Refleksi Part 1

Posted by sazali


Alhamdulilah with taufiq and hidayah from the AlMighty Allah, I manage to write some articles on the following sections:

1)  PhD and masters
2)  dakwah - we are all dai , you know?
3)  MUET, English grammer
4)  politics -  local scene
5)  life as a mathematics teacher/ lecturer
6)  life as an undergraduate & postgraduate abroad , local university  u-t-h-m
7)  my beloved dad CPL Khalid 10452
8)  my wife's wonderful cookings
9)  economy, price of goods from the local markets, ..
10)  football - Malaysia 0 ;  Desert United FC 10  and
11)  how to prepare a simple western breakfast

Among my writings, one of them obtained the highest hits daily.
The name of the writing is "  jangan takut wahai anakku "
He..he..he..  I don't know why?  Total hits 200,000 ++  for this writing only.  Subhanallah!

My friends are encouraging me to put the good bits  into a book.

What do you think?


Everybody wants money.  Not only the young student needs the money, the dying man age 93 also ..  thinks the same thing day in and day out..
With money, they can do many things like - hopping onto a new pony with a broader base,  holidaying, buying new cars, kidney machine,  etc etc.

but i think i have enough, really?  he..he..he..  I enjoy wearing my ex-students' gift like a simple shirt costing rm30 once a month from Kuching mio mio mio , writing using Edrina's expensive gift  and many more. why?  because ..

if i were to earn RM1,000,000 per day from writing ...  I gonna eat the same 3 plates of rice, 9 glasses of mineral water, sleep with the same soul on the same bed , etc etc

which is what i am enjoying right now.

So ..what is the hurry?

why worry?  so what!

* perhaps if one of the above variables start changing , may be ... i might undergo some other changes too.. but it is not easy to train old horse ..u know?  According to research, the horse like to smell  the same old thing like the grasses on the plain (Argentinian grass) day in and day out. (laugh)
I believe one simple thing boy ..  if you let others enjoy your thinking (lillahi hi taala, sincerely) .. then Allah will send many things to you from all angles .. without you expecting them at all.
Examples:  good health, good smile, good words, good friends,  and ....many other good things come running after you  during the day light / full darkness.

Insya allah.  Moreover I bought this '..  when a man dies ..he left behind 3 things :  charities, knowledge that other man can use and put them into practice and  finally pious children who will pray for him ...'.

life is so simple//  Luckily I am not the Prime Minister of Malaysia ..

I don't think he is enjoying the same kind of life like this teacher who is trying his best to put things on the computer screen for his followers from many other countries to read.

To sleep peacefully .... is my dream every night.  Target .. wake up for tahajud and fajar/subuh solat every day.  The others ..  if  there is something there is just ok ..and if there is nothing much is also ok for me.

Example:  if i have my wife now at my side ..i feel ok and ...
if my wife is on duty elsewhere ..  i must look ok ..

why?  we must learn to live alone sometimes/  this is very good ..  because ..we cannot be here for ever both of us all the time.

Sooner .. one of us ..will not be in the picture any more.

After that the remaining actor/actress will also go ..... some how, some way, somewhere  ... why?  we belong to Allah, my dear.  Kita bako  mati.  Accept it please.

Thank you.
Wasallam/    pleaze make a lot of doa die as a dai ..


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