one day all parts of your body got destroyed. Your body knocks the high stone ..and you fall with the broken wings. See? wallahu aklam.
Salam. Sebagai manusia biasa kita tak terlepas dari segala cubaan tuhan. Contoh dugaan ialah jatuh sakit. Banyak kitab mengatakan bahawa melalui sakit, tuhan akan menghapuskan dosa kita. Pokoknya kita kena banyak bersabar. Dari satu blog, imam shafie menulis.. kalau ilmu itu difahami dan dihafalkan satu hari nanti ilmu itu akan hilang. tetapi kalau ilmu itu difahami dan ditulis dengan cara yg baik..ilmu ini akan kekal insya allah. Oleh sebab itu saya menulis sedikit sebanyak untuk kalian semua. 2) bila kita jatuh sakit, Allah hantar 4 jenis malaikàt . Tiap tiap mempunyai peranannya sendiri. pertama, malaikat akan cabut nafsu makan. kedua, malaikat itu akan tarik rezeki kita. ketiga, malaikat berkenaan akan cabut kecantikan wajah kita. MUKA pucat lesi tak bermaya. akhir sekali, malaikat terakhir diminta hapuskan dosa pesakit. HARI bertukar hari, minggu bertukar minggu dan bulan bertukar bulan. Dengan izin Allah kita dipulihkan kesihatan..bila ini berlaku, tuhan meminta semua malaikat pertama hingga ketiga pulangkan nikmat yg ditaruk tadi. dipulangkan nikmat srlera makan, nikmat memperolehi rezekinya lagi dan lagi ..dan malaikat ketiga akan pulangkan kecantikan yg dulu kpd status cantik kembali. Tetapi malaikat keempat tidak dibenarkan memulangkan dosa yg telah dihapuskan tadi semasa hamba itu sakit kpd keadaan terbarunyaya sekarang. Oleh itu kita sihat kembali dan dosa kita telah terhapus. Subhanallah. Betapa sayangnya..Allah kpd kita. yg penting kita ada iman. Percaya allah maha kuasa dan manusia tidak ada kuasa pun. Hadith tu. ----- Semalam saya diuji dgn sakit perut dan verak tak henti henti mcm air parit dibukak ibu kunci parit jer.setelah berjumpa doktor, malas sungguh nak ke masjid kerana masalah perut belum selesai lagi. Tapi kerana ikhsan allah, dia bawak aku ke masjid kpg sireh, kota bharu. Memandangkan status sakit perut itu ..aku ambil posisi duduk masjid di belakang sekali. Badan cukup lesu maklumlah banyak air dlm badan telah dilepaskan tanpa rela semalam. Sambil mengenang sakit perut ini ada ustaz memberi ceramah menunggukan isha. Syaitan iblis kuat sungguh tarikku keluar dari masjid. Depa bisik bisik..kau tak sihat brother. Jom balik..aku drive. Ha..ha..gitulah bisikan sedap dari syaitan ini. Memang aku nak balik sangat ..buat apa dengar benda yg sama ini. Tak dengar pun aku dah tahu mcm mcm. tetapi tuhan cukup sayang pd aku. Aku diberi peluang mendengar tazkirah maghrib kali ini. ada 2 point yg menarik. pertama ..tuhan beri kita pilihan. Kita dibenarkan memilih jodoh nak kahwin org tempatan atau kawin pompuan cantik jelita dari daerah luar. Bila kita telah membuat pilihan..pandai pandailah menguruskan barang tersebut. Kedua, istilah nikmat nikmat tuhan kpd kta ini. apa kah nikmat terbesar kpd kita? Jawapannya ialah nikmat islam. Kita dilahirkan dlm keluarga islam. Dengan islam kita dijanjikan syurga. Untuk dpt syurga, kita kena ada ilmu dan inayah allah. Dengan ilmu kita tahu halal dan haram. Tanpa ilmu, bila kita main dgn benda benda haram, satu hari tuhan turunkan bala. Penyakit kelamin, cerai berai dan kapal rumah tangga hancur berderai. Titik klimaks, punai kita tiba tiba jatuh ke lantai kerana punai berstatus busuk, buruk dan malfunction. Syukur ini tak terjadi kpd kita. Why. ? Kita jaga halal dan haram. Nikmat besarlah itu.
Salam Hari ini keputusan peperiksaan menengah rendah (PMR) diumumkan untuk rakyat Malaysia. PMR ini adalah ujian peperiksaan bagi pelajar berumur 14 dan 15 tahun yg terakhir dalam sejarah pendidikan negara Malaysia Darul Firdaus. Kita sudah bertukar kpd sistem PBS (penilaian pentaksiran sekolah) yg membawa cabaran baru tetapi menjemput bebanan kerja yg tak sudah sudah kpd sang guru sampailah seorang guru itu mati tergolek di sekolah atau dalam keretanya. 2) Tahniah! kepada adik adik yg berjaya dengan keputusan 9A / 8A / 7A .... 1A atau '0'A . Alhamdulilah adik telah membuktikan bahawa adik mempunyai otak yg baik ..tetapi adik tahu tak .. dalam senarai kedudukan dunia .. dalam kalangan negara negara membangun .. sistem pendidikan kita untuk pelajar 12 tahun atau 14 tahun ..cukup mendukacitakan. Kita tergolong dlm negara yg hampir hampir tercorot.( third last group). Kita kalah dengan pelajar Singapura, Taiwan , Hong Kong dan Korea Selatan pada bila bila masa sahaja. O yes ..jgn caya sangat ..result dan analisa dari Menteri Pendidikan Mlaysia ..esok esok bila analisa menunjukkan semua subjek menunjukkan prestasi pencapaian yg semakin naik dan menakjubkan. Masyallah! Itu semua .mungkin .. mungkin .. nak sedapkan hati mak bapak dari kampung halaman sahaja. Orang pandai .. lain pula cara pentafsiran analisa itu semua. tetapi jgn risau ... itu bukan problem adik adik. Itu problem Menteri menteri kita dan pegawai pegawai kanan Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia yg tip top sepanjang masa. 3) Takziah ..bagi adik adik yg bercita cita untuk mendapat result super cemerlang ..tetapi hari ini result adalah mengecewakan. Contoh kita bermimpi mendapat 9A semalam di Melaka Mahkota Hotel tetapi di Tendong, Kelantan hari ini kita hanya skor 5A jah. tak apa. jgn bersedih sangat. Tahukah adik tidak ada jawatan JPA yg memerlukan pekerja dengan kelulusan PMR pun. so jgn bersedih begitu mor nyor. Relax. Adik ada 2 tahun lagi .. buktikan dalam SPM 2015 nanti. Mana tahu adik berjaya SPM dgn 12A .. insyallah. Yg penting .. adik kena study kuat sedikit ..dan fokus ..banyak sedikit. Kurangkan bermain komputer dan FB itu. tidak ada soalan pun yg berkaitan dgn fb dlm PMR bukan? (ketawa). 4) Tahniah bercampur takziah kpd ibu bapa yg mempunyai perasaan bercampur baur bila result diumumkan hari ini. Ada mak bapak .. terlalu over over acting ..sedangkan anak relax jer. Ada ibu ayah dpt stroke berkala sederhana bila anak dapat 3A sedangkan trial exam 7A hari itu. Jangan bersedih ..terimalah hakikat ..anakmu tak terror mano pun bila berjuang dalam dunia akademik dan peperiksaan sebenarnya. (ketawa). Ibu bapa jah yg bersungguh sungguh ke sana sini sejak bulan Ogos 2013 lagi. Bagi ibu bapa yg mana anak anak mendapat 9A . tahniahlah dari saya. SEjujur dan seikhlas ucapan tahniah dari lubuk hati penulis blog ini kpd ibu bapa .. esok lusa kena hantar anak anak ke MRSM, SBT dan macam macam . Yg penting si ayah .sila check status jantung .. kerana bila anak tino ngaji tinggi kita keno kerek .. melawat mereka di seluruh pelusuk negara. Silap silap haribulan .. ada kita terkorban kena serangan jantung/ kemalangan/ dan macam macam lagi. Bacalah bismillah tawakal tu ala llah..sebelum membuat keputusan menghantarkan anak anak dara ke luar dari rumah tangga kita ..iaitu ke sekolah sekolah impian anak anak dan guru guru kita. O yes .. terima kasih ..kpd guru guru semua. Kalau ada ibu ayah yg mempunyai status wang yg banyak ..hantarlah guru guru islam kita itu ke Mekah/ Madinah buat umrah atau melancung melawat Bukit Uhud, kubur nabi Muhammad s.a.w di Madinah Munawarah. Cuba buat gitu ..insyallah ..nama tuan puan akan terpampar dalam muka depan akhbar METRO. Why? tak pernah org buat. Naiklah Air Asia. Tambang murah. All can fly (even) without any A's in PMR. (laugh) Yg ada ialah .. ramai orang lupa jasa guru mereka selepas memperolehi result yg cemerlang ini. Satu cara kita dapat keberkatan hidup ialah .. pergi jumpa guru guru kita dan ciumlah tangan mereka. Jika tangan mereka berbau budu, cencalok .. what to do .. that is their favourite kicap ..tau? ha..ha.. melawatlah guru guru mu dan ucapkan banyak banyak terima kasih kpd mereka yg membanting tulang mengajar kamu siang dan malam . Kalau dapat 9A ..berikan 9 biji buah limau sunkist/ kalau dapat 1 A kurniakan guru guru dgn buah anggur Peranchis 1 kilogram beratnya. Boleh? kato nok berkat mu? 5) So ..the moral of the story is .. PMR is just the beginning of a long journey dalam dunia pendidikan. Selepas PMR, ada SPM , ada STPM, ada degree , ada masters dan ada Ph.D. lepas itu ..ujian rumah tangga pula. lepas itu ..ujian cari kerjo sana sini .. o yes .. sekarang kita dah ada 3 juta pendatang luar negara mencari kerja yg sama dgn kita. Nanti pada tahun 2023..3033 .. bila kita interview kerja .. kita kena terima hakikat .. pesaing pesaing kita ramai orang asing seperti Bangladesh, Nepal dan Indonesia. Open market. tambah pula ..mixed marraige. Ibu sabah kahwin dgn saudagar karpet dari Pakistan. Anak nya .. rakyat Malaysia kor? So sebagai bekas guru .. saya doakan kalian berjaya dunia dan akhirat. Ameen. Orang masjid kata 'dunia ini sementara ..akhirat jugalah yg kekal abadi.." Guanor agok wehhh! Wasallam.p/s: maaf dipinta jika ada tersalah kata. tahniah / takziah/
Salam. The other strategy in upgrading your english is you have to study / analyse a sentence. Find the subject and predicate from that sentence. examples. 1) the mother delivers the baby. Here ' the mother ' is the subject. The actor. then the rest of the sentence is the story or predicata. 2) teaching well is an art. The subject is 'teaching well' Then 'is an art' is the story or predicata. ---- As an asian we must buy good books to help us learning english. 2 of the books that i highly recommend you are Wren and Martin 'HIGH english grammar and compositionx it is 680 page bòokk. I bought this book from New Delhi. Costing 20 rupèes. It was in 1977 when i went there to learn being a dai. Dai means ' ..learner in spreading the deen of islam while he himself did it as it should be practiced'. 2) Wren and Martin ' key to wren and martin ' The second book is an answer book from the first book. I managed to get the second book yesterdsy from the ₩public library in Kota Bharu, Kelantan. It took me about 30 years to get the answer book. He.he.. see? --- I think I better stop now. hope you get something from these 20 MUET lessons. If there is any good, i would say alhamdulillah. It all comes from Allah. if it is otherwise, then i am solely responsible gor this. So sorry brother. he..he.. i am not a native english teacher. In Islam, Allah wants us to give our best. Till we meet again , good bye everybody in my my informal MUET classes. Enjoy english. Insyallah we can touch the sky. wasallam
Salam To enhance your learning English , do not hesitate to spend some money and time on the following things: (1) buy Sunday STAR or Sunday Times you can see many examples of description especially travelers' log book regarding their favourite destination during the school holidays (2) get a recorder record your teachers' voice in giving instructions in the class// sometimes you can sleep better by listening at their voices especially the ladies who are still 'solo'. After they got 3 kids .. I am sure notice a different voice all together. Why? they lack sleep brother. (3) open a blogspot account - and start writing such as how are you? when are you coming? where shall we discuss ? how can we do that? why is that so? So What! (4) many more .. --- In this life, there is no many things that go free except the salesman / saleslady smiling at you. S/he smiles to 'fish' some money from your pocket. Try going to Hadyai, Bandung, Kota Bharu .. see how sweet they are smiling at you. ooops .. That smile is from 0900 am to 1700 pm only. After that .. you will see their true face. Try! Till then .. good bye.
Salam n good morning my dear readers. Alhamdulilah (thanks be to Allah) ee meet again in this small space called a blog. I forgot to tell you that one of my old habits in learning English Language. The thing i did was 1) i copy any good semtence into my exercise book. I read the sentence again and again. Sometimes i put some effort to memorize the sentence day and nihht. then i write down the sentence 10 times on the page from the top to the bottom. if i have noyhing else to do i wite down 100 times from sunday morning to sunday evening. as a result, i remember some sentences since that day to now. It was more 50 years already. one of the sentences that i remember most is ' respect your english teacher. They came all the way from Austrslia. When she is around, go and see her and learn something from her a bit a day.' 2) one of the reasons few of my students failed to grt Band 3 Muet was.. They were to shy to visit me and learn some english from me. My office could be accessed by lift. Just walk into the lift and press button 7. they could get me. Buat alas..that was already a history. Time waits for no one, you know? 3) the third habit was i bought many kinds of enhlish dictionary . Any size. As a result all my children learn english well. Even though we take budu and 'pucuk keterh and petai' that did not stop thrm scoring in any english papers. I express my gratitude to Allah all the time. the key is attitude and our intention to change from Band 2 to Band 3. please. Do the change now. You feel the differences if you have more skills in english. my arab students ..they flew from Yaman and Libya.. if they came to learn english from me .. i was so please to teach. Why not? Free of charge. Myy teaching is cheaper than going to the bath room. why? Teaching and sharing is the key to long life. You want that, dont you? he..he.. go to the top of thid page. do what i did please. till then good bye. wasallam
Salam n Good Morning. HOW ARE you today? I am on the edge of my kingsize bed. Just finished reading the Holy Quraan and a bit of zikiruĺlah. Thought of writing something for my MUET students. I do not plan to write long but say i still remember you guys. (Laugh) In the exam, you are put in a round table with a group of candidates @ friends. Then the examiner will pose a title say ' Women are smarter today then men in many ways'. So how about that? How to convince the examiner u r a Band 3 MATERIAL? The recommended steps are: YOu must be brave to talk. You just say I agree 100 percent (with the title you had posed just now). My points are 70 percent graduates are girls at the moment. This proves to the world the girls are smarter and they should work and bring home some cash after cash. What say you guys? Imagine you agree to this. you may start saying .. " I support that statement. This is my proof , my mum works as a teacher and my dad drives his express bus... to many destinations around Peninsular Malaysia. My mum brings home more money for the family than my dad. You know why? My dad's money went to buy petrol. Bigger bus means bigger expenses. So my dad loses to my mum. Why? She drives kelisa. So little money for petrol for a small car like Kelisa, you know? He..he.. this proves that the lady is more stable financially than man. what do you think? Now imagine you disagree. You can say rubbish. I don't agree/ support that statement. More ladies go to work because in most families there are more girls than boys. When more girls, the boys give the chance to them to study and of course working. If we don't let that to happen, some girls like to cry. I hate to see my mum crying , you know? in England/ English a gentleman, i must give girls their way first. So they left early to work. We boys are ok. We work a bit late. So we come home a bit late and our money a bit less. No problem as long as my girlfriends are not crying any more ..then it is ok. See the wife of our beloved Prime Minister. She has a lot of money by flying jet here and there. One more thing to add here. Most ATM users are ladies. When the man comes with their bank cards , the screen says Come tomorrow. We put some cash for you. See? laugh. I think if the examiner laughs, you are sure to pass MUET. i am confident about that. the strategy don't keep quiet during discussion. say something please. sometimes if we are brave, we can get marks for our bravery. I think that's all for today. I want to go down and make English breakfast. Another tips. To pass MUET, start your day with an english breakfast. Toasted breads, 2 half boiled eggs and a thick cheese. After that , say cheeeesssssse ...everyday. Sure u pass mate. insyallah. Bye for now. wasallam
Salam. English grammar is very important for new learners like us. IT CONSISTS of rules. without following the rules, people wont read our ideas. as an examiner in spm english paper 2 many years ago, i could classify any essay as grade A material or fail based on grammar. The structure of the sentences were nice to read when oone puts grammar as its guide. Please read the star paper. Seeee the structure of english in it. 3) besides the newspaper, i try to read more news from the magazines and reports. Hope you do the same. then you will pass MUET. 4) in the universitu, ee have many foreign students in the library. mingle with them and talk englash. dont waste that chance. they spent so much monèy to be here. Just talk to them. Till then ..good bye. wasallam
Salam i wrote 30 lessons on english grammar. please feel free to read them. the lessons are either in folder 2011 early or late 2010 or folder 2012 i.e., late 2011 or early 2012. 2) i hope it will help you a bit towards your MUET exam. good luck. wasallam.
Salam Let us say the examiner ask you to talk a bit about Malaysian Integrity. What are you going to say? May I .. give you a general style/ pattern to such talk. Firstly, Malaysia is a multi racial and multi cultural country. It has 3 main races called Malays, Chinese and Indians. They can practice their religion without any problem. Secondly, Malaysia is a peaceful country unlike the Arab countries which have 1 race but they like to fight with each other every day. All the races here share the spirit of 1Malaysia which means that .. the government wanted all the races to work and learn together without any prejudice. Now 1Melayu means the government wanted the malays to be united all the time regardless of their political inclinations called UMNO, PAS or PKR. The government wanted that badly because they know they are getting weaker after the 12th and the 13th General Election. Now the government is controlling the country with 49% pro government and 51% going against the government. I think corruption is a big issue here. It means the riich is getting richer while the poor is getting more BRIM1. (laugh) Thirdly, integrity comes after the implementation of National Education Philosophy based on the 5 pillars as put by the Rukun Negara. What are they? * * * * * I know only two today that is Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan and Keluhuran xxx dan Perlembagaan. Finally, we can learn to live happily through the sports meet at school and university levels. We must learn to accept defeat and success in all sorts of games like football and SEAP Games. Recently my home team lost with Pahang in FA Cup. (padan muka). laugh. But we Red Warriors say OK because every year we can play finals. Integrity means we can integrate well even though we come from different homes and back grounds. The chinese teachers are teaching me mathematics and sciences while the malay teachers are teaching them BM, BI, BA, and many more under the hot hot sun in Malaysia. So nice .. Malaysia need to buy machines to dry our clothes 24/7. Now I leave you .. you can add anything you like like music and sightseeing/ PLKN. Till then ..good bye. Wasallam
Salam. IF YOU ARE having some food with him or her.. Asking questions 1) what would you like to have abd kareem? 2) nasi lemak or roti canai? 3) how about drinks? Nescafe ! 4) what do you think about me ( laugh) 5) you like malaysian food .. please order Abd Kareem 6) how about the students here? They are helpful or not? 8) which subject you like most? why? where do you like studying.. library or masjid? Why? REMEMBER 4W and 1H - where, why, what, when AND How see..there are many ways to practice speaking and sharing your views. Now with the help of MOE, many foreigners are joining your classes. Why not using them to practice your weaker part of MUET i.e., speaking and listening. Try ok? try ok. TILL THEN.. GOOD LUCK
Salam One of the items being examined in MUET is speaking and listening ability. Since my students are from the university ..and they have few foreign friends why not doing the following steps: (i) invite your foreign friends for breakfast / brunch try using this "Are you free tomorrow Abdulll Kareeeeem?" Why not we get together for breakfast at 10.00 am, we would like to practice English. Do you mind helping us a bit in English? You are coming.. along Abdul Kareeeeeeeeeeeeeeem, aren't you? --- (ii) when raining ..imagine you got an umbrella You can use this Abdul Kareeemmmmmm.. common come under my umbrella ..we walk together to the library. It is raining badly. You coming? Suhaila .. you got an umbrella? Yes ..I do. You want to share with me? Ooops so small an umbrella. Can I use your arm pit (ketiak)then as my umbrella please? it smells Abdul Kareeemmm (laugh) ---- When you want to get together with the foreigner(s) .. then you can practice English by speaking some good sentences, giving out questions .. and many more. Try please? If you do not try ..then how can your MUET Band 1 and 2 be transformed immediatelyy into Band 3? Think about that , will you? ------------- In England, I mixed a lot with my foreign friends .. be they English, Irish, Scottish, Italians, Americans ..etc etc. By mixing .. we can practice some English. On Saturday and Sunday .. I played soccer with them ..and by this game ..they swore at me .. and so I did that too. Free of Charge. No heart feeling you know? Even though I came from Kelantan and my parents and grand parents spoke german for the last 400 years .. that did not stop me becoming a fluent English speaker. There is a saying .. if you dare to change ..then you changed! as easy as that He..he.. Try please. Wasallam.
Salam. To have good english, you must love the language. You live each day with English. Many years ago Miss Fam and Miss Alison asked me and my friends to memorize a part of a poem by sheakspeare. It took me a real hard work to memorize mare than 30 lines poem when there was nobody to help us doing that. We memorized under the tree looking towards the river . We kept doing that ùnnnttil the time came. Few of my friends cried because they got some slaps. then my time came. We got to read the poem to the strict master called Mr Hector John. first i read the poem in front of the class..some friends laughed because they knew what my fate would be. Will it be just like them just now? . first few lines ..everything were ok.. then i spotted my friend not zipping his garage. Just looking at his bird..the lines of the poem went away from my compiler. Wow ..bròomm my english exercise book knocked / splashed over my face...and it hurt my eyes. Trying not to cry ..i tried to recall.. thank goodness..the lines of the poem came back..and i was the first to recite 45 lines successfully. Wush glad when i heard my friends cheering me on. But i still got to pick up the book that was thrown by Mr Hector John and it was on the floor .. few minutes ago. All this happened 40 years ago! 2) the point is .. i got some pain. I worked hard memorizing the poem..i was nervous knowing in advance what was expected of me.. 3) the benefit of such punishment ..i love english. Thank you Mr Hector John .. you really pushed my limits. from that day onwards . ..Now and then i was asked to promote my university programs in Jakarta, Bandung, kuala Lumpur, Johor Bharu and Doha. 4) You must memorize good english sentences. With thechnology, I saw many of my boys and girls put on songs over their ears 24/7. Why was it Band 3 English .. still shying away from you? he..he.. listen, memorize and repeat the songs .. sing the songs .. it will english your tongues soon. Bye.
Salam. If you spend some money on certain objects like your Nokia handsets then you know the value of that equipment. If on one sunny day, the hand phone was lost, you began to feel that loss! Why is that so? The answer is very simple. You had spent lots of money buying the Nokia. HE HE. Similarly is learning an important language like the English Language. You must spend some money. What are they? firstly is the grammar book(s). Secondly is the writing pad and pens. thirdly is engaging a professional teacher to guide you listeing and speaking english. and most importantly your time learning english all the time. ----- All the above items cost you money. If you can spend lots of money to buy computers and Nokia should be willing to do similar things on acquiring english language. From my small experience conducting english classes i saw few students who came but they were poorly prepared. they came into my class without a dictionary, writing pad and their pen had gone dry (no ink). In short, they came to see me without serious preparations. If you acted that way, then it is difficult to see you scoring enough marks to get you BAND 3 in MUET. -------- Sometimes as teachers, i expressed my disappointment for those who came late into my class. When next week came, i noticed i did nt have enough attendance. I leart they got offended with my remarks. Aghh.. malay students are too sensitive when they got criticsm from their teacher. Never mind. The main thing you have to know is you are the one sitting for MUET not your teacher. please think about that.. value your teacher highly and spend some money on your own future. You reap fruits if you sow good seeds. Till then .. wish you good luck. Wasallam.
Salam May i continue? The major problem writing english is ..we think malay first then we try writing the idea into english. Exaamples. Saya tidak setuju. I not agree. Saya tok ser mok wei. I not want that mummy. Both sentences are incorrect from grammartical point of view. They should be like below. 1) I do not agree. 2) I do not want that mummy. -------' How to avoid that problem? Tips. 1) negative sentences. I do not + k:verb) You must brush up with your grammar. 2) think english, write english. dream english, swear things in english please. HOW TO SWEAR.? Listen english footballers fighting with the referees. They begin with the f word. Try. laugh. I stop there first. till then .. remember myvadvice. Think english, write english. bye
Salam Alhamdulilah we meet again. Thanks be to Allah being made it possible we meet again in this small blog. Today I would like to share a bit on defending your ideas. Example 1. You suggest the government to 'not extending the age of retirement from 55 to 60 among government staff'. Give your reasons. Here are the reasons. Reason 1 : Now Malaysia has 30 public universities and 500 private universities. Imagine every year we have 100,000 new graduates entering the work market. It would be nice if there are 100,000 new vacancies to look for. So there is easy life for every body. 100, 000 new entrants in fulfilling 100,000 vacancies. As easy as that. But unfortunately, 100,000 new graduates hunting for 10,000 vacancies. THis is because many veteran teachers and lecturers seem not willing enough to leave their professions. Looking at this condition many social problems happening at our country. First , few marriages happening because the new man graduates are not working fast enough. The male failed to impress the parents of the females their overall ability to support the girl. When this happen, many problem happen between the girls and the boys in the eyes of Islam. Both are holding thicker and thicker certificates while the vacancies arising from the retirement among 55+ lecturers and teachers is happening at a much slower rate. Some times, the parents agree to the marriage but they support the life maintenance of the new married couple. Imagine, the parents are fish mongers but the new married couples graduated with nuclear physics and bio technology. So the moral of the story . Many parents are supporting their children not only for 15 years but beyond their university education. Brilliant , right? Second, the cost of the housing is getting higher and higher. THe speed of getting jobs by the graduates is getting slower and slower. As a result, when the graduates manage to get their first jobs , the prices of the houses in Klang Valley and Shah Alam has gone double or treble. They lost ! Why the lost? The reason is many old staff are holding to their jobs longer and longer. Even though their yearly work performance has gone static, the government is taking on their side. Why? The government consists of more 50+ workers than 25+ workers. Therefore we have two sides to the story of new and old staff. I think you can see the way to support your ideas. The structure is YOUR IDEA. Then your defense that consist of REASON 1 and REASON 2. See above. Then you must quickly conclude. Hope this help you. God Willing. Till then . good bye. Wasallam.
salam In MUET exam sometimes they test you on arguing certain issues. Example 1: advantages and disadvantages (boon and bane) of having more malay teachers in the teaching professions. As we all know, in the eastern states of Peninsular malaysia, most schools have more composition of the malay teachers. The tragedy is some of them are locals to the schools itself. When there are too many locals, it is hard for the school administration and management to introduce new concepts of teaching like PPSMI. This is because as locals, they brought with them few gabbages like attitude and low motivation values. Many school praograms came to a halt when many teachers are talking more politics and religion than the objectives and aims of education as aspired by those ministers in Putrajaya. Pity right? We can say that as many chinese parents are taking out their children from government schools to chinese independent schools and privately owned religous schools. By doing that, there is little chance that we can mix and work well after our university educations. The results is out today. In PISA, as reported by STAR paper today 5th Dec 2013, Malaysia has claimed the 56th position out of 65 countries that took part in the exercise. In other words, we are at the bottom third of the rankings. PISA is about the teaching and learning of maths and science among certain groups of students at the secondary level. I think it is completely hard @ impossible to bring Malaysia to be in the top third of the PISA rankings after 2025 as planned by the Education Transformtion Plan (2013 - 2025) if there are no stringent steps taken by the ministry. First an apology if what is suggested here is a small offence to you readers but bitter medicine is good for the general health. Try please. Among the steps could be: (a) upgrade the minimum requirements of teacher entry into Teaching Institutes/ Universities (b) 'fire' non performing and 'sick' or 'too fertile' teachers (c) promote faster and younger but effective teachers and send them for oversea placements as encouraging and motivating factors (d) promote faster those motivated teachers (e) place more chinese, indian teachers into malay areas (f) put more malay teachers into chinese and indian areas (g) place Chinese Principal into malay dominant areas and vice versa (h) more internal courses among teachers (i) scrap coursework based assessment which is regarded as 'soft' assessment mode of learning (j) put at least 50% Malaysian laanguage paper, 50% English and 50% mathematics passsing marks as the minimum requirements to get SPM/ GCSE "O" levels certificates (k) stop thinking about urban and rural schools when posting new teachers (l) weed out old teachers who are considered as dead woods. Encourage them to go out at age 50 and not 60 from the teaching system. (laugh) (m) control internal politicking especially too much Pro Government/ opposition at schools (n) avoid placing new teachers to their home towns before the age of 40. Let them know other work culture etc etc from the Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur areas before settling down in Kelantan and Terengganu By doing some bold decisions , then we can talk big about world ranking universities in this country by 2020. Swallowing hard rules is also jihaaad , you say? Insyallah. Else .. we can continue dreaming dry or wet in the highlands... Wallahu aklam bis sawabbb. Thousand apology.
What is a lie, lies?
In a simple word it means someone cheated us. As easy as that.
Example 1
Some one borrowed your money. He promised to return it tomorrow.
When tomorrow comes, he never appear as promised.. So how do you feel? I am sure you are angry. You are disappointed with that lie.
A promise is a promise but he did not see that way my friend.
Nowadays many killings happen near our places. Why? The answer may be because of lying. In business it is important to keep to our words.
Anothrr reason could be the public knows our police is not effective anymore. A killing can happen any time and ..sometimes nobody is found guilty. In fact all paper reporting was a complete lies.
Example 2.
a father promised his boy to send him to London if he scored Grade A plus in English SPM paper. After scoring that grade, the father said..sorry business is bad now. London never come boy!
As parents we should fulfilled our promise at all times. If you cant do that never try to promise anything. You had let your children down again and again. Poor parenting happens because of bad promises.
3) example 3. An officer claimed to have travelled from point A to point B on a certain Monday. After checking, his superior caught him when he was in Macau on that particular day as claimed.
As a result, he was charged with dishonesty. He lied to the government.
Soon, he was fired from the government services. At the age of 59, he was dispelled and he lost all benefits after retirement at the age of 60.
The moral of the story is don't lie. Keep to your promise. Everybody loves to have you as friends if you promise things and u keep to your words. Animals may respect you too if you keep your promise by giving them some food when the sun rises. When the animals are happy, God Allah will be happy too. HE BLESSES YOU WITH VERY good children.
i better stop now.
till then.. think about your promise boy? What was that? You wanted to study MUET well right?
1) kita melayu
2) kita muslim, mukmin
3) kita rakyat Malaysia
4) kita kaya dgn tanah pusaka
5) dan kita org kelate kato '..jatuh ke bodor'.
He.. he..he..ramai pembaca akan marah kpd saya.
sabar subur tak sabar masuk kubur.
Huraian lanjut:
Fakta pertama. MELAYU adalah bangsa istemewa. Banyak sifat melayu yg unik bertepatan dgn sifat ahli ahli syurga. Insyallah/ Tahniah.
Sifat bersopan santun, berakhlak mulia, dermawan, belas kasihan ..aghh terlalu skema kita.
Disebabkan ini, kita mudah ditipu oleh orang lain.
Sesetengah melayu..bersifat seperti kayu penyodek nasi atas dapur kayu yg straight tak belok belok sedikit pun. Dalam proses memberi rumah untuk disewakan..pun ramai org melayu kita kena tipu. Sedap jer orang lain tinggal dlm rumah kita , tak perlu bayar apa apa kerana tahap penipuan mereka canggih dan serba mantap. Melalui bisnes online kita ditipu. Melalui banking atas talian kita juga ditipu terang terangan.
Mykad kita dah jadi satu bahan jenaka seantero dunia. Bukan je orang melayu yg ada Mykad.. ramai lagi orang pendatang yg ada Mykad. Atas kad namanya melayu tetapi ..satu patah bahasa melayu pun dia tak tahu. Bodoh sungguh sistem Mykad ini.
2) Agama islam menjanjikan syurga kpd kita yg taat kpd perintah tuhan Pencipta seluruh alam. Maka orang melayu ikutlah ajaran ini secara kemah kemingg. Tetapi di Mekah Madinah , tuhan tunjukkan kpd melayu.. bukan semua arab itu mengikut perintah tuhan. Mereka tak takut pun ancaman tuhan. Tak pernahkan tuan hamba mendengar cerita? ada org perempuan melayu dilarikan oleh teksi dipandu oleh pak arab. Mereka memperkosa bini melayu dan membunuhnya. Tengok kalau kita bodoh ..orang arab tak sekolah tinggi pun senang senang menipu kita di bumi para para Nabi. Banyak bala menimpa kita kerana kita tidak secerdik mana pun. Dgn adanya sifat melayu dan ada sifat muslim.. kita dizalimi secara senang senang sahaja.
Di masjid dan surau surau ramai kita dok angguk angguk bila mendengar ustaz baca 1- 2 ayat suci Al Quraan.. Org angguk tanda dio faham .. rupa rupanya ayat quraan sedap didengar dan hati pun tenteram sama. Bila ini selalu berlaku, umat islam sudah lali dan cepat cepat percaya apa apa yg melibatkan ayat ayat suci Al Quraan/ al Hadith.
Dlm keadaan begini, ramai orang luar dtg tempat kita mintak derma bina masjid, sekolah tahfiz, rumah tumpangan janda- janda muda .. mereka bukak serban dlm masjid hari jumaat..tak sampai satu jam pun..serban mereka penuh dgn duit derma melayu. baik sungguh hati hati org org melayu. O my God!
Hari bertukar minggu, minggu bertukar bulan ..lama lama kita melayu mendengar khabar berita ..masjid itu tak ada pun di negara tersebut. SEKOLAH TAHFIZ pun tarak dan rumah tumpangan janda janda muda pun tarakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
yg ada..melalui khidmat facebook, si pengutip derma itu sudahpun mendirikan satu mahligai besar bagaikan istana dan dikelillinginya 4 isteri cantik cantik belako.
Moral of the story.. bakpor Melayu mudah benar ditipu.
1 - 0.
Sistem Pendidikan Malaysia. Sistem ini dikatakan gagal. Dari tahun 1970 hingga ke hari ini, tak pernah negara diwakili isteri seorang pemimpin negara dalam urusan penting melibatkan maruah negara. Malaysia ada ramai menteri menteri yg hebat hebat. Bilangan profesor sahaja beribu ribu adik ooi. Setiap profesor ..kos mendidik mereka memperolehi Ph.D adalah sekitar RM500,000 seorang. Tetapi negara kita satu hari itu dlm sejarah ..negara kita diketuai oleh isteri memanda untuk membincangkan hal hal bisnes , politik, pendidikan dan mungkin shopping shopping sikit sebanyak nun jauh di sana. Secara terang terangan isteri memanda lebih pandai dari semua profesor profesor kita dan semua menteri menteri kito bergelar melayu. Ini berlaku bila negara ini dipenuhi oleh orang orang yg tak cerdik mana. Moral story. Kita rakyat b*doh bukan? Ustaz atas masjid kelate selalu guna ayat ini ... dengar molek molek deh ..kita jatuh ke bodor!
Jika negara ini mempunyai orang orang pandai, tak kan mudah kita kalah dlm isu berebut rebut pulau itu dan ini dgn kerajaan Singapura.
3) saya sambung next timelah perkara perkara di atas. Sebak hati ini ..memikirkan , melihat betapa senang kita semakin bodoh walaupun .. gaji kita semakin tinggi .. pelan pendidikan transform itu dan ini. Transform maknanyor berubah. Dulu tak bagus sekarang nak jadi semakin baguih... Betul kor ni?
he..he.. he/// mata ku berwarna merah berair pulok tu.
maaf ku pinta. Tok nenek kito tok cerdik manor. Prof prof melayu pun 3 kali 5 dan 5 kali 3 dgn rakyat jelator . Jawapanya berapo hah?
Tadi saya minta pelajar bandingkan kualiti buah kelubi dgn oren sunkist.
Nampak remeh bukan?
Try explain the differences brtween the fruits in english.
2) other than that, now, compare each finger from your right hand.
there are of course some differences between the thumb and the middle finger.
Then compare the 3 main races in Malaysia.
3) I am sure you can talk about the difference in attitude between yhose races.
in group i believe you can highlight the strong points of each of them.
why did i suggest all these?
the reasons are this life is about similar things and differences.
Our parents compare us right by saying the eldest is the smartest while the youngest is the weakest. There are few reasons to that.
In MUET exam, the examiner wants to hear your ability in explaining things.
If you shy away from discussing things with your friends.. i am afraid u will go nowhere in getting Band 3.
You must work hard boy.
no way out.
4) i was born in a family where both my parents did not know anything in english. But i worked hard n now i can talk with any body any where and alhamdulilah any time even up in the sky in Air Asia to Hanoi or Bandung.
if i can do it, i am sure you can be much better than me.
I believe you are better because . from close observations.
you listen to music all the time. And most music are english.
you use computers all the time. And most instructions are in English.
you have lectures in english in the schools, polytechnics and Universities.. Moreover all your clothes are branded like Nike, Adidas, Puma ..and your drink are mostly imported like Coca Cola, Shaklee and Amway. All English .. made.
The neew education minister II Dato' Seri Idris Jusoh is so good in english. If the leader is so good..then his charges (you and me of course) must be good in english too.
Right? I say that because the government agreed to upgrade the teachers' salary and bonuses every year what come may.
If the minister is not happy, he won't let the teachers to have any pay increment and bonuses at all, right?
Think about it boy. Please?
with that i pen off now. Thousand apology.
Bye and ....