Today Friday 30th April 2010.
Saya siapkan 4 kerja pada hari ni. Pertolongan Allah jua. Imagine if Allah tak tolong ..sure tak berjaya punya.
First hantar INCOME TAX. Today the date line. Keluang.
Second dapat signatures Prof Dr S dan Prof DR M.
Third dapat chop PPS.
Fourth berjaya conduct kursus KJ Method - create a book , books hasil power point Penerbit PTS.
TQ Allah. You are the GREATest. ALLAHU AKBAR.
Lebat hujan hari ni. Tanda ada orang memerlukan hujan .. mungkin untuk tanam-tanamannya. Pekebun memerlukan hujan .. supaya ladangnya menjadi. Bayangkan ladangnya dipenuhi dengan tanaman-tanaman menghijau sejauh mata memandang. Betapa gembiranya.
2) Jika dibiarkan nanti pada satu masa dipanggil musim menuai .. banyaklah hasil kebunnya .. dapat dihantarkan ke pekan, dapat pasarkan , .. dan dapat duitlah dia. Dengan hujan.. allah datangkan duit. Syukurlah.
3) Begitu juga kita sebagai seorang pelajar. Kita memerlukan stamina untuk belajar, membaca nota dan .. fikir mencari penyelesaian .. problem solving.. dan nanti bila habis belajar .. duit dtang kepada kita melalui pekerjaan. Tuhan menurunkan idea kepada kita dan stamina kepada kita seperti tuhan turunkan hujan kepada pohon dan tanaman-tanaman di ladang untuk memberi rezki kepada sipetani/ pekebun/ dan lain-lain lagi. bayangkan jika tuhan tidak turunkan hujan ini untuk manusia dan makhluk2nya yang lain termasuk pohon dan tanam-tanaman di merata-rata dunia ini. Bayangkan jika tuhan tidak memberi idea, stamina untuk kita berjuang di dalam dunia universiti. Ke mana kita mahu cari ini semua? Sebab itulah kita perlu mohon dari tuhan hujan, hujan n hujan. Hujan di sini adalah metafor (bayangan)untuk sesuatu target yg kita cari. Target di sini ialah hasil ladang atau hasil pengajian degree, masters dan phd. Kita memerlukan Allah sepanjang masa.
Mengapa? Dari Allah datangnya hujan. Sila rujuk ayat-ayat terakhir Surah Al Mulk di mana Allah mencabar makhluknya mendatangkan hujan, menciptakan air, air mani, sumber kehidupan .. air mani pun ada komposisi air .. sumber kehidupan .. jika kau mampu berbuat demikian. Betapa besarnya kekuasaan Allah. Ayuh patuhlah kepada nya sahaja. Selamat.
good title isn't it? He..he..
2) Since I am a teacher let me give you a simple analogy. We as teachers if we wake up from sleep and started to prepare going to the school .. did the clothes we put on is called the real work called teaching?
Is the soldier by wearing his full uniform ( in green, I mean) .. is wearing the unniform his real work?
so when is it the work is really a work by the teacher and the soldier in the above paragraphs? Good. When he started to teach, explain things, elaborate his ideas again n again in his classrooms, mark the students books , return them punctualy and prepare his students to sit for examinations. Therefore the clothing he puts is so much different from his actual work in the classroom.
Similar is the soldier. He has to sacrifice his life in the thick battle of war .. protecting his country .. surviving from the wars .. then this is called the real work of a soldier.
What about muslims, mukminin, and mukminah? What is our real work?
By putting nice clothes like baju melayu, baju arab, kurta .. eating dates from mecca and drinking zam zam water .. is that our real work my readers? Or is it by praying 5 times in MEcca and Madinah ..our real work. Think for a second .. what is the answer.. u think.
To get the answer let us look at the kitabs of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Yes all his sahabhs took part in the work of dakwah. Yes propagating islam to all corners of the world. We can start small. By taking part in the work of dakwah in our locality. Gashz. Visit door to door our neighbours houses next door and talk a bit bout the real purpose of our life.
If time comes for .. jihad .. religious war ... at least we are already prepared for the real work of helping the deen of Islam .. are we ready for this work my dear soul ( my self) and u readers out there?
Thats the real work as prescribed by the kitabs of all anbiyas and sahabahs of the blessed years Abu Bakar, Omar, Othman, Ali, r.a. aj main.
Thats all for today. Is clothing .. the real work?
My dear readers
If Allah had created Quran with one surah called Wal Asri .. (HE SWEAR in the name of TIME)..
that is already good enough to guide us as a slave of HIM
Demi Masa
Sesungguhnya manusia ini dalam kerugian
kecuali orang orang yg beriman
beramal soleh
ajak mengajak kepada kebaikan
dan bersabar
2) Let me write something based on a talk by Colonel Ameerudin in one istima' in Michigan USA in the late seventies. Alhamdulilah i was there as in a jammah england, dewsbury spending time 2 months in USA and Canada. Alhamduliah KAU jemput ku jugak berada di dalam satu jamaah dakwah dan bukan sebagai peminat setia klab bolasepak LEEDS UNITED dan gila pada musik dan dadah in England. Syukur KAU beriku taufik dan petunjuk pada ku di kala aku mencari panduan hidup di luar negara jauh dari pandangan ibu dan ayah. Syukur Ya ROBB.
3) In the talk by Colonel Ameeruddin he told us muslims that we have to practice Wal Asri in all walks of our life. Why? Ajak mengajak kepada kebaikan. Ayat kedua terakhir itu. Cakap dan sebarlah satu perkataan, berhujah lah dengan penuh bijaksana pasal hidup dan hala tuju kita di dalam kehidupan yang serba sementara ini agar dgn berbuat demikian Allah tak gelarkan kita org yg telah merugikan masa. Alangkah ruginya kita. Muda datang sekali .. if waktu muda we can use it for islam and dakwah .. untung besarlah kita. Sangat sangat beruntung besarlah kita. Rujuk kepada satu ayat di dalam Quraan ..Allah gelarkan kita dgn title umat terbaik kerana membuat usaha dakwah ke seluruh pelusuk dunia .. if u r having iman(faith in Allah) u must do good deeds, and do dakwah , and stay patience in this work (istiqomah) throughout ur entire life.. if u do that my dear .. u will be put in a paradise where u see 7 different streams carrying honey, wine, etc etc where each drop of water from the stream has 1000 different types of tast. u name it u got it man?
But to get it is not as easy as doing mathematics like integrate xyz with three kinds of limits on x, y and z respectively. Why we have nafsu and syaitan as our constant companions. In the quraan, many verses related the story where many folks of the early days from the days of Prophet Adam to Prophet Isa a.s. were thrown into hell. Because .. many misdeeds like zina, rasuah, menipu berjual beli, mengajar di sekolah masuk lambat keluar awal, buku budak2 tak bertanda kerana kita sibuk direct selling karipap segera, amway, norway, manyways, etc etc.. kita telah menzalimi diri kita sendiri.. We are put to wrong paths by the syaitan and nafsu and isteri .. we think that by having big houses, big beds, big 400 inch TV set , big cars, big desks in schools, big posts like a PM in Malaysia, ... the success is guaranteed in this world and the yearafter. By having that compass (kekayaan adalah kerana pangkat, harta, dan macam2 lagi) kita sesat melupakan siapa kita yang sebenarnya sehingga lah kita mati pada bila bila masa. Tengoklah kemalangan kemalangan yang meragut beribu2 nyawa di atas jalan jalan raya kita . Sudahkah si mati itu bersedia berjumpa dengan ROBB nya yang sebenarnya. Di Manakah pangkat, harta, kereta , dewan negara, dwan parlimen maalysia pada masa itu. mana gi isteri muda mu, boleh kah mereka menolong kamu semasa aku bergelepar sakit di atas jalan raya kerana .. ajal mu dah sampai. DEMI MASA .. bacalah surah itu. Fikirkan lah.. wahai insan yang menulis blog ini dan pembacanya.. sebarkan kepada orang lain if u can. Itu lah intisari ucapan Coolonel Ameerudin from USA (pakistan origin. a big tablighi). He is always my superstar. may Allah meet us again in jannah my brother Colonel Ameeruddin. He has a thick and long white beard in USA. Prophets after prophets have beard as their trademarks. He told me ... put a muslim identity on your face so that if an angel visits u at night when u r fast asleep least the angel sees u having a prophet kind of face and may u sleep with a sweet smiling face .. every second of that kind of face may carry thousands and thousands of thzawabb (pahala). But alas.. the TV make us think we are modern n young by putting a clean shaven face . Thats what Colonel Ameeruddin told me. Reflecting back, as teachers we always think we are always young. Why? Because we have young students age 20 years every semester day in and day out (laugh). Mixing with too young girls could may us forget that we are already getting older and older ..until we suddenly drop down dead by ourselves. Heart stroke!
Thank you Colonel Ammeeruddin. I valued your talk today and all these years 30 years has passed. TQ.
wasallam. Think and think dear soul and act fast according to that surah Wal Asri.
All my 5 Chapters (edited, corrected, read and reread) finally ..done. I sweated blood and water purities.
My pen can stop writing now insyallah on my phd work. What a time I had from Viva 2009 October to finishing the corrections by today April 29th 2010.
Was the time very sweet? I have to say yes. See the word up there - Alhamdulilah (say thanks to Allah). I was grilled by at least 5 professors in mathematics education, science education, technical and vocational education, social scientists, civil and structural engineering experts and many more (based on my writings and presentations in various international conferences like WSEAS Corfu 2005 and WSEAS Spain 2006 and 2nd International CAPS computers applied probability and simulation conference in Hanoi Vietnam, RECSAM COSMED conferences, IMT-GT golden triangles indonesia, malaysia and thailand n many more ). Alhamdulilah I hope it is over and today will make start a new beginning as a maths educ IT professional and a teacher.
Insyallah, god willings, I want to learn and try to write widely , get my writings published .. and the focus of my writings will be in the technical n vocational education in Malaysia n the world at large. Deep and sincere thanks to Prof Dr Maizam Alias, Prof Dr Wahid Razally, Prof Dr Zurinah Suradi, Prof Dr Mustafa Mat Deris, Prof DR Salleh Abu, Prof DR Muhammad UMS, Prof Dr Sulaiman Yamin, Prof Dr Ismail Hassan, Prof Dr Md Nor Dalimin, Prof DR Jaafar Sahari, Prof DR Masjuki Hassan, Asso Prof Dr Rosman Yusoff , Asso Prof Dr Zaidi Moin.., Dr Mohd Kassim Bashir, DR Suhaida Tahir, Dr Heather Mays Deakins Univ Australia, Dr Muhamaddo in Tevine Univ Canada, Dr Dave Hewitt in Uni Birmingham England, Dr Rathiah Hashim, Dr Radzi Yunus, Dr Azmi, Dr Norhazana and all my beloved students in mathematics and IT in Polytechnic Kota Bharu and University Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia. My friends in FTMM must come too in this special time where I would like to extend my expression of gratitude and acknowledgement. Thanks to Allah who has given me a minute size of knowledge called pre-algebra mathematics and a bit of multimedia skills .. CDiCL. My wife Shamsinar and my children Sobirin, Solihin, Solihah, Salwani, Sarah and Shaheenez. Maafkan abah. My special keranis Murni, Wan, Mahfuzoh n .. . My mum Hajjah Hasmah and my late dad Haji Khalid Muhammad ( my al-fatihah for you dad all the ticking moments that Allah has given me .. all places of the earth i never stop doa for u dad..)
May Allah bless us all. Ameen. Verily in Allah should we lower our wings as a mark of humbleness, gratitude and wisdom. Life is temporary and akhirat is forever.
Oh Allah pardon me for all my mistakes (small or big) where by during my phd travel , the state of my mind did focus on reading Maths Educ journals, proceedings, reference books in libraries in Uni Sheffield , USM, UKM, UTM, UTHM, UM and many more great universities throughout the world and as such had me forgotten you MY ROBB .. you were the one who had given me this much. Let all the time be rewarded as if I am deeply engrossed in your prayers. Please accept me back in the work of dakwah where 1 day in your sacred path is better than the world and what ever it contains. Ameen. Please forgive me my ROBB ( my LORD).
TQ. wasallam. sazaliskhalid
Dear readers
Syukur is a simple word. But inspite of us saying it hundred of times it doesn't mean that we have syukur in our life.
But b4 that let us list what we have:
b) UMUR Hayat
c) Isteri
d) anak-anak
e) cucu
f) pekerjaan , jawatan, nama baik dalam masyarakat kerana itu berkaitan dengan pekerjaan
g) kesihatan
h) dan bermacam-macamlah lagi
Mengikut sebuah kitab yang lama (ku baca selepas arwah Pak Mertua ku meninggal dunia di Johor Bharu ... ) bunyinya seperti ini
if u wake up from sleep and u found that u have a wife, children who are fast asleep, job to attend to the minute after u woke up, house to shelter ur family , food in abundance,islam to practice, ..and many many more ..nikmat that Allah has bestowed upon you ...what else do u want .. ?
So say thanks n express gratitude to Allah.
TQ. wasallam.
hari ni aku demam. Kuatnya demamnya. Syukurlah abstract tesis PHD ku dah selesai. hanya tunggu buat soft binding jer now. and get signature from Prof Dr Sulaiman and Prof Dr Maizam jer. Hope lepaslah senat UTHM ini. Penat lah belajar bila umur dah banyak ni.
2) Kita kena cover banyak benda sekali gus. No wonder ramai org lelaki tua mati awal dari kaum hawa. Cuba check. Buat bancian how many duda and janda umur 50 plus yg masih ada dalam kampung anda. If u r over 50 and u still walk fast n hard pat urself n say Alhamdulilah. Not many of ur geng is still around. U know? What was the cover that I meant here? Expenses, tingkah laku anak-anak kecil dan dewasa, ibu kita yang sakit , rumah dua tiga biji yang masih ada tetapi tidak berpenghuni, dua tiga LOTS tanah yang ada..tetapi tidak diusahakan dgn optima dan ekonomik..adush banyak sekali benda yg nak diuruskan.. lagi pun ikut hadith ..if u hear azan ..u must go and do solat jamaah.. but sometimes u r in the middle of ur business ( lectures, deep reading, thinking etc etc )..but Nabi kata ..if u don't go ..ur ears layak dituangkan timah panas dan mendidih .. bayangkan lah..pesanan nabi kita yg kita puja tu.. kadang-kadang aku confuse yg mana satu nak diutamakan ..Datuk TNC kata if u r teaching u cannot leave ur classroom for prayers .. if u r driving mad on the PLUS highway ..u cannot afford to stop at a masjid .. and attend to ur which is which now? kadang-kadnag perut kita lapar waktu noon ..tetapi masa itu lah ..zan dilaungkan .. which to go ..lunch or zohor ..all at 115 ptg.. if u rush so much .. did u notice ..many accidents happen when u rush ..blindly attending to something .. ask the dead one on the roadsides ..why is s/he dead? i think the answer could be .. i rush to fetch my children. thinking about food and thinking about coming back to opiz at 200 pm sharp. all at the same time. So which is which to attend to? If we stay in condominium in big cities .. n when we hear azan call of prayers .. we wanted to go for the prayers ,..but we have to go through many pak guards the security posts.. so how? did u see what i am driving at .. why duda is less in number than janda in ur kampung at age beyond 50 Plus.. Sakit Jantung happen if u rush too much. Everything u do so fast. bahaya tau? Our women wanted to c that everything is in order .. the rest is not important to her anymore .. our rushing is our responsibility.. according to islam... she said again n again.. Our death means syurga ..thats what DR Fatma in ASTRO every friday preaches again and again without fail.. Man? u r very unfortunate lots.. u r going to be in the group of people who are number fewer than the jandas in ur kampung . Pity u? which is which. Professors writing a book(s) ..he stays indoor all days ..regardless how the azan was put to him.. he just continue writing and writings.. he wanted to push new knowledge for the future umah.. thats what he told me ..but which is which? which to go when azan is called out at any particular time. I joined the prayers 5 times a day at a mosque.. By attending so and so .. sooner many kampung folks begin to ask.. Are u a pensioner? laugh. In malay customs, only the pensioners are fit to see to all activities in the mosques. They di tahlil all nights..n enjoying nasi berlauk ayam n macam2 .. see? rezeki ..datang ..mengolek..but i cannot do all that. I have to study for my PHD, do the correction on my thesis.. alas i am afraid i cannot do many things as what 50PLUS men can do most of the time.
But there is another group of men. They go golfings after age 50 and plus. Why are they busy with the golfing things like .. putting a ball into the holes when at this prime age ..the graves are calling us every day. Why? r u not afraid my dear Tuns. dear rich men.. The grave is the place they put our old body .. not the balls in the small holes any more. Hidayat? taufq? where are they? Our accounts closed and we started to live ..unenddingly .. towards the day of resurrections. R u not afraid my old friends?
Think my readers. Am i talking the right thing here? Do something fast will u? plz
Dear readers
In one hadith of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) he reminded his followers upon 5 things
1. health before you get sick
2. wealth before you get poor
3. youth before old age gets onto you
4. free time before you get occupied with so many things in your hands and
5. life before death
Why? When we are healthy we can do many things like prayers, fasting, reading Quraan, zikirullah, obey the parents, follow instructions from our teachers and we can do many other things in our offices etc etc. WE can only appreciate the value of health once Allah gives us a severe sickness such as H1N1, denggi, high fever, bad cough, lost appetite, lost weight, etc etc. We can appreciate the sweetness of eating grapes, oranges when we are really healthy right?
Wealth provides us good house, transport, clothings and good standing in the society. As teachers Allah gives us a small amount of wealth such as we are able to buy a simple house 4 bedrooms, PROTON EXORA, notebooks, internet, books, magazines, newspapers, motorbikes, bicycles and so many other things except the palaces of the AlSultan of Kelantan or AlSultan of Brunei (laugh). With wealth the people around us starts to associate our children to our good name. If a stranger comes to our village,by giving out our blessed name, the kampung people will start finding the link between that name with our wealth (who we are in the kampung). So the wealth has found us labelling / good names etc etc.
When we are young we can go to the mosques as frequent as we like. In the mosque we can take part in the work of dakwah (tabligh). we can go 3 days, 40 days, 4 months, 2 gazt per week, 2.5 hours a day meeting new people and we can talk about islam, amal, fikir in deen etc etc. Allah loves young people in the work of dakwah. When we are young we can do tahajud, dhuha,awabin, israk, istikharah and many other special prayers in which the name look so strange to us. Why not doing 1000 rakaats of nafl' solat when we are young per day? if blind people go up the mountain and after finding their ways to the peak of the mountain (while endangering their life and missing solat) they started to descend .. what a waste of time? why can't young people be trained to do nafl solat as much as they can? why not trained youngters to read and memorize quraan say 1 juzuk per day. I think people will say I am gonna mad ..but if you look the people around you .. many people do not seem to mind sending their children to martial art classes, singing classes, piano classes,ride a pony classes, computer classs.. then why can't they send their children to do dakwah all over the world. Remember sahabah of rasulullah (s.a.w) they fought in battles and they lost their lives in order to spread the deen of islam.. in China, Mongolia, Spain, Morrocco etc etc .. why can't we do the same? Verily we have lost the iman , fikir in Allah and his deen. Thus we have muslim names but we wear clothings like the kafirs, our look doesn't show we are muslims and muslimah any more. our thinking and dream are exactly similar to those the sahabahs called the infidels (kafiruns). Na u zu billah!
Our worry run parallel to the kafirs ..we worry about our children not getting jobs after their universities, polytechnics,.. n we do not worry so much if our girl do not pray 5 times a day any more. We marry our girls with those whom we please ( those who have jobs ) and our blessings in the marriage does not conform to what Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) wanted us to refer to. The first is the direction must be ISLAM. Good muslims
Free time? When we are a bit free we can do many amals like dakwah, preaching the truth to our students, kampung folks in our locality, and many more activities like gotong royong such as clearing the fields in the graveyards. Clean up the drains. Visiting sick people. Go and see the drug addicts. Talk to them. In our free time we can learn to cook, to sew buttons and many other importnat life skills like learning how to change a flat tyre, changing hooks on cooking stoves etc etc. There are so many things to do whn we are a bit free. We can teach our own chilkdren mathematics, english, BM, agama ..and many more. Why sending them to tuisyen classes when we can do those ourselves. We can save sme money and with that saving we can do hajj in mecca as early as possible. We can do umrah or we can donate that money to poor people, orphans etc etc. See so much opportunity to get pahala (tzawab) when we are free. We can even check our childrens' books when they are fast asleep. At least we can know how they are dong all this while.
Right? Lastly is life before death. When yu are dead you do things no more. All activities are stopped immediately. Once death comes to us..all our intention of going hajj, mecca, umrah, prayers in the mosques, doing charity etc etc gonna stop at that particular time. the plan ceased! So before death comes, I would like to remind myself and yu readers let us do something for ourselvs .. something that can save us from the fire of hell, tribulation etc etc. When u have sick and old mother and father service them well.. b4 they are dead n no more with us. What is cryings ( at their dead body) when u have the opportunity now to help your mums and dads? Go my brther ..go my sister ..look to them and go and see the world ..u have so much to do now..
Wallahu alam.
p/s: make doa for me .. i can do what i wrote for you just now. Ameen.
mohd sazali khalid Ph.D
Exam has come. This dunia if we fail the exam we can sit for it again next year. Huh?
What to prepare huh? Thinking thinking hard.
1) Binomial, Poisson n Normal = just read the first 2 lectures i gave u that time
2) normal ? use 'z-score' make sure u know how to convert z = (x - mui) / standrd dev
3) hypotesis testing . ubat kuat? ingat tak?
testing between 2 samples kot. difference between 2 means. just like test 2 kita hari tu kot. saya tak ingat lah. what is sampling? why sampling?
4) statistics project. why we do it? how you measure
ok i think thats all for today. reference: schaums series. many questions just like that topic binomial. tree diagrams. make sure u no how to read from the tables.
Wow! next Thursday my turn to give lesson about KJ MEthod to my staff in FTMM. Am I nervous? Of course not but a bit of butterfly yes.. in the middle of my stomach. He..he..
2) I think I am going to write things about Geography. Just to show how verse I was in Geography under Goh Cheng Leong. He was my superstar ... a geog teacher in Perak. Sometimes in 1970s. Hope he is still around.
3) Geography starts with the land called Malaysia. It has its people. Three big races. malays, chinese and indians. Therefore we have 3 countries. Malaysia, China and India. Capitals? Easy stuff right? Traffic condition there? How about the weather there? Hot, humid, dry, 4 seasons in china? yes since it is locate between the 2 tropc of cancer and capricorn. so we deal with winter, summer, autumn and spring. Flowers and vegetations? can you get daffodils in Kelantan? why? we are talking about effect of weather on plants. O yes i went on a field trip to Caigncorm Highlands in Scotland 1976. You cannot see any bunga mawar there . why? too snowy, windy .. Scotland my friend. How about Edinburgh the capital of Scotland? u can see bunga kemboja there? of course not. weather again my friend.
So we have covered countries, people and weather. Three books by itself. I like sport when i was a student in UK. Soccer, leeds, manchester, billy brember , kevin keegan, norman hunter. SO another book by itself. SPORTS.
Thats what KJ method is all about in creating books. First brainstorming. Then you get the grouping, linking and connection per se. So we have 4 big books now. COUNTRIES, PEOPLE, WEATHER, SPORTS. Did you see an encyclopeadia of these type of titles in your library? I am not good at drawing but I am strong in creating waves after waves about ideas, essays, opinions, critics,articles, proceedings,.. name it you got it.
Ok. See you next time. Bravo.
Today nak uruskan formatting tesis PHD ku. Hisshhh.. this panduan tesis selalu berubah. Last year lain this year dah lain. Tetapi apa leh buat , as a student u just ikut dah lah. Better have your mouth shut up.
TQ for Cikgu M in Klang tu. She is a really great lady. May Allah bless her with all the good things to come. Ameen. A great formatter. tak pernah merungut. thats the greatest quality she has actually.
Wusshhh.. I gonna have a hard time now. My FTMM ask me to conduct one course called KJ Method. Since i attended one KJ Course last year now is my turn to iterate it to my staff FTMM, UTHM.
What should I do? I better start writing a geography book since I like this subject all my life. Many years ago I scored A1 in LCE, MCE, GCE 'A" levels in Grantham, Lincolnshire, .. unfortunately the government did not allow me to read geography degree in London ULSE ..remember GOH CHENG LEONG .. I am going to write about Kelantan.
Kelantan - 5 districts - 5 big towns excluding KOTA BHARU - 5 big events in Kelantan - one of them is called PUJO UMUR ALSULTAN KELANTAN - Pesta Wau Antarabangsa - Kelantan FC next - Gadis Kelantan Ayu and sangat AYU .. - Masakan Special Kelantan - Nasi Kerabu Hitam, Nasi Dagang, Lakso Kelantan, Laksang Kelantan, and many more ..kueh taik itek, kueh lopat tikang, ..
Thats the structure of the book. Group it we can get Kelantan Great Food, Kelantan Special Events , Kelantan Girls In and Out etc etc.
Then you can get 3 great books already from there. Just do the research and sit down and write.Publisher? Thats another topic altogether.
TQ. Wasallam.
Rain, rain comes again. Every evening by now. Its god though but .. (no but plz).. its Allah's work with the rain. Who r we to comment this great blessing of downpour for the plants and animals out there in millions .. you r just an individual. So majority rules here!
So be careful plz. If the rain is heavy , we will get some flood. Sometimes rain brings disaster - havoc on the highway. Check the news at 0800 dinner time . it is killing stretch near Ipoh, Perak - accident on the highway. Pity them but thats the work of god though. God loves the victims very much. perhaps. But I didnot like the comments some people make about accidents.
"its OK .. they r not one of us... (chinese, malays, indians)". Let them be. What to do?
think got to go now. Rain comes as the blessings for the plants, and rain also can cause disaster to us .. see India, Indonesia, USA Florida. Wa llah hu alam.
see u. things to fikir dalam-dalam.
Is it becuase we r not that healthy any more?
or we are getting just bored with the mundane tasks?
Or we are not eating good food after all?
** its common to see that staff in IPTA feel some degree of reltlessness at this peak of time. Exam is just around the corner. Lately we are workin a bit harder because of exam , finisghing tests and marking duty/
God knows better why we r in this state of mind
Good luck
Alhamdulilah with the grace of Allah , I am back bolgging again.
Hope to write good things from now onwards. Why? last night I went to hear something nice at the madrasah/surau. The 'ustaz' said .. everything we write will be accounted for. Small deed brings heavenly rewards and anything bad (a uzubilah) will surely gather the wrath of Allah.
First and foremost I would like to wish you all (my students n any students) all the best in this coming exam. Insyallah.
For them I have halal all my knowledge and I hope they also halal my eatings , drinkings, living from a well earned living(livelihood). Ameen.
Good luck! so do my children out there Solihah UITM , Solihin UIA and Shaheenez SMK Sri Gading.