wah rumah barunya besar sekali ada kolam ikan pulak tu

Posted by sazali


Last weekend I was invited to visit my Professor S's new house in Simpang Renggam. It is a big big house with 3 fishing ponds. He told me the cost of that construction is 0.5 million . Wush my God!

I think I was fortunate for being invited. During our journey from P-R to his new home , he advised me to take that 60 year age limit for retirement. I could stil remember '.. the government wants to give you many good things if you are following the establishment ..don't miss the boat .. may be your P-M coming too with it .. who knows mate?' He..he..

2) Yesterday I was called by Penerbit about my book. It is 90% completed in a soft cover. They asked me to give a final check .. before they go printing. It is their normal procedure to let the authors know the progress of their book. Alhamdulilah. I will do my best.

3) Yesterday I too got an offer to mark exam papers from K-Lumpur SYNDICATE - wow one from the harvesting crops after a successful encounter with PhD. Syukur! if we read the book of Fadhail Amals by Maulana Zakariya Shahanranpur, India - the companions of the beloved prophet Muhammad s,a.w. will cry when the world starts to give them good things in this world. They were too afraid saying '.. i got so many things ..may be there won't be anything for me in akhirat..'. See they were so conscious of glad things in this dunia. Not like us .. I suppose. but yet we pray for the same heaven (firdausyi) just like them. Incredible!

4) o yes .. i prepared all my things to spend 3 days doing dakwah fi tabligh .. i put all my beddings too into my Wira .. alas my friends did not turn up ..to fetch me .. u know? all the beddings are still in my car now - Wira? the lessons I got is
sometimes our intention is much more valuable than the actions itself .. may Allah forgive me. Ameen. If we intend to do small good deed ..then Allah will write that intention as one good deed.

I think thats all for now. I will be 54 tomorrow. So old .. but the world is 1,000,000 years old. you know, don't you? Basically I am not even a small peck in the eyes of Allah. See 54/1,000,000 = 0.0000054 ..in existence. Nothing but something in the eyes of God.

See you then.

Walllahu aklam


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