Salam n good morning.
I am trying extremely hard to produce a book after the completion of my PhD in mid 2010.
Bear this with me please. After I met Dr R (my immediate mentor), I made some critical examination to the translated version from thesis to a book and now about to make some major turns to my organization of the book. Ha..ha. ha
Important points that she made were:
· Interesting enough for readers out there to read/know
· Got Potential Can sell in big quantity (hopefully)
What are the points?
· Hermann Brain Dominance Model – why is this so important? What make people look so highly about this Hermann idea// HROD Gunung Ledang in 2007 talked something on Hermann Brain Instrument. Why?
· Team building
· Mathematics education in Malaysia
· Polytechnic education in Malaysia focusing on certificate engineering
· Certificate engineering ; diploma engineering and degree engineering
· Polytechnic university
· Premier polytechnic
· Interactive multimedia courseware
· Collaborative learning
· Interactive multimedia courseware within collaborative learning set-up
· The making of the courseware CDiCL
· The instructional design theories
· Constructivism, behaviorism, cognitivist
· Results from an experiment conducted in polytechnic kota bharu, Kelantan
· Why PKB? Interesting points from PKB?
· Discussion
· Tulisan anda hendaklah berbentuk ilmiah, kritikal, analitik, mengupas secara ilmiah sebagai se orang sarjana tersohor pemegang ijazah PhD dan telah berpengalaman membentangkan idea Hermann di persada antarabangsa di Sepanyol (2006), Vietnam (2008), Indonesia (2007) dan RECSAM/SEAMEO Malaysia (2007;2009).
· Anda mampu menulis buku setebal (paling kurang) 50 muka surat kerana tulisan anda sudah pun diterbitkan di dalam i-jet journal (Austria), Elsevier, UPM (RU), UPSI (iMEC 2010).
· Apa lagi yang menakutkan kamu? BUATLAH!!!
· Adakah kamu tidak sehebat Schoenfeld (1998); Moursund (2006); Leorne Burton (2000)? Bukankah mereka dulunya bermula dari sesuatu titik paling bawah dalam dunia penulisan? Inilahh saat-saatnya kamu membuktikan pengalaman mu yang luas dan kepakaran ilmu pendidikan matematik untuk santapan jiwa, minda pembaca-pembacamu di Malaysia, Indonesia dan Brunei.
I was fortunate to get NAZMEEN’s feedback ( my daughter in law ; pursuing PhD in USM, Penang now). She wrote this:
- Interesting points for me - what is CDiCL? How does it differs from the other methods? How did you do your research? / how did you determine its advantages over other methods// ease up on the technical aspects
- The outcomes and why you got that result?
- The limitation of CDiCL? Recommendations on how to improve the software, courseware
LESS INTERESTING points (for a book) - other people’s studies; statistical findings
Take out statistical analysis/ literature review on 7 wide body of research. just get the summary only.
so this is what is printed on my mind at 800 am 28th Dec 2010
Chapter 1
· Introduction to problem in mathematics (certificate engineering polytechnic)
· Impact from mahathir’s PPSMI
· Results from TIMMS 1999, 2003, 2007
Chapter 2
· Theories in education
· Theories constructivsm, behaviourism
· Instructional Design
· Mathematics Education
· Problems in mathematics PPSMI
Chapter 3
· Building of a courseware
· Why this way (incorporating Hermann Brain Dominance Model)
Chapter 4
· Results from a research in Polytechnic Kota Bharu
· Observations among weak learners in mathematics in PKB
Chapter 5
· Discussion and Recommendation
· Contribution of your research in PKB to the body of knowledge in Maths Education
The END ( 50 pages? ) - you can write more than this Dr Sazalis, can't you? God Willing!
I am quite happy today. Stage of happiness about 85%. Why? I managed to compile all the 5 chapters of my thesis .. got it translated ... into Malay language fully and .. boom it is now compiled.
What I got to do now is just double checking the ideas ..whether the main ideas are still intact in each of the section in the book after undergoing some translations. It is about math taught on the computer ..using a multimedia courseware in collaborative learning environment.
I hope it will finally be submitted successfully to the UTHM, Johor Publisher. It took me 13 months to do this with some help from my ex-students doing their post-graduate studies in UTHM, UTM and UM. Thanking you all in advance especially mngsoda, cikcoluck and e-in. He..he. U r really great my dear.
Wallahu aklam.
Bila kita bergelar bapa atau mak.. kita hendaklah mendidik anak-anak bersembahyang, mentelaah pelajaran, bersifat sopan dan macam-macam lagi.
Kadang-kadang tuhan memberi kita dugaan. Seperti diberinya kita anak-anak yang degil seperti ..kuat tidur di waktu pagi sehingga ke tengah hari. Oleh itu kita hendaklah bersabar membimbing budak-budak ni. nak marah pun susah ..kerana dah ada anak-anak yang terus lari dari rumah ibu dan ayah dan mula berkawan dengan orang-orang asing di luar sana. Bukan kah itu lagi menyusahkan kepala kita?
Nak tak nak ..kita tunjukkan lah dulu ..tabiat ..suka bangun pagi (sembahyang subuh) dan terus mengaji Quraan dari pagi hingga mata hari naik ..jam 0730 pagi. Jika diamalkan selalu - katakan 10 tahun lamanya - barulah nasihat kita ada bisanya.
Jangan kita berleter panjang kepada anak-anak suruh mmereka bangun awal pagi sedangkan kita jugak ..tumpang sekaki. Parah padahnya.
Amalan yang baik semua bermula di rumah tangga kita dahulu. nak mulakan tabiat yang baik .. kita bijak jika ..mengikuti jamaah dakwah tabligh. Tengoklah berapa ramai orang yang mana hidup mereka sudah berubah dari baik kepada yang lebih baik. Sebenarnya ..jamaah dakwah tabligh adalah sebuah sekolah madrasah yang terus terbuka kepada sesiapa saja. Tak kira berkulit cerah ataupun gelap pekat macam .. punggung kuali asura di surau kampung kita itu. Ayuh ..ikutlah tuan. tak rugi kita. satu ayat dari surah Yassen ada mengatakan ".. ikutlah jamaah agama yang datang kepada mu tanpa meminta apa-apa balasan sedikit pun dari mu.."
Banyak kebaikannya. Renungkanlah.
Sekian. Wasalllam.
Saja nak beri kesedaran kepada saya saja ini. dah lah tua malas pulak tu.
Saya mengambil masa yang lama membaca beberapa buah kajian dari UPM (R-Univ) berkenaan dengan impak ICT ke dalam PnP di sekolah dan IPG dalam membincangkan amalan pnp matematik sains dari tahun 2000 hingga 2010. Antara kebaikan ICT ialah:
· Words - mampu membina kertas soalan dan nota; boleh kitar semula
· Excel – mampu memproseskan markah ujian dan peperiksaan; simulasi
· Database – mampu menyimpan rekod setiap pelajar mengikut kelas dan kursus
· Power-Point – mampu membentangkan hasil kajian kepada umum PIBG ataupun makmal sains
· Internet – www - mampu mencari bahan informasi bagi pelbagai topik penting sains dan matematik sesuai dengan logo ‘ Ilmu di hujung jari anda’.
Panjang juga hasil laporan tersebut. Tetapi mata saya focus kepada satu paragraph terakhir dalam laporan tersebut yang menyebut .. sikap guru yang tidak mahu berubah cara pengajaran mereka kepada pelajar-pelajar. Walapun pihak kerajaan (BN) telah membekalkan computer riba kepada guru sains dan matematik sejak tahun 2003 – 2010, masalah sikap segelintir guru masih berada di takuk lama terutama guru yang berada dalam zon 40 ~ 58 tahun. Mengapakah ini berlaku?
Saya cuba menggunakan enjin internet google untuk mencari links bagi perkataan ‘malas’. Terdapat lebih dari 100,000 links bagi istilah malas kesemuanya. Marilah kita lihat mengapa setengah-tengah guru malas berubah atau sindrom ‘malaskologi’ ini. Antaranya ialah:
· Kurikulum dan silibus yang tidak membantu penggunaan ICT secara praktikal
· System pendidikan yang mementingkan keputusan peperiksaan semata-mata
· Infrustruktur dan lokasi sekolah
· Komposisi gender di kalangan guru dan murid-murid
· Jumlah pelajar di dalam sesebuah sekolah bantuan kerajaan
· Frust (kecewa). Frust cinta; frust tidak dinaikkan pangkat; frust tidak dinaikkan gaji; tidak Berjaya jadi GC, tidak Berjaya memperolehi sebarang anugerah khidmat cemerlang; frust berpolitik, kesan bercerai hidup dan lain-lain yang membawa kepada tercetusnya masalah ‘frust’. Muka guru frust?
· Masalah peribadi seperti sesuatu kes mahkamah yang belum diselesaikan lagi– hutang terlampau banyak
· Sifat takut memetik sebarang kunci dari atas papan kekunci dan serba takut mencuba (Marzita Puteh, 2003)
· Sifat malas guru itu sendiri yang telah terbentuk sejak alam kanak-kanak lagi.
· Sikap berdengki antara guru
· System Gaji yang sama sama ada anda aktif menggunakan ICT atau pun tidak
· kurang penghayatan agama.
· Konsep smart living yang disalahertikan sebagai ‘ kerja sedikit’ tetapi habuan sebanyak yang mungkin. Mungkin simpan tenaga untuk tugasan lain selepas waktu sekolah/ politeknik/ kolej komuniti/universiti/pejabat/organisasi.
· Take things for granted ; jawatan kerajaan adalah jawatan tetap dan berpencen sepanjang hayat
Rumusan dan cadangan pembaca
ICT mempunyai banyak kebaikan untuk warga sekolah. Para guru boleh lagi ditingkatkan keupayaan mereka bekerja jika system jawatan tetap dan berpencen diubah segera contohnya kepada system jawatan guru dan emolument yang sedang dipakai di England dan eropah. Di sana, pihak sekolah diberi mandat sepenuhnya merekrut dan membuang mana-mana guru mengikut piawai (rubric) yang telah digariskan oleh pihak LEC (Local Education Council). Jika budget negara kurang maka dengan sendirinya budget sesebuah sekolah dikurangkan. Maka bilangan guru yang mengajar di sesebuah sekolah boleh dikurangkan sehingga 25% contohnya. Dengan cara ini semua guru akan berusaha mengambil kesempatan untuk meningkatkan kebolehan PnP masing-masing sama ada menggunakan ICT ataupun tidak sepanjang masa hinggalah ke umur pesaraan wajib. Ini dilakukan kerana orang berkerja membawa prestij kehidupan yang tinggi di dalam masyarakat di sebelah sana. Guru-guru yang mencari pekerjaan sampingan seperti tuisyen dan MLM termasuk agen insuran dan kereta terpakai boleh juga dikurangkan bilangan mereka secara objektif. Oleh yang demikian, stail hidup guru akan berpijak atas bumi yang nyata iaitu cara hidup sebenar seseorang pegawai kerajaan berjawatan guru/ pensyarah. Rezeki pun banyak yang halal dari perspektif Islam.
Today saya diminta memberi sedikit tazkirah untuk fakulti. Masa hanya 15 minit sahaja.
Tajuk "Musafir ... tidak ingat kah kita bahawa kita musafir di sini?"
Saya beri contoh kita belayar/ bergerak dari satu tempat ke destinasi kita menaiki sebuah keretaapi. Di dalam gerabak keretapi. Apa yang boleh kita buat di dalam gerabak keretapi? Tidakk banyakkan?
Begitulah kita di dunia ini. Sampai masa kita akan diminta turun dari gerabak jugak. Time mati lah itu. Apa apa pun kita terpaksa meninggalkan segala harta benda kita, keluarga dan anak-anak tercinta, ..., sijil PMR, SPM, Diploma, Degree, Masters dan PhD; sijil gran tanah kebun, dusun; geran rumah ; sijil saham ASB .. kad ATM, kad-kad kredit , kereta wira ..., bil api, bil air, bil celcom, .., banyaknya bil kau .. apa yang kita akan bawa?
Betol. Hanya amalan agama kita sahajalah. Doa muga-muga Allah redha kepada kehidupan kita di dunia ini. sampai masa kita terpaksa pergi.
Sabda Nabi Muhammad s.a.w "
Orang pandai antara kamu ialah orang yang banyak mengingati mati dan membuat persiapan untuk itu. " Hadith.
Sekian,. Muga muga tazkirah itu membawa perubahan pada diri saya terlebih dahulu. Ameen.
Hari ni .. alhamdulilah ..anak dapat 9A PMR. Dengar 30000 calon dapat semua A's kali ini. Dan jgn lupa 300 calon dapat semua E's (gagal). Mungkin tidak boleh membaca sikit abuk pun.
2) Jika biasiswa JPA dan lain-lain adalah sebanyak 1000 sahaja ini bermakna ... peluang anak saya mendapat anugerah biasiswa adalah 1000/ 30000 = 1/30 = 0.03
Ini bermakna bahawa .. hanya 3 calon sahaja dari 100 orang calon yang memperolehi straight A's dalam SPM kelak tahun 2012/13 berpeluang ditaja oleh pihak kerajaan BN/ non BN. Selebihnya pakai duit FAMA (father n mather lah). Apa boleh buat kan?
3) Tetapi hari ini sepanjang hari .. Tuhan memberi saya dugaan. Perut saya sangat sakitlah. Apakah sebab-sebabnya hah?
3.1 makan banyak kah ?
3.2 makan di luar waktu normal manusia lain makan kah?
3.3 tidak memakan makanan yang berkhasiat kah ?
3.4 terlalu banyak makan pedas (berlada) kah?
3.5 bagaimana dengan bugger yang awak makan semalam ? mungkin .. adush sakitnya. Tidak larat nak duduk di kerusi opis ni.
Gitulah .. nasib kita .. bila perut dah sakit. Mengikut hadith-hadith Nabi .. bila sakit / banyakkan solat sunnat dan nafil .. ada ubatnya di sebalik solat ini. Ok lah .. nak buat lah ni. Adush. Ingat nak beli susu segarlah. Org pandai kata ..susu .. neurtralize asid di dalam perut kita. Yer ka tuan?
Sekian. Pagi happy gila anak dapat 9A ..ptg ptg .. sakit perut pulak. Inilah dugaan Allah kepada kita umat Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
Wa llahu aklam.
Al fatihah. Wal as ri.
Today your big day. Abah doakan malam tadi lagi (at tahajud time) you goona get a very good result my gurl. Insya allah and very very much insya allah. Be like E-in and Angah. They got 9 A's.
But rest assured that .. PMR qualification is not good enough to secure a job like a teacher. You need a degree and masters nowadays to teach. BTW I wish you very well and the best .. in all the years to come. Ameen.
Doa for abah n mak that we can last a bit longer to see u as pakar sakit puan. Muslimat needs you badly for that specific purposes. TQ. Wasallam
Doa abah sepanjang masa. 25/7. At 1400 hours today Dec 23 2010 - I heard she got 9 A's. Alhamdulilah. Congrat Nenez.... study smarter, harder n pray for success dunia and akhirat. Ameen.
Imagine you have a nice and sporty car. I am asking you to drive from a town called 'A' to 'B' and back please.
So zoom you go assuming that you got all the petrol and it is all fully inspected for you .. all ready made for you.
Let us say you reach that point 'B' in 3 hours.
And let us say me , as your teacher, also drive my car and reach the point 'B' in 5 hours.
(a) what is the difference in time taken?
Answer : 2 hours
(b) anything else?
Answer: the point called 'B' is just a quiet town , Sir.
(c) what else do you want to tell me , Zorro?
Answer: I drive faster than you Sir!
Respond: Great! so what?
(d) what else?
Answer: You should get another car Sir. It is high time you drive a new , bigger car like BMW. What say you Sir?
Respond: really. just because you drive and reach that place 2 hours earlier than me . u r now suggesting me to buy another car , Zorro? Did you see .. the people in my car Zorro?
Answer: Yes Sir. So many of them.
Respond: See? You drive your car all alone my dear .. while me .. I am driving with my mum and few more children that I have. More weight , isn't it Zorro? What did Physics say Zorro ..when you have more weight?
Answer: Yes. You are quite right, sir but .. you can still drive a bit faster like me .. and the rest of the world.. (laugh)
Respond: Yes.. may be you are right ..but .. point 'B' is just my home town. Nothing great happening if I arrive there any faster .. ? what do you think Zorro? it is just my hometown.
Answer: Oh my God! no wonder Sir .. you always drive so slow .. point 'B' is just your old old hometown. I get your point Sir. TQ.
Respond: You are welcome Zorro. (he..he)
Reflections: on the highway, there is little logic to drive too fast. By and by , the destination is just the same old place. As a teacher, there is no worry to drive the car so fast .. after all it is just your old school that you have being teaching for the last 30 years. It is not going to disappear from the surface of the earth. Unless, if you are making RM5 milion per day, then there is some logic to rush .. but if your pay slip is just .. nothing much .. after all .. Just drive safely please old man.
Baru pulang dari cafeteria. Sembang dengan 2 orang professors. Borak-borak punya borak keluar 1 isu - jaga status kita pensyarah.
* pakai kereta mahal-mahal punya seperti BMW, Honda, Merx
he..he.. tergelak hati saya. Dia orang kata '..students now are driving expensive cars into the university... tak kan kita nak drive Kelisa pulak ? ..'
Saya setuju sangat kata-kata dia orang. Kenapa tidaknya. kan kita lebih bagus / tua dari students kita. Tetapi Profs ni ..tak nampak satu fakta lah.. that students are driving their parents' cars. Mereka bergaya lebih dan hidup serba mewah. So what?
* pakai pakaian yang eksklusif. Jangan pakai ala-pakistan; bollywood tahun 1960an
he..he..he.. tergelak lagi saya. Macam perli saya jer ..Profs ini. Tak nak minum lagi-lah dengan dia orang time. Bukankah students kita ramai yang datang dari keluarga orang-org senang-senang. Sudah tentu mereka mampu ..membeli baju-baju yang eksklusif dan mahal-mahal. Saya tidak mampu sangatlah? Why? ada tanggungan yang ramai. Anak-anak dan ibu uzur dan adik yg uzur juga. Saya ..jika nak beli pakaian yang mahal-mahal di Paris, London dan New York .. terbayang wajah ibu dan adik saya itu. Sudah tentu .. bila beli pakaian kita yang mahal .. sudah tentu budget kita untuk ibu dan adik terenchat .. sana dan sini.. mahukah kita ..pakai pakaian yang mahal sedangkan ibu kita .. tidak dapat .. elaun bulanan yang selalu kita agihkan untuk mereka? Aghhhh .. itulah kehidupan bila ada tanggungan kiri dan kanan. Belum masuk fael anak-anak dan isteri di rumah lagi itu.
* makan lunch dan breakfast tempat yang class-class
Aghhh untung you Profs. Silakan lah.. untung bagi saya pula ..ialah history kehidupan saya sejak muda sampai ke hari ini ialah ..saya ikut jamaah dakwah dan tabligh. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w suka hidup ' ..kenyang satu hari ..lapar satu hari ..'. Lagipun baginda selalu doakan muga-muga dia hidup di kalangan orang-orang miskin .. dan dibangkitkan dengan orang-orang miskin jugak di akhirat kelak. Dengan stail kehidupan begini nabi muhammad s.a.w dan para-para sahabahs ..mampu menaaluki 3/4 dunia dari China hinggalah ke Sepanyol. Rata-rata perpustakaan dunia dahulu memiliki buku-buku tulisan para-para ilmuan arab yang hebat-hebat seperti Kharusazmi (algebra) dan .. Kehidupan mereka serba kurang ..tetapi .. wajah dan akhlak mereka .. sekali berdampingan dengan mereka ..org2 kafir mampu melihat indahnya islam dan terus masuk Islam ..dan dapat hidayah .. Kita how? pakai baju mahal2, bawa kereta mahal-mahal ke hulu hilir, makan .. minum semua mahal dan western konon-kononnya.. ada tak kawan-kawan kita dari Barat / Timur Leste / Utara Khutub Finland, Greenland dan Selatan Kutub Penguin .. yang telah mendapat hidayah ..dan terima islam sebagai ad-deen mereka? Itulah impaknya bila ikut jamaah dakwah .. kita pakai spek mata lain dari orang lain. Duit kita akan ditanya tau? kemana dibelanjakan? mengapa beli terlampau banyak baju sedangkan ..di rumah sudah ada 15 buah almari yang mengandungi beribu-ribu helai baju tetapi saiz baju yang sama .. bukankah itu membazir namanya? Aghh ..entahlah Prof. mana satu betol ni? Nak ikut hati kita Prof atau nak lawan dengan budak-budak universiti yang menggunakan harta mak bapak mereka ke universiti.
Wa lllahu aklam.
Sekian. Maaf jika terkasar bahasa. Indah budi kerana bahasa. Habis duit kerana terpaksa. laugh.
Dua hari lepas kita dikejutkan dengan tragedi - 27 maut - mayat bergelimpangan di jalanraya - Cameron Highlands.
Mengapa ini semua?
2) Hari ni ada orang katakan bahawa bas 2 tingkat tidak sesuai dipandu di lereng-lereng bukit macam Cameron HIghlands dan Genting. yang hairannya ke mana perginya orang-orang yang seharusnya memikirkan perkara ini terlebih dahulu (agensi-agensi kerajaan lah)?
Bila datangnya tragedi sedashyat ini .. macam-macam orang kata itu dan ini. Penguatkuasa Jalan Raya; JKR (Bahagian Jalanraya); POLIS PDRM; PLUS; - jika sensitif benda-benda macam ini sudah tentu - dah pasang pegawai-pegawainya - memantau aliran arus trafik naik turun dari Kuala Lumpur menuju Genting Highlands atau Ipoh ke Cameron Highlands. Jika mereka ada .. kat pintu masuk dan keluar .. dan memantau .. jenis-jenis kenderaan yang ada - saya percaya sudah tentu banyak kemalangan dapat dielakkan.
Tetapi di negara Islam, kita cepat menerima hakikat .. 'kalau sudah takdir ..apa boleh buat '.
JIka dah ditakdirkan dia nak mati .. kita buat macam-macam pun ..dia akan mati jugak. Kalau tak mati ..dari bas 2 tingkat ..dia akan mati jugak .. macam-macam mana pun.... ITULAH Hakikat dunia muslim kita seluruh dunia. Tidak payah buat apa-apa , punch kad 0800 pagi .. tubuh kita .. dok kat lain... ramai orang bincang macam-macam dekat kedai kopi ..tetapi entah berapa ramai bincang .. sekarang hujan oooo .... macam mana jalan raya kita ni .. banyak bas dipandu terlalu laju ... apa kita hendak buat ni?
Itu jer lah .. penulisan saya kali ini.
Wallahu aklam. Maaf.
Listening to others
If you are a teacher there are 3 groups of people that you must try to listen.
1) Your students
2) Your other friends called ‘teachers’
3) Your direct BOSS/ Principal
(1) Students
To listen, you must try to speak less and listen more. If you keep on talking, of course you won’t have the time to listen to your low achieving students.
Usually it is the high achieving students who are trying to ask/ talk more in the class. Their questions are very directed to your teaching per se. This is different from the low performers. You must try to encourage them to ask. Probing more. For example. Lets say you are teaching x(y + 2). The low performers will most probably give you this by expansion. Xy + 2. Full stop. So how are you going to get the correct answer i.e., xy+2x. So you must call them to the board and let them talk to the board. You will hear them saying ‘x’ multiply by y and we get ‘xy’. Right? Then this is your turn to go nearer to them and show that the ‘x’ must be also multiplied by ‘2’. If you do not ask them to show how they multiply things up .. you wont get the final answer correct. So you must try listening them once a while they get xy + 2 in the first place.
Similarly if x(x + 2xy) which is x squared plus 2xy. Full stop. You must keep on asking them ..what did you do just now? By listening a bit more during your lesson, the students will participate more in the class. Sometimes you get the step .. why they got it all wrong. The way they write their notes. Make sure the ‘x’ look like ‘x’ not multiplication symbol. Put effort on teaching them to write the curly fashion i.e., x
(2) Your friends called ‘the teachers’
Your friend once in a while will tell you that many students multiply the first part only from the bracket (parenthesis) while ignoring the rest of the terms in the bracket. They will tell you that is the SPM marking scheme that the first mark ‘M1’ mandatory mark is awarded to the first process of multiplying the ‘x’ with the first item in the bracket. The other part is optional. Really? If they got it right then it is jolly good else it is still OK ..showing that the students know that by expansion .. the first term must be multiplied ‘x’ with the ‘x’.
Sometimes your friend wil tell you from their past experience .. that many students like to close the answer once and for all. For example x + 2y = 2xy. So you must try to listen. Why is that the way? Actually many students all over the world like to produce one solid answer at the end of their solution path. It is the habit they got from doing too much number problems. (Marzita Puteh, 2003; Pharmjit Singh, 2007).
At times, during the tea break, your friends will tell you that their students got some confusion as far as ‘plus’ and ‘multiplying’ processes. For example, x+ x = 2x and x(x)=2x also. So what next?
By listening to your friends you can gain more experience and exposure on students silly kinds of mistakes. By doing that , you are sharing your understanding of maths problems faced by all kinds of students.
(3) Your boss called PRINCIPAL
This man is the most important man in the school. From my experience , it is wiser to listen him talking about some important things like ‘ maths results in PMR and SPM are not doing well. So what is your plan, young man?’
If you are wise, just tell him that you are still new in this teaching business. So it is better to consult your senior teachers at school. Never tell him your plan. Just do what other senior teachers have done all this while. This will save your skin..perhaps.
If you are not wise, by telling the plan.. then every body wants to know your strategy of teaching algebra. Not only your senior teachers are going to see you teaching/ checking your lesson plan ..all the time.. but unknowingly ..your BOSS will also be interested to see your plan .. make sure you deliver the results. He..he..
Sometimes if you just stay quiet .. the BOSS will send to a course in PSPN Central Training for Science and mathematics or PKG .. ( Centre of Teachers Activities). At least you save your time.
My friends used to tell me .. never show that you are too clever .. cleverer than the senior teachers. If you do that .. then all kinds of work will come onto your shoulder. That’s great , isn’t it?
In school , the senior teachers are the one that got the most paid after the Principal. So let them think of the strategy . Not us .. the new comers ..or the new teachers in mathematics. We must know what are the boundaries in the school as far as teaching is concerned. Mnay teachers complained that the BOSS gave them so much work. Why? Because they talked too much when the BOSS ask them. To conclude, if the BOSS ask 4 words, you must answer HIM/HER at most 4 words too. Example? Can you do it George? The answer - I think I can’t, Sir.
That’s all for today. Any suggestion .. plz give me some feedback. Will you?
I had attended some conferences in Malaysia and also abroad. I saw some presenters (teachers) using the power point very badly. Just wonder .. why
· Must you read what there are on the slides. I think we all can read without listening to you reading them for about 20 minutes. Sometimes your voice is not interesting enough to catch our attention like those actors, actresses from Bollywood, Hollywood etc etc. (laugh)
· from the slides. What is better is ; you just put the key words and start explaining using your own words as naturally as possible. Show us that you know the subject as thoroughly as possible
· And where in your presentation can you prove that you are the master of your subject?
· Bother talking and reading at the same time. Ironically, you never look at my eyes. Are you scared of your students/ audiences? Say so plz.
· Putting some background ..that looks so ugly and the colors do not match at all. Man.
· Putting cartoons ? Do you want us to learn or to laugh?
· In your slides .. the contents are just similar to what is available from the text book(s). may we know where is your contribution, Prof?
· Are saying things so fast? I could hardly hear what you say? Is that English or ..what? OMG.. you speak so fast like you are singing in mathematics equations.
· Can’t you relax a bit. Hold your breath and say what you want to say ..for goodness sake?
· Are your legs trembling? Are you being hunted by the mafia? If so, please let others take your class. That’s very kind of you Prof?
The answers are put here .. very briefly. It may be
· The professor is too busy with his/her research work
· s/he did not bother to prepare the lesson so well enough for today
· the organization did not put so highly on teaching and learning activities
· doing research , publish the results from the research is more important than preparing a good piece of lecture … I think
· one senior professor one day told us that ‘.. anybody can teach anything ..’
· So that’s why s/he just read and read the points from the slides for the rest of the day.
Finally, it comes to one simple truth.
· You can’t expect us to produce grade ‘A’ result from that kind of acting with the power point. Period!
If we don’t listen well enough we will regret for the rest of our lives
Just one story. Happening in remote town of Serawak, Malaysia.
Why you come late? The tyres of my bicycle gave way .. no air in the tube Sir (panchit). Flat tyre!
‘pang’ the teacher slap the boy.
The next day .. why are you late again? My tyre is flat again Sir?
‘pang’ the teacher slap harder this time.
Next day, next day the boy never turn up to the school again.
The last news was the boy got an accident and pass away.
It took the teacher many days/weeks after that to take the road (the same road the dead boy took). He had to attend to an important meeting in District Education Office. Not long after he set off along the trail , the teacher noticed one important thing. Many people were pushing their bikes from both sides of the roads. Now he scrutinized the surface of the road. Dirty, dusty, and well the stones/ pebbles on the surface of the road were too sharp n very dangerous to the tyre of any bikes and motorcycles. They could not ride the bike without taking some trouble to push the bike for some distance towards their respective destinations.
Now he began to remember that boy that he had slapped. The reality of hardship for a small boy pushing hard the bicycle early in the morning to attend his lessons came flashing back into the minds of the teacher. Unknowingly, tear drops started to trickle from his eyes. Aghh I never listen to that poor boy after all. What a man I was. He started to regret and regret .. but as long as he live .. he will never be able to resurrect the poor boy and the old bicycle again. Never!
This is my reflections upon 3 day team building course in Melaka.
1) You must trust your friends a lot.
2) Respect is gained not ..somthing that u can force others to do for you.
3) Once you delegate a task , stay confident that s/he can do it for you .. never try to check and double check.
4) In a school or a university, any staff came in into the organization after a series of interview. Therefore s/he is qualified to do what ever task assigned to her/him. Never think you are the only who can do it .. today and for ever. Else you will die very quickly as a Principal. (laugh)
5) Leadership/ boundaries/ respect / control = all have the same meaning. In the government post, in the past, the boss is always the most senior staff. So just obey his commands. Soon when you get there .. u r the one who is going to give sets of new orders. Sop stay focus and be patient.
6) Nowadays.. to be a leader .. you must be nominated by your colleagues in the faculty .. once u r selected .. just do the best that you can. Never mind if u got the least number of votes. Just act one the best that you can. The rest is history.
7) Try to listen more to your juniours. Perhaps there are some truth in what they are saying. Listening is an art. Please listen more and think harder and do the decision. Decide on something that you are likely to plaese them the most. If you hate the decision, your staff will surely despise it too. So be sensible.
8) If you assign a job, don't try to check the completion of the task. take it as it is. We saw the clips where all the team just keep on watching, checking on someone tying a knot on the poles. Why can't we do another set of task? If we do that ,, we can complete the misssion as quickly as possible. So far we were late all the time becuase every body is not confident with someone's ability. We do back tracking all the time. Thats why we cannot proceed as quickly as possible.
9) Try to forgive and forget our friend's mistake. Take the mistake as the team's lesson to improve better in the future. Never mention the mistake again. Did you see how maradona missed the penalty spot kick in the world cup? The argies quickly forget the miss .. and they got the World Cup in Italy 1990. So did Spain in 2010. They quickly forget the poor earlier games in the World Cup series. See? they won the CUP.
10) Lastly, help our friends a lot. If you help him .. others will help you too. Cherish the nice things your friends had bestowed on you ..any small favours like .. a new idea of solving .. constructing a bridge from 2 pieces of short kind of wooden planks. If yiu smile with the idea .. sooner you can all solve the whole kind of problem out there in front of you.
TQ. I got a lot from the Team Building course run by Colonel Nik Zailani.
Wallahu aklam.
Today I am happy because it is a pay day. I got some back-pay .. DS45 to DS52. Six months back pay. Alhamdulilah.
2) I think I want to pay back some debt examples .. car instalments and rent. Well I also missed some payment lately becuase .. as a human being .. we got to juggle many things at the same time.
3) The most important is to settle my mum's money. It is worth RM1000 . she paid my last due from the PhD study programme. See? My mum helped me from young to this late age. Laugh. I hate to borrow from my friends .. because .. so far from my experience.. my friends will make my short loan of Rm200 as if I owed him RM2 million. Every where he goes, he will talk about our borrowings from him. I think most part of the world will know about his givings. Gosh!
So it better to attend to your mum and siblings at all cost.
4) I am so happy today because I got the last translated chapter 4 of my book. A book - from Phd thesis in English to a book in Bahasa Malaysia.. translated version. Now I have to compile all the 5 chapters and check the content and the index. Hopefullyy by 31st December I can pass the book to the Publisher UTHM. Of course from there I will be looking forward to hear any comments from the expert. I don't really care whether it is going to be top book of this century or not. I just want to contribute a bit what I know to the whole world. God Willing!
Thats all the time being... TQ Mr Mohd Helmy Abdul Wahab FKEE UTHM Malaysia. You are great man!
Wallahu aklam.
Tanggungjawab se orang bapa di zaman moden
Banyak tanggungjawab aku. Di antaranya ialah:
· Besarkan mereka dalam kefahaman agama islam
· Didik mereka dalam agama dan ketoleransi sebuah masyarakat malaysia yang majmuk
· Contohi mereka dengan prinsip ‘masa itu emas’
· Jauhkan mereka dari budaya ‘lebih kita dari mat salleh’
· Bawa mereka melawat orang-orang yang lebih susah dari kehidupan kami
· Belanja yang bersederhana
· Belajar dengan bersungguh-sungguh hati kerana kelebihan orang melayu semakin hari semakin berkurangan
· Dedahkan mereka kepada stail hidup yang ‘selesa’ bertunjangkan paksi agama dan budget ‘seorang ayah sahaja yang bekerja’
· Utamakan produk Malaysia seperti Proton
· Ambil bahasa inggeris sabagai bahasa ilmu yang utama
· Ambil bahasa arab sebagai bahasa untuk memahami ilmu al-quraan
· Ambil bahasa melayu sebagai bahasa ‘indah budi kerana bahasa’
· Menghargai kehadhiran ibu ayah sebelum mereka mati
· Melawat tanah pusara nenek moyang supaya kita sedar di sinilah tempat kita pada satu hari nanti
· Jihad dalam agama. Keluar dakwah 3 hari sebulan; 40 hari setahun; 4 bulan sekali seumur hidup
· Kurangkan bersosial dengan orang-orang yang terlampau mewah kerana anak-anak orang mewah kurang prihatin dengan masalah hidup orang-orang tempatan
· Membaca Al-Quran sehelai sehari secara konsisten
· Berdoa di waktu awal-awal pagi dan hujung-hujung petang sebelum masuknya maghrib
· Laburkan wang untuk mencari ilmu
· Laburkan wang untuk sedekah dan menolong orang-orang yang susah
· Laburkan wang untuk emak abah dan adik-adik kita terlebih dahulu sebelum kita menolong orang-orang lain
· Berkerja keras dalam semua aspek kehidupan dan
· Berdoa muga-muga Allah redha kepada kehidupan kita yang sementara
* Takut teramat sangat lah bila abah fikir-fikir sesuatu hal iaitu '..nanti Allah tanya .. why anak-anak you all .. masuk neraka .. awak sebagai ayah ..tidak ajar ker?'. Jika jawapan tidak so convincing .. kita jugak akan join mereka dalam api yang menyala .. di mana bahan api itu terdiri dari manusia dan syaitan sahaja. A u zubilah ..
Sekian. Wallahu aklam
I was selected representing my faculty FSKTM for a course called succession plan by PPKK UTHM. There were 22 PhD holders aged ranging from 29 to 52 years old. The objective of this course is to develop a group of talented leaders in future in view of many senior officers going to retire within this 5 years time.
The course was conducted by Colonel (R) Nik Zalaini from Pushing Limited Sdn Bhd. I like the company because they have few Chinese motivators along and they were very friendly and very out going.
On the main land, three special tasks were given to us. First to construct a bridge using 2 short wooden planks. Second task was to bring a drum of water (supposed to be special liquid) to the other side of island using 2 kinds of ropes tied between two big trees. Each group has 7 to 8 members of different sizes and weights. They timed the completion of each task. Our group came last on both occasions. (laugh)
The last task was to build a raft using floats and ropes. We are asked to use the raft to carry all the members to the other side of the island. I was very surprised to myself that I can tie 4 floaters using nylon ropes and the raft was successfully constructed within 30 minutes. The success can be seen when 7 of us got onto the raft , peddling it from the shore to a small motor boat a distant away. My tie never gave way to the small waves that hit the raft. What an achievement!
At night, Prof Dr Azraai from UTM talked about ‘characteristics of an academic dean’. I liked the talk very much where he showed us two kinds of ladders called academic and administrator type in any university.. But the only thing it dragged from 930 to 1130 pm . When the meeting was over, I could hardly see the button in the hotel’s lift. We hit the bed very late that night. But b4 I slept, I prayed that Dr Radzi will wake me up for fajar prayer in a nearby mosque since the next morning was a Friday. It was an important dawn prayer and big thawab that goes with it .. if we can attend congregational prayer at any Friday’s dawn. U know what? Dr Radzi went all alone to the mosque. I think he must have thought that I was so tired for I snored like a wild boar. Well , I forgave him. What can I do? Pehaps my intention is bigger than the praying itself.
My eyes were red when I came down for breakfast. At 0800am we were fortunate to hear a talk about Human Resource Corporation by ex-Exxon boss Dato’ Kamaruddin Md Jamal. He power point many definitions of a leader, contributor, manager, etc etc. I think he showed us 50 slides within 2 hour talk. Each slide was carefully developed with quotations from Ghandi, Churchill, Thatcher, Aldair, .. and he gave many kinds of examples based from his wide experience studying in RMC, working in the Malaysian army and his MBA in Cranfield, London, and 18 years attachment in Houston, USA. The best part is the way he answered many questions from Dr Ariff Adam, Dr Kathegeshu, Dr Rosmaini, Prof Dr Noraini and many more. He came so near to each of them while answering their questions. I think that’s the way an army is brought up when he/she is confronted with problems from his subordinates. I also asked him .. but .. (never mind) .. let’s go on to the next paragraph.
Our beloved Dato NC also came. He talked about the importance of developing very efficient leader in any organization. He has so many stories from his Imperial College London, his travels in Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam, and his fond memory working in UMS Sabah. Intersperse he mentioned datin, datin. I think he should have brought his wife next time (laugh). Well he talked very well and it was very refreshening to listen my top boss talking with so many ideas.
After Prof Dr Noraini Kaparawi talk and TNC(A) Prof Dr Abd Aziz briefing at 1200 am ..we checked out from the hotel and left home , stopping for Friday prayer in Tg Keling Masjid. Overall it was a great course knowing in advance I have so few more years left to leave any mark in UTHM’s history. I just say .. ‘I cross the bridge when I get there’. TQ Colonel Nik and associates. You ran the course very well indeed. Bravo!!
Last week I went to present 2 papers on mathematics education in a conference called “ICMER 2010” organized by UPM and UPSI in Melaka Hotel, Malaysia. 13 and 14 DECEMBER 2010. I brought along my wife and two daughters – one about to graduate in TESL UiTM and the other one a 15 year old PMR student. The objective was to expose them the ‘good’ life of a researcher in this conference.
I was very impressed with the key speakers namely Prof Robyn Jorgensen from Australia and Prof B. Kaur from Singapore. I missed the chance to hear from 2 key notes speakers from Japan and Germany because I was so absorbed entertaining my family in the Hotel Century Mahkota, Melaka.
It took me two different days to present my work. First it was about the effect of a multimedia interactive courseware in learning pre-algebra among 137 students in a polytechnic, PKB, Kelantan. Malaysia. The findings was many students can learn effectively pre-algebra using technology and team discussion. Without collaborative learning (team work) they can still learn pre-algebra. Doing remedial work in the polytechnic set-up is too time consuming if the lecturers are too involved in helping the poor achievers. The courseware is more than enough. The point is the polytechnic should let the students use the courseware and learn pre-algebra by themselves. Let them be independent learners. The lecturers should focus on higher level of mathematical skills like problem solving.
The next day, I presented another paper called The influence of team work in learning pre-algebra without technology. The findings was learning collaboratively on word problem solving among 30 students was far worst than the control group (traditional teaching). I found out that there were problem in playing the roles under STAD set up as recommended by Slavin (1995). They didn’t work because they failed to understand the major roles that they should play as the temm leader, assistant team leader, reporter, general manager and time keeper. Each team has 5 players. The main block was the difficulty to solve the word problem as Phamjit Singh (UiTM, Shah Alam) had found out from his study among upper primary school students. During conversations and interview sessions, these polytechnic students confessed that solving word problem, was a new experience to them as in the secondary schools their teachers concentrated more on solving number problems like fractions and direct computations. Some teachers helped them to score the minimum passing marks in order to enter the polytechnics’ education set up. By doing so, the teachers always missed many important topics such as the final challenging tasks - word problem solving (Marzita Puteh, 2003).
Other than presenting my papers, I watched closely the work by UTP and MMU as a whole. And there were few things that I need to mention. First, they have 2 groups only ( experimental and control ) groups. Of course both universities discovered that experimental group outperform the control group. It was obvious .. but none of them mention anything on the Hawthorn effects. That surprised me. For your information, I set up four different groups called Collaborative Learning only group, CD only group, CDiCL only group and the control group. In the analysis section I had used ANCOVA where pre-test marks were taken as covariate and post-test marks as the dependent variable. Gain score was incorporated in the post-test marks.
Other papers were from Iran and other Arab countries. I listened attentively to what they wanted to say .. but .. as a whole .. their ‘spoken’ English has so much to catch up with the world. I prefered the papers from Singapore since NUS came out among the top 10 universities in the world. The papers were written very clearly. I think I should try to write as clearly as theirs in future. Now I am thinking hard to attend a conference in Singapore in the coming future. Insyallah.
I missed the key speaker from Japan. My friend from MMU Miss Aminah Ahmad told they were very good indeed. Well if you brought your family along to a conference, there must be some plus and minus all along the way. The plus was .. you enjoyed their companionship throughout the 2 days in Melaka and the minus point was .. you missed so much of the golden time you should have interacted with the foreigners. God willing I will come again to ICMER in future .. but this time I will come alone. Laugh.
Good. UPM and UPSI. You did a very good job. Congratulation!!
p/s: why not UPM gave us old Journal in Mathematics Education as a souvenir instead of the book mark (tags)? He..he..
Dah tinggal 10 hari lagi ..tahun 2010 ini. So far, I tak habis-habis menghadhiri majlis kenduri-khawin. Ada yang best dan ada yang tak best. He..he..
2) yang best-best
Dapat jumpa kawan-kawan lama dan sanak saudara. yang hebatnya, satu majlis itu ..pengantin adalah bekas pelajar saya dan ibu mertua dia adalah mantan guru-guru saya di Tengku mahmud School, Besut Trengganu. macam-macam boleh jadi kan? Dunia ni kecil sangatlah.
3) yang tak best ..
ialah .. musim ni kan musim tengkujuh. Banyak sangat hari yang hujan lebat dan kurang sangat hari yang mana mentari senyum ceria dari pagi ke petang. He..he.. satu lagi .. jarak perjalanan sangatlah jauh. Yang menjadi masalah ialah .. kita jer yang jadi pemandu kereta. Sakit urat mata dan badan dikerjakan kita. sebagai pemandu, kita kena bukak biji mata luas-luas... sedangkan penumpang tidur jer memanjang.. ada yang tidur sambil tersenyum lebar jer. Mungkin dia happay sangat dapat jumpa sanak saudara dia lah tu. sakit urat adalah kerana .. badan kita pun makin hari makin tua. nak suruh dia tolong picitkan ... banyak mulut dari tangan dan jari untuk mengurut badan kita yang tersangatlah penat. Cuba tanya ..pemandu bas dan lori .. sedap tak memandu kereta/bas/lori bagi jarak yang jauh ..?
Itu sajalah buat kali ini. kalau ditulis panjang-panjang ,,nanti ada orang yang sakit hati.
Sekian. Wallah hukaklam.
Today adik saya akan datang menziarahi saya dan keluarga di Johor.
Apa lagi seronpk jugalah hati ini.
2) kena layan mereka dgn baik kan? hadith: ' if we layan tetamu, maka Allah akan lapangkan hidup kita insyallah'
Adik saya mempunyai 5 orang anak. Yang besar Darjah 6 dan paling junior berumur 3 tahun.
Mereka nakal sedikit. Hobi: main komputer games/ internet dan macam2. Elektronik.
Tak main dah .. game rumah terbakar macam kita main dahulu kala. Skipping pun mereka tak main jugak. Congkak ? kirim salam lah ..benda-benda begini. Mana ada orang main this game except 'foreigners ' yg sesat kat Malaysia jer. Laugh.
Main 'tor nusuk' belakang pokok dan mintak org lain mencari kita pun = permaianan ini pun budak2 sekarang dah tak main lagi. Mereka memerap dalam umah tentok Wild Planet Animals dari Astro jer. Good news? mereka tak takut dah harimau, singa atau ..gajah. Why? paper animals .. yg mereka tahu. Sing apun mengaum dalam TV jer. mana lah mereka takut.
Ok lah. Nak gi cari ayam., itek, ubi kentang dan lain-lain seperti buah2an. Tetamu nak datang. Jika adik sendiri, mesti makan best best lagi.
Sekian. wasallam.
Wallahu aklam.
saya diminta menulis sedikit pasal topik di atas.
terdapat sekurang-kurangnya 5 faedah
1) proses markah peperiksaan; isihkan mengikut gred pencapaian; analisa peperiksaan bagi setiap mata pelajaran
2) uruskan hal-hal kehdirana pelajar sebulan; sepanjang tahun
3) e-mails. Kita boleh berhubung dgn guru-guru lain dari sekolah lain ; negeri lain; negara lain
bertukar-tukar idea
4) buat penyelidikan; bentangkan dalam konference dan buat jurnal. Otak guru dicabar mellaui penerbitan jurnal
5) buat koswer. Students yg slow boleh gunakan koswer ini dan mendapat faedah yg banyak darinya.
Sekian. Wallahu aklam.
Yg baik dari Allah ; yg kurang kurang itu dari kelemahan saya sendiri
Kebanyakan manusia suka hidup berkawan tidak kira bangsa, keturunan dan agama. Tetapi selalunya dalam dada akhbar , kita baca dan lihat banyak pertumpahan darah dan kehilangan harta benda yang banyak. Mengapakah perkara ini berlaku?
Terdapat 2 sebab terjadinya bencana di atas:
1) tidak ambil tahu perasaan hati kawan, jiran tetangga
Di malaysia, kita hidup berbilang bangsa. Setiap bangsa mengamalkan adat dan budaya masing-masing. Jika mahu kekal kehidupan yang aman, hendaklah kita berbaik-baik, bermanis muka sesama jiran tetangga dan sahabat handai. Contoh yang senang diamalkan ialah ziarah tetangga yang sakit terlantar di hospital, saat mereka menyambut cucu yang baru dan lain-lain lagi. malaysia mengamalkan sedikit sebanyak perkara ini - bantuan ke Acheh 2004 selepas jiran kita ditimpa bencana tsunami. Banyak juga sumber makanan dan pakaian yang telah dihulurkan oleh pihak kerajaan Malaysia. Bantuan Pelestin satu lagi contoh yang baik.
2) suka dan bersedia mendengar berita gembira atau tragedi yang dialami oleh kawan-kawan
Sifat suka mendengar/ tadah telinga nak dengar ini jarang sedikit diamalkan. Di dalam setengah-tengah tempat , kita suka hidupkan sifat 'kau kau , aku aku ; kubur kau kau jagalah , dan kubur aku , pandai-pandailah aku jaga .. apa kau khuatir?' Begitulah nada .. sumbang yang selalu kita dengar .. berlaku disekeliling kita. Disebabkan sifat dan amalan inilah ..kadang-kadang semua perabot rumah kita di Taman Perumahan lesap begitu sahaja apabila 2 3 buah lori 5 tan datang dan mengangkut harta karun kita tanpa disedari oleh tuan punya diri dan jiran tetangga. Alangkah ruginya ya? Mungkin kecurian itu dapat dielakan jika kita ubah sedikit perangai buruk kita itu.
Oleh itu jom ayuhlah kita .. ambil balik ..sifat cakna .. suka berkongsi-kongsi saat kita gembira bersama-sama jiran tetangga dan apa tahu apabila kawan-kawan kita dilanda musibah dan bencana. Muga-muga kita dapat hidup aman damai dan berbahagia. INi adalah ajaran Islam yang suci dan murni. Indahnya .. akibat jika kita sama-sama amalkan dari umur muda hinggalah kita tua.
wasallam. wallahu aklam.
Today I busy myself in making honest claims. I travelled a lot in October and November 2010 this year. Activities were conferences, seminars and courses. Not forgetting I supervise 5 students doing their practical attachment in Northern states of malaysia.
2) What I did was fill up the forms as required. There is a different form to put your claim. Therefore I helped my self with 2 separate forms. The hardest part is to compute the distance covered so far .. when you did not care so much its exact figure all this while.
The next hardest part is to collect all the toll recipts .. from one month to another. The reciepts must be obtained during your work shedule only. You must exclude other visits like .. tours and happiness .. jalan-jalan cari makan.
3) At last I managed to fill up 3 different forms. I hope I can get all my money back - in the form of petrol consumption, tolls on the highway and hotels accomodation. O yes .. wear and tear of my vehicles and my body exghaustion .. as it come next to my duty. If I am not mistaken it came to be around 3K + +. BTW, I spent 3 weeks collecting the supporting evidence.
Now I must clear up my desk. Tomorrow I want to start fresh and make proper preparation to face new semester in UTHM, Johor. I got to teach Discrete Maths again. Ughh.. I prefer teaching statistics and calculus. Really?
Thats it for today. Just to fill up the space in my blog. By writing my blog, I can practice languages especially English which is not my first language in Malaysia. Hope my readers can understand .. my job as a teacher here.
wasallam. Wallahu aklam.
Ada beberapa petua kita perlu amalkan jika hendak melawat orang tua mu (ibu ayah, nenek , datuk atau guru-guru / ustaz, ustazah )
Petuanya adalah seperti berikut:
(1) bawalah sedikit buah tangan seperti biskut kering/ buah kayu iaitu ubi kayu yang telah direbus dengan sempurna dicampurkan sedikit kelapa n garam ... Tidak menjadi satu kesalahan jika buah tangan itu .. kek coklat bertingkat, buah oren sunkist, buah anggur, cempedak, nangka, duku, durian, .. namakan saja. yang penting kau bawak.
(2) cakap elok-elok dengan mereka. banyakkan masa mendengar cerita dari mulut mereka dan jika boleh .. kamu tak yah cerita banyak sangatlah pasal dirimu contoh .. kamu dapat hadiah best paper dalam konferen Fizik Atom di United Kingdom dan lain-lain. Mungkin mereka tidak faham apa itu .. best paper award.
(3) jangan terlampau lama sangat berkunjung dan jangan terlampau ringkas/cepat. Bersederhanalah. Jika kamu sudah memandu 2 jam dari rumah di bandar ke rumah ibu mu .. mungkin menjenguk mereka selama 2 jam pun sudah memadai .tetapi .. jika kau tidur di sana pun bagus juga kerana .. datuk dan nenek mana tak suka ..dengan kehadhiran cucu-cucu mereka dari bandar raya/ metropolitan. Mereka cukup gembira dan riang ria mendengar cucu-cucunya bergaduh .. kecil-kecilan. Kenakalan cucu mengubat hati datuk dan nenekmu.
(4) bersembahyanglah berjamaah dengan ayahmu. Jika keadaannya mengizinkan .. bawa dia ke masjid besar bandarnya seperti Masjid Muhammadi Kota Bharu, Kelantan. Banyak fadhilat sembahyang berjamaah.
(5) jika ibu ayah mengajak mu ke rumah saudara mara yang sedang sakit tua, pergilah bersama-sama mereka. layan mereka dengan baik sebagaimana mereka melayan kerenah mu semasa kamu kecil-kecil lagi. Semua layanan baik itu akan diikuti oleh anak-anak mu di kemudian hari. Allah maha adil dalam perkara ini.
(6) bila nak berangkat pulang .. berilah kepada ibu ayahmu sedikit wang ringgit mengikut kemampuanmu. Jika kamu berpendapatan sejumlah RM10000 sebulan tak kan lah nak beri kat ayahmu RM25/= .? Beri lebih lah sedikit. Sekitar RM300 ker? Beri dgn ikhlas dan rasa penuh riang gembira. Insyallah Allah akan memberi kehidupanmu keberkatan dan kerahmatan jua. Yakinlah. Yang pasti mengikut hadith : Jika kamu berbuat baik kepada ibu bapamu sendiri .. Allah akan panjangkan umur mu ..
Nah mana nak ganti ? wang ringgit atau sedikit umur yang panjang lagi dan lagi. Umur panjang untuk melakukan amal ibadat yang diredai oleh tuhanmu.
Itu sajalah petua ayahmu kali ini wahai anak-anakku. yang baik dari Allah dan yang tidak bagus ..kelemahan ayahmu sendiri. Doa untuk ayahmu.
Wasallam. Wallahu aklam.
tadi waktu tengah hari .. saya sempat mendengar 4 orang panel bercakap tentang tajuk di atas ..dalam TV3.
2) bagus jugak rancangan itu? Tetapi .. satu jer komen saya. Bagaimana kita ukur anak-anak yang berkualiti? Adakah jika anak itu berjawatan tinggi .. itu namanya anak yang berkualiti?
Atau adakah ..jika anak kita asyik memerap kat rumah .. dari usia muda sampai ke umur tua.. sambil menjaga .. segala keperluan kita sebagai warga tua .. anak yang sebegini tidak berkualiti?
Payah kan nak jawab? Saya dapat rumuskan satu sahaja .. kualiti ini adalah relatif dan subjektif. Kedua-dua istilah ini .. mungkin hang Kasturi dan hang Lekir tak faham kot .. jika mereka kelaur dari tanah perkuburan mereka. Kenapa? kerana ..istilah ini dipinjamkan dari bahasa inggeris. Kenapa tak di permudahkan istilah ini? Kalau kita kata ..jika anak itu kaya .. ittu anak bagus .. jika anak itu miskin .. itu anak yang tidak bagus. Bolehkah kita kata begitu?
dalam drama-drama swasta ..sejak merdeka 1957 (hitam putih ) sampailah ke lani (4G) .. istilah anak bagus dan anak tidak bagus ..semuanya berpaksi dengan 'kekayaan dan darjat'. Sebab itu masayarakat kita semakin hari semakin tenat. Tidak ramai orang ang bijak ..mahu bercakap dengan gaya yang bersahaja .. apa itu anak yang bagus? dari perspektif Islam dan Duniawi.
3) Setelah mencapai umur 50 'an ini saya katakan ..anak yg bagus itu ialah .. jika kita dengar dia bercakap ..sejuk hati saya ..dan jika kita lihat dia berjalan ..bergaul dgn kawan-kawannya .. sedap mata kita memandang ..bila dia pandai memilih kawan-kawan yang .. bertuhankan ALLAH Yang Maha Esa. yang selebih-lebihnya itu ...contohnya anak kita menjadi guru, doktor atau PILOT Air Asia .. itu semua bunga-bunga kehidupan sahaja. BONUS.
Sekian. Wasallam.
wallahu aklam.
saya ingin berkongsi satu ayat yang indah
'budi yang indah itu datangnya dari hati yang suci'.
Ringkaskan? tetapi .. banyak lapisan ilmu itu jika hendak dihuraikan.
2) Bukan senang mendapat budi yang indah. Budi? sekarang orang tak suka berbuat budi. hanya orang-orang tertentu sahaja yang mana Allah gerakkan hati mereka .. mereka akan menolong orang tak kira warna kulit, tahap pendidikan dan status kaya taupun tidak. Contoh budi ialah .. melawat ibu bapa kepada seorang murid yang dhaif (miskin). Terlantar sakit bertahun-tahun lamanya. Apa yang dilihat disekeliling kita ialah ..orang ramai akan melawat .. saudara mara mereka yang kaya raya sahaja. Tak caya? tengoklah ..ward ward hospital .. siapa pesakitnya?
3) hati yang suci? Oshh. ini lagi susah. Mana kita nak ukur hati siapa yang suci ini. Adakah suci ini sama klas dgn suci yang dinyanyikan oleh Salim ( kumpulan rock apa tu ) Suci dalam debu!
Hati yang suci = hati yang ikhlas. Ada ustaz tersohor di Kelantan berceramah tentang keikhlasan. Tetapi yang bagusnya .. dia ingatkan .. orang boleh bercakap pasal keikhlasan ..tetapi sifat itu tidak semestinya ada dgn saya yang bercakap ini. hanya Allah yang mana jika ia sayang kepada kita .. Dia akan campakkan sifat itu ke dalam hati kita.
Sebagai penutup .. bukan senang mendapat budi yang indah.. hati yang suci ..tanpa kita bersusah payah .. mencari dan menanamkan sifat itu ke dalam diri dan keluarga kita tanpa rasa jemu-jemu dari sekarang hinggalah kita mati. Bolehkah kita menolong (berbudi) kepada orang bukan islam .. tetapi dalam sembahyang tahajud kita .. kita senyap-senyap berdoa muga-muga Allah memberinya hidayah .. dan taufik bersama-sama dgn kita .. sepanjang masa? Jika kita seorang doktor (hospital) .. dalam kita berkhidmat merawat ramai org sakit .. kita berdoalah .. dalam diam .. semasa tahajud .. biarlah Allah kurniakan pesakit-pesakit kita taufik dan hidayah. Ameen yar raball alameen. banyak cerita dalam kitab-kitab lama .. tentang keindahan budi para-para sahabat nabi kita Muhammad s.a.w. hasil dari budi-budi ini .. tiga per empat dunia orang islam menaaluki dunia. Nah itu dia ... cerita indah nya budi dan indahnya hati yang suci.
Sekian. Wasallam. Jom kita sama-sama amalkan .. ayuh ..
Wallahu aklam.
hari isnin yang lepas Tuhan memberi saya sedikit hidayat dan kelapangan untuk melawat ..tanah pusara arwah sepupu saya NORDIN MD NOR. Alfatihah.
2) Terdapat TIGA faedah terbesar dari lawatan tersebut:
a) memberi kita sedikit keinsafan bahawa satu hari nanti .. tempat ini juga lah tempat di semadikan untuk selama-lamanya. Tidak kira hebat tahap sosio-ekonomi kita, pelajaran kita samapai ke hujung atap pun .. kita fly AIR_ASIA, MAS, QANTAS, SINGAPORE Ailines ker .. satu hari .. di sini jugalah tempat kita .. disemadikan.
b) patut kita buang jauh-jauh sifat bongkak terhadap Allah Pencipta Alam. bongkak terhadap nikmat yg dikurniakan oleh NYA. kita boleh tahu kita bongkak apabila ada 5 benda dalam hidup kita: banyak masa kita lalai dalam urusan duniawi .. melenggah2kan solat 5 waktu, melenggah2kan bertaubat nasuha, sombong kepada orang tua kita emak dan ayah, sombong kepada orang disekeliling kita, kedekut memberi derma kepada orang-orang yang ditimpa kecelakaan dan akhirnya .. bercakap besar bahawa KITA saja lah yang paling kaya, paling pandai, paling berkuasa, .. dan macam2 ..sifat FIRAUN dan KARUN .
c) Allah ampunkan dosa kita sejak kita keluar dari rumah menuju ke tanah perkuburan tersebut. Maha Kaya kau YA ALLAH
Sepanjang pemanduan saya dari Johor, Kelantan dan Kuala Lumpur .. saya tidak putus-putus membaca Al-Fatihah kepada arwah ayah Hj Khalid Muhammad, arwah NORDIN MD Nor, arwah arwah nenek hajjah Che Esoh Che Mat, nenek Sofiah , arwah ayah long Hj Md NOR IDRIS, arwah nenek Fatimah di Pasir Puteh, arwah Hj Zakaria di Gong Manok, Semerak dan arwah pak mertua saya Hj Jaafar Muhammad di Simpang Lima, Sungai Besar, Selangor.
Saya tidak boleh lupa jasa bakti mereka semua mengajar saya membaca Al-Quraan dan adab susila budaya melayu islam sejak saya kecil-kecil lagi hinggalah dewasa. Hadith: Bukanlah kamu golongan ku ..jika kamu tidak berupaya merendahkan sayapmu .. kepada kedua ibu bapa mu, menghurmati guru-guru Al-Quraan mu, dan menyayangi kanak-kanak muslim dan muslimat. Mut tafakun ..ali hih.
Sekian. Wasallam.
Lama tidak menulis di dalam blog ini. Musim hujan , maklumlah .. senang dapat demam dan selsema. He..he..
2) Semasa ketiadaan saya , alhamdulilah melalui FB saya dapat kembali 10 kawan-kawan lama saya di Grantham College of Further Education, Lincolnshire, England. Grantham ialah sebuah pekan kecil 35 minit dari Newark dan 45 minit dari bandar Nottingham. Grantham adalah tempat lahir Sir Issac Newton. Kami di sana melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat GCE 'A" levels dan OND Engineering. Batch pertama ialah 20 orang pelajar tajaan KPM.
3) faedah berkawan ialah : seronok sembang-sembang dalam FB ..pasal cerita-cerita lama. Alhamdulilah boleh dikatakan kebanyakan student Grantham berjaya .. dalam karier masing-masing. Ada yang menjadi Remisier, Pensyarah Universiti, Guru Kanan Matematik, Ahli Perniagaan Korporat dan macam-macam lagilah.
Faedah lain ialah bila hati kita dah seronok, gembira dan ceria, insyallah , umur kita mungkin Allah panjangkan sedikit masa lagi. Masalah utama orang-orang yang mati mengejut ialah (mengikut kajian kesihatan) ialah mereka suka hidup bersendirian dari umur muda hinggalah ke saat kematiannya. Jika pembaca tidak setuju hasil kajian ini , cubalah tanya mereka yang ..tiba-tiba mati itu (laugh).
Berbaik-baik sangka sesama insan cukup dipuji di dalam islam. Bila kita berbaik sangka sepanjang masa dengan kawan-kawan kita, hidup kita sama ada personal atau perniagaan akan mula berkembang maju disebabkan bantuan 'pelincir' dari kawan-kawan di atas. Cuba kita perhatikan perniagaan orang-orang berbangsa Tiong wa dan Mamak Restoran. Tengok bagaimana mereka kawal selia pekerjanya. Kaedah utama ialah mereka mempunyai harga diri tinggi sesama mereka. Mereka jaga kebajikan kawan-kawan mereka. Mereka rekomen bisnes kawan mereka kepada pelanggan-pelanggan yang berkunjung ke kedai mereka. Dengan itu mereka sama-sama menikmati keuntungan bisnes yang berpanjangan.
Insyallah di dalam blog yang lain , saya akan menulis dari aspek 'analisa' persahabatan dengan kawan-kawan lama.
Sekian. wallah huaklam. hari nak masuk maghrib dah. Kena buat doa panjang-panjang. Murah rezki dan umur dipanjangkan oleh Allah Semesta Alam.
Last night my mum called from Kelantan. My sister called me too a bit earlier from Kajang. Many relatives did that .. from all over Malaysia to inform the saddest news. My cousin brother 'Abg Deen' has passed away in his sleep. Al-fatihah. At this news, I got another news .. I got AKC 2009. What a 'point of departure'?
2) My cousin was a clever man. His strong quality is in English. Better than mine to be honest. But ..he lost his memory after learning all kinds of internal bathin power and silat 'harimau' and what not .. from unknown sheikhs in Port Dickson/ Sumatera 30 years ago. Once he invited me sailing to Medan. Well I declined. I prefer buying a James Bond golden gun. Just shoot the bastards. He..he.. (my thinking at the age of 17 plus). Nordin was a police inspector trainee. After he lost his memory he lost his training ship too.
3) Every time I went back to KB, I made it a point to meet him at least 20 to 30 minutes. He lived all alone by himself in an old house(hut). Even though he looked 'strange' he can still find his home after walking so aimlessly on the street of Megacity , Kota Bharu, Kelantan. He left point 'A' and walked points 'B' and 'C' ..strangely he managed to come back to point 'A'. So he was OK mentally, I mean. It was must duty - that - I must Chat with him and of course I gave him some cash to buy cigarettees and what not. I love to see him smiling and laughing with all kinds of news / happenings/ if he laugh I will also laugh. He could still read London Times/ Guardian/ Newsweeek / Times magazines. And surprisingly he can comment on politics in Malysia. Strange! the doctors said 'he is not fit to work'.
4) He stayed with us in the police barrack in Johor and Trengganu in 1960s - 1970s.. Since his mother passed away when he was 7 years old my parents took him as their own son. So basically he is my brother in and out. Even though he was ill (losing memory) .. he can speak English very well. He went to PD , N9 school for a while in Form 4 and 5. He swore things in English! Brillliant you Deen.
Well abg deen .. it seems that you have said GOOD BYE to me. May Allah gives you happines in the next world. Ameen. My fatihah to you my dearest brother. Insyallah I will put some cash for you in the masjids ..when ever I put mine . of course , I will miss you Abg Deen. Now KB won't be the same again without your smiles, giggling noise in the middle of the night and many more. AL FATIHAH.
Today I got AKC 2009 from the university. Never imagined that to happen. Really? But I do dhuha prayers since I was young day in day out without fail. So honoured and so happy to get this big amount of rezeki..
Why? I don't think I deserve it actually since my friends from FKSTM, UTHM are more intelligent n hard working than me .. but .. if every body plans not to give AKC 2009 to me but if Allah plans other wise I will get it eventually .. by hook or by crook. In what ever way , you are sure to get it. Rezeki from Allah. Thats the promise of Allah to good mukmins/mukminats.
If all man kinds wanted to give u something, but without the permission from Allah , that good things will never get to you in what ever way u want to put it. U will never get it!
Thats yakin to the kalimah 'la ila ha illallah .. ' There is no one diety of worship except Allah. HE is the most powerful creator on this earth since mankind i.e., Adam a.s to the last man kind.
'yakin in the power of Allah' is the hardest thing to get. We must struggle to get in in our heart and our lives. By struggling in the path of Allah according to the sunnah of rasulullah a.s
JIhad is to put that 'yakin' in the power of Allah into our heart.
2) So what r u going to do with AKC worth RM1000 this time? Insyallah I want to go to Indonesia for 2 weeks. Keluar dakwah n tabligh. I had promised that to myself. RM1 spent in the path of Allah .. HE will return you RM700,000 in the akhirah (year after). ALLAH HU AKBAR.
May Allah grants his permission to me to do so. Ameen.
Wallahu aklam. * however i haven't seen yet the cash. laugh?
Alaihai emak ..
Hari ini seorang pakar Bahasa Inggeris Nick Rogers menulis artikel yang sangat baik dalam STAR SUNDAY 28 NOV. bahagian Sisipan - Education.
Tajuknya “ why we should do maths and science in English?”
Hujah-hujah nya ialah:
· Bahasa Inggeris adalah Bahasa Antarabangsa. Silap . Bahasa Penjajah sejak tahun 1500 hingga 1950’an. Mereka jajah kita dan sedut semua hartanah, isi bumi Negara kita.
· Istilah mathematics dan science yang tersangat mantap
· Bangsa German, Jepun dan Korea yang tersohor dengan produk ekonomi telah pun beralih ke arah penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris; begitu juga Bangsa Cina yang berjumlah 3 bilion ramainya; bangsa India menjadi 3rd kilang software - jenama produk IT dan computer di mana jumlah pendudiknya melebihi 1 bilion memeluk B.I sebagai lingua francanya. Bangsa India dengan bahasa inggeris mengeluarkan jutaan peguam tersohor hasil didik dalam B.I.
Tetapi Nick Rogers tidak sedar bahawa:
· Ada bangsa telah hilang identity budaya mereka setelah mengambil B.I sebagai satu wadah bahasa digunakan dalam dunia pendidikan di Negara mereka sejak 100 tahun yang lalu. Contoh terdekat Singapura. Anak-anak muda mereka telah mulai meninggalkan tradisi kuno nenek moyang mereka dalam semua aspek seperti budaya hidup, pemakanan, penghayatan hidup dan tingkah laku, budaya seks bebas dan pembunuhan bayi dari peringkat janin lagi
· Kalau bangsa melayu tidak berusaha mempertahankan bahasa melayu siapa lagi yang dapat kita harapkan. Ada lagi kah sinifikan pantun
Pisang emas di bawa belayar
Masak se biji di atas peti
Hutang emas boleh dibayar
Hutang budi dibawa mati
Mengapakah orang melayu lama sangat berpegang kepada ajaran agama islam yang murni yang turut sama menekankan kepentingan ‘menghargai budi orang ‘ seperti menghargai budi ibu bapa, nenek moyang, keturunan darah , budi guru-guru, budi ustaz-ustazah, budi Negara kepada kita? YES budi.
Melalui penghargaan budilah timbulnya ..cinta sayang antara ibu dan anak, cinta dan hormat anak kepada bapanya. Cinta budilah timbul rasa hurmat ke dalam hati anak-anak murid kita. Jika kita cinta pada tanah air .. apa-apa pun .. kita akan berkurban untuk tanah air ini juga.
Pejuang-pejuang bahasa dan bangsa akan berkeras juga dengan keputusan pembubaran PPMSI pada awal tahun 2010. Sekarang sudah timbul pula desas desus , kepentingan Subjek Sejarah sebagai satu alat ukur jati diri, patriotic dan berbagai-bagai lagi. Mengapa Sejarah?
“Brain drain” yang berlaku dalam kalangan cerdik pandai ialah .. jika dikaji secara detail .. besar komposisi mereka yang telah berhijrah dari Tanah Melayu ke Negara lain seperti Eropah, Amerika Syarikat, Singapura, Australia dan New Zealand untuk membina kareir .. rupa-rupanya .. mereka telah melalui pendidikan mereka hampir2 100% dalam Bahasa.Inggeris. Yang menyedihkan dari tanah penjajah itu lah mereka mula menulis dan mengkritik segala apa yang telah dibangunkan oleh Negara ini. Tidak ada yang indah Negara ini. Diskriminasi? Meritokrasi? Kroni-kroni. Inilah mengapa pihak KPM, KPTM menekankan kepentingan Sejarah sebagai subjek wajib di peringkat SPM mulai tahun 2013 selain dari subjek Bahasa Melayu supaya sedikit sebanyak mereka akan melihat ‘budi yang telah banyak’ Negara ini kurbankan untuk mereka. Penulisan pensyarah kanan UPHM Dr Ridhuan Tee pun sangat menarik .. beliau.. banyak mengupas mengapa orang melayu mesti mempertahankan budaya dan bangsa melayu untuk survival generasi masa depan.
Brain drain = hutang emas boleh dibayar = kejar kemewahan = kejar emas/wang ringgit; lupa ibu ayah di kampung; rasa hina beribu bapa yang bertungkuslumus di sawah bendang, menoreh getah, nelayan, mencari buah kayu, ulam peraga, petai, kerdas, jering, tongkat ali, pasak bumi, penjual belacan, budu, pengulam songket, jala, menjaja keropok kering, menjaja ikan untuk mencari sesuap nasi untuk keluarga seseorang dan lain-lain
Berbahasa Melayu; menetap di sini , bumi kita dibesarkan dan di bumi ini kita mati = hutang budi di bawa mati
Bolehkah begitu?
Wallahu aklam.
Mengikut paper Star today 27 NOV. dia kata students now .. cannot think n memorize so well . Why? Kesan internet and information explosion.
2) belajar melalui internet ... fikiran tidak fokus. Student selalu ingat ..tak baca buku pun tak apa .. internet semua ada tetapi .. jika mereka cuba satu topik algebra .. tiba-tiba keluar berita ..jambatan pulau pinang runtuh ..semua fokus belajar algebra telah beralih serta merta ke peristiwa di Pulau Pinang.
Keyakinan bahawa semua ilmu ada dalam internet menyebabkan pelajar tak seriuos nak ingat apa-apa. Oleh yang demikian, kalau dilihat cara mereka berhujah zaman sekarang, kita boleh lihat tahap tohornya 'the shallowness' ilmu mereka.
Ini berlainan dengan mereka yang belajar melalui buku teks dan journals. Mereka terpaksa baca dan baca dan ingat semua sebanyak-banyaknya ..kerana ..buku ini akan diminta balik oleh LIBRARY UNIV mereka kelak pada bila-bila masa. Oleh itu mereka bersungguh-sungguh belajar dan cuba mengingat sesuatu teori secara dalam dan berkekalan.
Lihat tulisan saudara Hafidz Mahpar dalam Viewpoints STAR 27 NOV 2010 SBW27.
Membaca quraan membantu ingatan kita. Janji Allah. Pencipta otak manusia seperti kita. Melihat objek haram dari skrin komputer melemahkan daya ingatan manusia. Hadith nabi tu. Banyak mendengar muzik entah apa-apa pun membawa kita khayal dalam leka. Kesan interaksi sosial manusia dengan internet ciptaan manusia.
Internet dan HP .. menjauhkan kita dari zikirullah. Ingat pada Allah. Quraan tidak dibaca langsung dah. bancilah sendiri di surau-surau hostel-hostel kita tu. banyak alquraan tidak dijamah pun. Dulu .. Al Quraan jadi lebu dan hancur. kerana ..banyak tangan , jari-jari manusia yang nak membaca Al Quraan. Sekarang after salam Pak Imam sembahyang jamaah JUmaat.. terus kita cepat-cepat sambar HP .. nak tahu ..siapa contact kita semasa kita sembahyang tadi selama 3 minit jah. Hubungan kita dengan Allah dan Nabi sudah jauh. semakin jauh. Kita sudah mula melupai kehebatan mu Allah. Ingat saudara2 ku .. bencana Alam. Tsunami .. Allah hancurkan Ahceh bila ..umat islam lupa Allah dalam nikmat kesenangan dunia yang serba sedikit. Bertaubatlah saya dan tuan/puan semua. Allah Hu Akbar! Baca Al kitab Al quraan setiap hari.. Sikit-sikit pun tak apa. Tetapi istiqamah. buat doa lama-lama. Minta Allah selamatkan bangsa melayu kita. Memori anak-anak melayu dah mula lemah ..lemah dan semakin lemah. Ada ibu bawa anak ke emporium .. bawa masuk anak 4 orang ke level 4 emporium .. bila pulang ke rumah sedar-sedar ada anak seramai 3 orang sahaja. Kemana perginya seorang lagi? Tengok? Kesan internet dan HP . Awas lah saudara-saudara ku sekalian.
Muga-muga Allah melindungi kita dari lupa, lara, dan .. menjemput azab Allah yang pedih. Ingat peristiwa Highland Towers. Allah hancurkan kita ..tak kira di mana kita tinggal. Di tepi pantai Acheh 2004 atau tinggi di gunung Highland Towers , Taman Melawati, Selangor 20 tahun yg lalu.
Wa llahu aklam.
Sekian. wasallam.
Sudah lama saya tidak update apa-apa berita di dalam blog peribadi saya.
2) Bukan apa. Sibuk sedikit minggu lepas. Musim peperiksaan di universiti sudah bermula dari 24 NOV - 4 DISEMBER 2010. So apa-apa pun fokus semua pensyarah adalah .. prestasi pelajar-pelajarnya menjawab kertas yang disediakan oleh panel fakulti.
3) Alhamdulilah kesemua pelajar saya lulus kali ini. Maklumlah 60% kerjakursus dan 40% kertas peperiksaan. Pa pa pun mereka lulus. Saya ucapkan alhamdulilah .. Tuhan beri mereka kemampuan menjawab soalan-soalan dengan baik. Untuk makluman, saya sudah bekalkan soalan deskriptif untuk menampung kelemahan mereka menjawab soalan-soalan algebra dan kalkulus pada peperiksaan kali ini. Soalan berbunyi seperti berikut:
Beri 3 (TIGA) kelemahan koswer CDiCL bagi maksud pengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik IT Kertas 1. Berikan justifikasi ke atas jawapan anda. ( 8 markah )
Beri formula EXCEL Microsoft bagi mencari Jumlah bagi data terkandung di dalam sel-sel B4 hingga B13.
Beri formula EXCEL Microsoft bagi mencari Purata, Nilai Maksima dan Minima bagi set-set data dari sel-sel B4 hingga B13.
( 4 markah )
Begitulah cara / bentuk soalan kali ini. So .. mereka perlu cuba menjawab secara matematik tulen hanya 30% sahaja.
Markah mereka setakat ini adalah antara 42% hingga 70% sahaja. Alhamdulilah. Kira-kira luluslah itu.
Mesti pembaca hairan .. mengapa mereka tidak mencapai tahap kecemerlangan di dalam subjek matematik IT ini di mana konten kursus merangkumi algebra, kalkulus, EXCEL Microsoft, SPSS Version 16, dan Koswer Matematik Algebra untuk tempoh masa 15 minggu.
Jawapannya senang sahaja tuan. Kebanyakkan pelajar yang memasuki universiti saya ini adalah produk politeknik dan kolej komuniti KPTM sahaja. Bagi kursus Diploma Information Teknologi. Mereka adalah di dalam kumpulan yang sederhana/ lemah pencapaian matematik mereka di peringkat Sijil Politeknik lagi. dari rekod perkhidmatan saya di universiti, saya selalu mengajar graduan politeknik KPTM sahaja. Kadang-kadang saja saya diberi kepercayaan mengajar pelajar kursus BIT, MIT. Walaupun begitu saya sedikitpun tidak merasa terkilan kerana saya percaya 'kerja mengajar subjek asas matematik hendaklah dipikul oleh orang yang paling senior pengalamannya mengajar subjek tersebut'. Insyallah bila semester II sesi 2010/2011 saya diberi peluang mengajar subjek Discrete Maths BIT tahun I kepada pelajar-pelajar seramai 200 orang. Tidak tahulah saya .. prestasi saya dan pelajar-pelajar ini. Untung sabut timbul dan untung batu tenggelam. Walaubagaiamanapun saya berjanji akan buat yang terbaik. Insyallah. Demi Agama, bangsa dan negara.
3) Mungkin disebabkan ini kot, alhamdulilah saya dianugerahkan jawatan sebagai Pensyarah Kanan DS52 berkuatkuasa 3 JUN 2010 baru-baru ini. Alhamdulilah. Syukurlah nikmat tuhan ini. Jika saya berada di alam pendidikan politeknik-politeknik Malaysia .. jawatan tertinggi saya mungkin pada masa ini hanyalah DG48/ DH48 sahaja. Mengapa? Kerana ijazah pertama saya adalah Ijazah Sains Komputer. Tidak sehebat Ijazah Kejuruteraan/ Ijazah Perakauanan mengikut rubrik JPA/SPA/SPP/ PTD-PTD Malaysia. Oleh yang demikian, saya merasa sedikit gembiralah buat masa ini. Sekurang-kurangnya dapat tangga gaji lebih tinggi sedikit dari dunia politeknik.
Sekianlah sahaja penulisan kali ini. saya ingat hendak keluar shopping dan enjoy seorang diri di Pekan Parit Raja. Destinasi: Kedai Mamak India. Roti Canai Bawang satu mamak! He..he..
Wa llahu aklam.
Look at this numbers - multiplication numbers.
2x2 = 4
2x4 = 8 which is 2x(2x2)=8 which is (2x2x2) = 8
2x8 = 16 which is 2x(2x2x2) = 16 which is (2x2x2x2) = 16
2x16 = 32 which is 2x(2x2x2x2) = 32 which is (2x2x2x2x2) = 32
and the list can go on.
Let us ask the pupils what did they see?
The answers may be:
a) 2 multiply by 2
b) multiples of 2
c) the bracket contains (the earlier products from the line directly above them)
In short , the teacher can be amaze to see that our pupils can see the structure of numbers.
So what next as a mathematics teacher?
We can bring them to the field of algebra.
Let us remove the '2' with the alphabet 'x'
We can see these x(x)
(x)(x)(x)(x) and the list continues. The teacher will introduce something called 'x to the power of 2' etc etc etc.
In sum, we are leading our students to the pattern of numbers and sooner we come into the world of algebra, indices, .. and many more. The question I would like to pose is .. should we let our young kids (aged 8 to 12) restricted to number pattern or number structure or we lead them to learn about algebra at a younger age?
Well I keep that to you to answer. TQ.
In 2004/05 fall my friend Hannes and I went to London Book Fair. Here we could see 3000 publishers and distributors all over the world.
At this point I would like to put only 1 important point that I saw there.
It is :
* many technicians from India/ China produced many 'How to do ..' books and manuals for the public to read and use while using camera, video recorders etc etc.
It looks so simple and thin (about 50 - 60 pages ) but it reflects that those two countries had encouraged the workers from all sectors/ strata to write and document their expertise. By doing so, their technology improves by leaps and bound. India is famous for railway engineering and automotives while China is expert in making explosive elements like our fire crackers during the Chinese New Year and big events like Merdeka Tournaments. To add more to this, Thailand is famous in creating imitating 'Bonia' products and they do this profitably by the process of proper documentations. If I were the Minister of Education, I would request all the teachers and those that are in the line of teaching in the College Communities, politechnics and universities to write a book each .. before they retire. By this way we create our own book industries and save a lot of money flowing out of this country. Imagine writing a book about 'how to prepare drinks from Tongkat Ali - dedicated to 50+ men'. See? Then there will be translated books in malay, mandarin, tamil, and many more languages. If in a year we could come out with 100,000 books written by teachers and out of these number there will be 10 very very good books .. I think ..the society will benefit a lot from the presence of teachers in this country.
These are the types of books that can be put in the libraries ranging from the schools to the universities. We can save a lot of foreign exchange. God Willing!
This somehow reflects that in Malaysia as a very rich country .. Imagine we have produced 'keris' a kind of traditional weaponery in Asia used by Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat .. and we can write books, manuals about it. Eventually we can sell it and may be New York and London Libraries would put them in for readings and references by their citizens. See?
TQ. Thats what I got after spending 4 days fully sponsored by the Late Mr Bakar (Melaka). He owned a big business specializing in importing university books for Malaysia. What happen after his death? Al-Fatihah.
Wallahu aklam.
Topik yang ingin saya tuliskan ialah berkenaan dengan mengapa anda (pelatih) mesti menulis semua aspek kerja semasa di lapangan kerja secara cermat dan berhati-hati.
Ada lima perkara utama mengapa dokumentasi diperlukan.
1) sebagai satu bukti bahawa anda hadhir di tempat kerja
2) dengan adanya buku log (kerja harian) anda diminta menulis setiap hari apa yang telah anda jalankan di tempat kerja anda. Ini akan membentuk disiplin diri dan minda anda sebagai perkara asas di dalam membentuk budaya kerja dan kehidupan sebenar sebagai seorang jurutera/ technician/ dan ini membantu anda melakukan refleksi kendiri (self reflection) pada bila-bila masa. Rakyat-rakyat Jepun setelah melalui pahit maung kesan kepada BOM ATOM di HIROSHIMA 1947 banyak mengajar mereka untuk melakukan perkara dokumentasi sebegini sebelum terbitnya berbagai-bagai modul perkakasan seperti 'bagaimana memasangkan kipas National, Panasonic dan sebagainya' dalam bahasa Jepun.
3) menentukan sama ada anda sedang menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti harian yang sesuai dengan peringkat pengajian anda di politeknik atau Universiti. Dari sini pihak Universiti akan mengukur sama ada anda akan mendapat faedah dari segala kerja di tempat latihan tersebut demi untuk masa depan anda
4) segala dokumentasi akan menjadi langkah asas untuk kami (penyelia universiti dan penyelia industri) menentukan sama ada anda telah lulus menjalankan latihan amali dengan jayanya. Jika ada kesilapan atau kemalangan di tempat amali, sekurang-kurangnya kami boleh mencari punca di manakah silapnya dan ini akan membantu anda membuat tuntutan dari syarikat insuran. Alangkah bagus usaha pengrekodan/dokumentasi ini?
5) segala rekod akan membantu pihak industri mengembangkan lagi tahap keberkesanan kerja-kerja amali oleh bakal pelatih-pelatih yang ingin mendaftar pada masa-masa yang akan datang. Melalui usaha ini barulah adanya budaya mahu bersama-sama berkongsi ilmu dan pengalaman (ikatan industri-universiti) antara kedua-dua belah pihak secara profesional.
Jika dokumentasi sudah lengkap dan di ISOkan secara baik, bahan-bahan dokumentasi pelatih-pelatih ini akan menjadi sumber ke arah penerbitan sebuah buku teknikal, praktikal dan amali. Insyallah dengan cara ini banyak buku-buku dapat dipasarkan untuk kegunaan masyarakat setempat. Sekurang-kurangnya beberapa buah buku dari medan tempat pelajar menjalankan kerja amali sudah ada ditempatkan di perpustakaan politeknik dan universiti di negara ini. BUkan sahaja kita telah menjimatkan banyak wang dibelanjakan untuk mengimport buku-buku manual dari negara luar tetapi ini akan mengasahkan bakat penulis-penulis buku-buku prosedur secara baik dan konsisten demi pembangunan ekonomi negara berasaskan ekonomi pengetahuan - Knowledge Economy. Bayangkan buku seumpama ini digunakan di Mekah, Saudi Arabia dalam masa terdekat ini dalam aspek 'Health and Safety Procedures in Computer Troubleshooting Environments in asian countries'. Insyallah. nama Malaysia akan harum di sana dan semuanya ini datang dari proses dokumentasi yang baik oleh anda. Terima kasih.
Sekian. Wallahu aklam.
Salam/ Good Morning every body.
Doing your masters/ PhD. Proposal stage
If you are thinking of doing masters and PhD and in the mean time you are working as a teacher , may be this column helps.
I am going to help only from two points of approach which is based on my personal experience.
1st is if you are already working for MOHE i.e., you are already a lecturer in polytechnic under DG41. So I am assuming that you are teaching without a masters qualification.
2nd is if you are going to work in a university after PhD.
The first approach.
++++++++++++++ usually there is a scholarship in the line for those teachers under scheme DG41, DG44, DG48 to pursue their study at masters level. Offer come from MOHE/MOE/JPA or sometimes the World Bank. Competition comes from officers from the ministry itself, lecturers from the teaching institutions, polytechnics, college communities etc etc. Sometimes Senior Teachers came in too in order to accompanying his wife (for example) who are reading her PhD abroad. So by looking at the scenario it is quite tough to get a scholarship if you are so young in the teaching line. Preferably they will prioritize those officers at the age ranging 38 to 42 years old. If you are so young, don’t worry. Just apply. Who knows the applicants age 38 to 42 years old , suddenly disappear from this world without us realizing them trying. Who knows? Laugh.
The topic you want to do must be parallel to your first degree + your main likings. The likings come from your years of experience in high schools, colleges or polytechnics MOHE. Short-courses that you had attended might some how influence your likings all this while. Rarely was there any case where we did IT degree in MMU but while teaching the principals ask us to go Tae Kwan Do training from Year 1 to Year 10 in the colleges during the holidays. By the way you do not qualify to do masters in PE/PJ at all if you do not have first degree in sports science/ physical education.
But don’t worry perhaps you can be a part time body guard for the D’Sultan of B.
Common lets continue. Lets say you did IT in the first degree and you have been teaching mathematics for the last 5 to 10 years. Then perhaps you can do something on IT plus mathematics education or IT plus computer education. Your proposal could be something like this : problem statement, scope of study, theory of education. Mathematical issues in the world and Malaysia currently, learning styles, Theory of learning mathematics on the computers, impact of IT and e-learning , impact of you tube, setting up experiments and choosing samples, qualitative or quantitative research approach and expected results from data analysis and SPSS. Discussion and recommendation. Conclusion. Usually a proposal at masters’ level is about 15 pages only.
Additional skills to have: English Language, IT Words 2007, Outlining, review tracking. UKM? Thesis in Bahasa Malaysia but most references are in English.
Mathematics topics are too vast. Fraction, Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Technical drawings- front elevation, visualization. Go deeper on each topic you will see that there are many more sub-topics under each of them.
Usually at the ministry level, the panel of interviewers will check your first degree + your record of teaching and all the courses you had taken part – in human resource development. Usually if we are graduates in IT like Instructional Design, e-learning is very appropriate for applying the masters. If you do IT as your degree and u are so interested to do masters in English/ communication .. I don’t think they will let you do masters in English in Australia, New Zealand. Why? You got no basic in English at the degree levels. So watch out mates. I was one of those 20 years back. Even though I taught English for exam classes for 10 years and an examiner for 8 years .. I still did not get the offer to do masters English in Australia because my basic degree was in computer science in Leeds. They told me bluntly stick to IT.
But if you do the first approach you are going to end up working for the schools, polytechnics for the rest of your life. Pension 60 years of age. That is very boring isn’t it? Life is all about travel and meeting new friends isn’t it?
Second Approach
A better one is to do a pure computer science or pure IT masters or try pure mathematics masters in Discrete Maths like Set Theory, rough set and/or Soft Set. Read thesis by Tutut Herawan PhD in soft set UTHM 2010 or Ewan MIT 2010 soft set, rough set. Why? If you get good grade at the masters’ level you can try and work in the university. Many lucky guys managed to do this. But usually if the university hire him as a tutor after the masters , the candidate has to pursue his phd under the same topic but at a much deeper level. But this option is quite difficult as compared to the masters in mathematics education in NUS, UKM, USM or UM. Why did I say so? I saw few of my friends gone mad while doing masters in abstract mathematics in Leeds / Brunel University. He failed in Leeds and then moved on to Brunel, London the next year. One day .. (my pal) he was talking about set theory all by himself while cutting the meat into pieces. Wow! That’s not what I want. One more - you must be mad to do pure mathematics abroad. Try doing it in India or China. I can bet with my life. Who knows you end up singing the song of Dosti – Hindustani film after the masters in mathematics. Try and look at the current issues in calculus. Current issues in
In algebra. Pre-algebra. Google it and you can see how much the knowledge of God has to offer you at this masters degree level. I read many papers .. not many scholars wanted to do Phd in mathematics. Reason? It is such a dry subject. In other words it is so BORING. He..he..
Masters education full time will take you at least 1.5 to 2 years full time.
In England by taught couses it is 10 months only. Check School of Education, University of Birmingham. England. If part time it can go for 5 years. Try plz. Many old warriors quit in the 3rd to 5th year. Excuse? I am afraid, there are too many to put here.
To read masters/ PHD please find the right supervisor. A word of warning. Don’t get a supervisor who is too old about to retire in 2 months time. Perhaps by the time you are about to sit for the VIVA s/he might have gone to the next world. He..he.. and don’t go for famous mathematician. He will be too busy supervising you. What more if your supervisor is a Dean, Assistant Dean in a very new university. They will be too busy going for meetings all over the country in the week ends. So? Little supervision is not good for a masters/ phd student. So get a 40 year old PhD lecturer to be your supervisor. That’s very cool indeed. Or in other words a smarter option.
To see whether s/he is a good supervisor , try google his/her name. See the track record. It won’t be good to see your supervisor with 20 phd students but none of them has graduated yet in spite of the web site putting his record of supervision for 7 years. In short no body is successful yet under his/her supervision.
Another good thing is to read your supervisor’s strong areas like Prof Dr Mustafa Mat Deris is very good in rough set , soft set theory. Check his list of proceedings and journal writings. Try and read few of his papers where he is the first author. If you can understand clearly what he wrote then get him to be your mentor else move on to another supervisor perhaps from the different university. The good one is to pay him a visit. Go and discuss your field of interest and may be from the discussion he can recommend you Prof Dr Jamal from Deakins Universiti or Prof Dr Wasata from Japan.
There is a very good book about ‘ How to get a phd?’ by Phillips and Pugh (2003) 3rd Edition. That is a good book to refer about 5 important pillars of research. They are introduction and problem statement, literature review or related issues, methodology , results and analysis and finally conclusion and recommendations.
I think I better leave you here. Wishing you all the best in your masters and phd studies. Don’t worry. Out of 100 students doing masters and phd , very few failed in the process once they got the above steps correct once and for all.
Wallah hu aklam. GOD KNOWS BEST.
PhD study
Try and work in the university first. Then there is more plus points of doing so i.e, PHD study abroad. If you come from the polytechnics MOHE, after PhD may be you are taken in into the Curriculum Division, Technical Education Department, Ministry of Higher Education, Putrajaya.Selangor. Malaysia. Congratulations.
Just for sharing my little experience. Hope it helps you Malaysians.
Salam. Bismillahi rah manir rahim. Tawakal tu allal llah..
If I were your sibling Attending an interview as a tutor
Objective: if they call you for interview, it means that they want to recruit you into the faculty. Well Done!!! (mathematically speaking, your chance of success is 50:50). So do you best. For goodness sake.
There are 2 phases invloved. First they call you at the Faculty level itself and the second phase is more towards the central committee of the university itself . Two different days. In this case UTHM , Johor.
First phase – UTHM, FKAS.
There are three main areas for you to focus:
1) Dressing for the interview
It is wise to wear appropriately. To put a tudung is Allah’s commandments and it reflects that you are an obedient servant. Don’t wear tight clothing’s. This is not the place to do so. ( refer to Berita Harian, 18 NOVEMBER 2010)
Speak well about yourself in English. Your background education and why you wanted to be a tutor in this university. Must present at least 3 good points why so and so like - working in the university is the chance for me to get a good and stable job, honorable job and the best route to do PhD in foreign countries like UK, USA or Australia sponsored by the university. Full time study. 3 years.
2) Subject content
If they call you as tutor in Civil Engineering then it is wise to know quite a lot about the syllabus and curriculum of Civil Engineering. Right?
Sumbangan/ contributtion - Jika kami mengambil anda sebagai seorang staf FKAS apakah yang anda dapat sumbangkan kepada fakulti ini?
What can you contribute to the faculty if you are taken in as a staff in this faculty? Why did you say so? Can you explain more/ elaborate ? May we know your strength please in this Civil Engineering? Did you bring your final year project thesis? What did you do for your final year project? Explain please.
Lets say you score 4.00 flat in a subject called Structural Analysis in your last semester, So try and talk a bit about that strength. Try not to talk on things you are weak at or you are not well versed in it. The professors can catch you on any of your weak points at any time during the interviewing session.
Your plan / career path after this interview. Tutor – Lecturer – Associate Prof – Professor
Once they appoint you as a tutor you must enroll as soon as possible masters programme. Where? Local university or overseas? Why? Name one university. Why? [ this is tocheck that you have done some background study on doing your further studies . If you cannot say anything on this , it reflects that u r completely blank ..regarding your prospect of working in a university].
After the completion of the masters program get ready to embark on your PhD programme. Preferably overseas. Name one university. Why?
What niche area you want to pursue? Subject apa you nak buat? Petroleum engineering. Oceanography and Geology. Why? Title of your Phd proposal? Why?
3) Prepare to teach 10 minutes in front of the panel
Here they will politely ask you to demonstrate that you can teach. So you take a marker and go to the white board and teach anything like mathematics in MATLAB for example. Please talk loudly. Look at the eyes of the panel. Eye to eye contact. Don’t be shy. If you can do well, perhaps the weak areas that you had shown earlier in the interview can be forgiven. It means that you can teach. Try and teach to someone else first. Do this b4 the interview. Invite your friends. Try teaching them. Make that as a mock lecturing.
Tell us which is the lastest book that you have read in this discipline?
Beri tahulah buku akademik apa yang anda telah baca. About what the book is. Isi kandungan buku itu.
Ok .. do you know anything why a faculty is encouraging its staff to do research and writing journals? Have you heard anything about this ‘impact factor’?
Questions and answers. ( 5 minutes)
Be prepared to ask the panel of interviewers at least 1 question. Such as:
When can I join the faculty – the earliest? The latest?
This is to give you some time to resign from your present job. 2 months notice to resign.
How long is the probation period between tutor and university lecturer?
[ it is good to ask at least 1 question from youyrself .. it shows to the panel that they are dealing with somebody who got brain and life].
*** study and research that faculty - the structure of the faculty in terms of staffing - it will tell you which niche area the faculty is interested in recruiting new staff.
PHASE II ( duration 20 – 40 minutes). Different date. Mungkin sebulan selepas interview pertama. Tujuan interview kedua. Selalunya politik. They can know which side you are supporting from a simple conversation. Kadang-kadang Universiti dapat meneka anda ‘pondan’ atau tidak dari gaya anda bercakap, berjalan dan .. saiz badan dan senjata?(laugh). They wanted to check your personal profile sahsiah diri anda dengan lebih mendalam lagi. I think they did not want to hire anybody from Al Qaeda group – militants etc etc.
Q1. Tell us about your self? English ( 5 minutes )
Q2. Tell us what you know about this UTHM as a new university. Read the history of the establishment of this UTHM. At least you must know who the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor are. Their respective functions. Who the Dean of Faculty Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies? How many departments in the faculty?
Q3. General knowledge. ( 20 minutes) Tell us what you know about this DS41, DS45, DS52, DS54. Scheme Gaji / Perjawatan Pensyarah.
What is the latest news in the newspapers nowadays? Politics, economics, sports, price of shares in the market, bencana alam. Impact? Mengapakah PPSMI dihapuskan dari dunia pendidikan sekarang? Why are the rural students weak in English?
Sebagai seorang staf kerajaan mengapa kita harus taat setia kepada Dato’ Najib Tun Razak dan bukan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?
Miss … why “Hang Tuah” is more respected as the national warrior and not Hang Jebat?
Siapakah itu Ketua Wanita UMNO di tempat anda? Apakah peranan nya?
Mengapakah Dr Ong Siew Lek diambil balik sebagai Presiden MCA walaupun skandal panasnya masih belum dapat dilupai oleh rakyat Negara ini khususnya orang cina Johor?
Mengapakah BN mesti terus menerajui dunia politik di Negara ini sampai bila-bila dan bukan Barisan Pembangkang?
Bolehkah anda komen sumbangan pihak pembangkang di dalam dunia politik dan ekonomi tanah air? Just answer this - They (PAS/DAP/PKR) check and balance. After so much up-roar about ‘rasuah’ by PAS, DAP and PKR now the government is very serious on eradicating bribery among the politicians and the police.
Beza antara guru sekolah KPM dan pensyarah KPTM.
KPM Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Struktur perjawatan. DG41, DG44, DG48, DG52, DG54- Sekolah SK, SM, Institut Pendidikan Guru. Maktab Perguruan.
KPTM - kementerian pengajian tinggi Malaysia. Politeknik, Universiti .
Beza antara pensyarah politeknik Johor Bharu dan pensyarah muda UTHM.
Pensyarah Politeknik ada staf yang memegang sijil politeknik dan ada juga staf PHD. Tetapi gaji mereka DH.
Pensyarah Universiti bermula dari takok PHD ke atas. Tutor adalah mereka yang sedang memegang Masters. Selagi anda tidak Berjaya memperolehi PhD jawatan anda ialah Tutor. Kadang-kadang after 6 years tidak Berjaya juga memperolehi PhD ..they fire you from the University. Good Bye. Segala masa yang lampau .. memori dan riwayat hidup kita dalam sejarah.
Beza antara jawatan Penolong Pendaftar di UTHM dengan Pegawai Daerah di Johor Bharu.
Pegawai Daerah adalah pegawai pentadbiran, pengurusan dan diplomatic. PTD. Gred gaji mereka ialah M41, M44, M48, M52, M54 management. Mereka bergerak pantas dari guru di sekolah. Ada PTD mencapai gred M54 dalam umur 35 tahun – 45 tahun sedangkan ada pensyarah universiti mati pada umur 55 tahun tetapi dengan gred gaji DS45 sahaja.
Penolong Pendaftar Universiti = pemegang ijazah pentadbiran, undang-undang. Boleh dikatakan kebanyakannya mereka adalah dari PTD juga.
Beza antara perjuangan UMNO, MCA, MIC dan PKR/PAS? - dia nak tahu you sokong siapa ni. Jangan kutuk siapa-siapa di sini. Entah-entah orang yang dikutuk itu merupakan bakal menantu mereka (panel). Laugh.
Pernah tidak anda mendengar istilah ini ‘Team Building’ di dalam satu satu organisasi. Mengapa team building di dalam HROD (human resource on development) dirancangkan?
Bilakah tarikh paling awal anda bersedia untuk berkhidmat sebagai Tutor ini? Mengapa? Jika anda sedang sarat mengandung katakanlah ( esok due date) yang paling benar dan logic. Seperti 4 bulan dari sekarang.
Adakah anda bersedia untuk dihantar ke Gunung Ledang untuk latihan jati diri? Mengapa?
Beza antara Profesor, Profesor Madya dan Pensyarah DR.
Se orang professor pada lazimnya mempunyai Ijazah PhD dan beliau juga telah menulis(menerbitkan) sekurang-kurangnya sebuah buku ilmiah berkenaan dengan ilmu kepakarannya. Profesor adalah seseorang yang tersohor dalam satu bidang tertentu contohnya Prof Dr MM D - niche area - Data Mining and Cloud Computing. Beliau tersohor di seluruh dunia. Bukan setakat Parit Raja atau Terengganu sahaja tetapi seluruh dunia. Ingat tu? Check Prof Di Raja. Ungku Aziz. Brain di belakang KOPERASI dan Tabung Haji
Prof Madya mempunyai Ijazah PHD jugak dan telah menerbitkan jurnal sekurang-kurangnya 3 buah. Dua di antaranya adalah di peringkat antarabangsa. Satu adalah di peringkat kebangsaan.
Pensyarah PHD. Beliau mempunyai ijazah PhD dan sedang bertungkus lumus menerbitkan jurnal dan pada masa yang sama sedang menyiapkan sekurang-kurangnya sebuah buku kepakarannya untuk bacaan umum orang-orang Malaysia.
Gaji professor di IPTA ada yang menjangkau RM12000 sebulan sedangkan gaji pensyarah DS45, DS52 dan DS54 adalah di antara RM5000 hingga RM10000 sahaja sebulan. Elaun professor banyak. Google it and see for your self.
Anda tahu tak jurnal impact factor? ISI index, Springer ?
Sebuah universiti boleh digredkan di kalangan universiti-universiti terbaik di seluruh dunia berdasarkan kebolehan staf professor dan penolong professornya banyak menulis jurnal yang mempunyai impact factor. Contohnya UNIVERSITI MALAYA. Ramai profesornya mempunyai penulisan yyang mana orang lain dari Negara luar telah menggunakan penulisan itu sebagai bahan rujukan. Semakin ramai orang luar merujuk semakin tinggilah impact ‘ilmunya ‘ kepada dunia luar. Jika impact factor adalah sifar ..mungkin dia syok sendiri dalam niche area tersebut. Laugh/.
· Mengapakah pentingnya sesebuah universiti seperti UM dan UKM berada di dalam liga 200 UNIVERSITI TERBAIK DI DUNIA ?
· Tahukah anda tentang ciri-ciri yang digunakan sebagai alat pengukur sesebuah universiti itu adalah terbaik ataupun tidak?
· Apakah bidang penyelidikan yang ingin anda ceburi sewaktu pengajian masters dan PHD kelak?
· Sudahkah anda senaraikan nama-nama universiti dalam atau luar Negara bagi maksud ‘proses penyelidikan’ tersebut? Mengapakah anda berbuat demikian?
· Sudahkah anda berumah tangga? Setahu saya suami/isteri anda bukan dari staf universiti – bagaimanakah perancangan family anda jika pihak universiti mahukan anda menyambungkan pengajian anda di luar Negara? [ bayangkan pasangan anda bekerja swasta/ kerajaan tetapi di tempat yang lain]
· OK my last question. Now this UTHM is trying to do this new research called Biotechnology from Civil Engineering point of view? Are you interested to try Miss …? Can you explain more? What steps should you follow?
Wallahu aklam. Kalau dapat jgn lupa orang tua ini tahu? Laugh.