a new chapter

Posted by sazali


We all have a new chapter in our lives again and again. Dont worry.

1. A new father
2.  A new lecturer
3.  A new post graduate student
And many more, right?

1.  A new father

He cannot spend his money like he was just newly married.
What more his wife has passed away leaving behind his young boy who has a hole in his 1 week heart.  That is very tough indeed.

2.  A new lecturer

Congratulation boy.
I am proud of you my son.
But remember in this country
The job of a univ lecturer is very demanding.
Other than teaching
You have to publish your research and serve in so many  social activities.

This is new right?
Good luck.

3. A post graduate student ( part time)

Hush so bad.

In the morning you work in the office 5 days a week.
Weekends you go to the library
And of course you are not there to paint the library. Remember that please.

You must be more organized than before what more
You have 2,3 bosses at home waiting.  In Malaysia we have extended families. The parents or parents in law all in.

He he he
Chicken you buy.
Wedding ..do not forget.  Your nephew getting married.
Research  diary ..where is it?
Did you plan anything this week?

He he he
I remembered one bad thing
After i got a letter from UTM in 2000
Offering me to do PhD
I got another letter from my boss the very next day ,,
He warned me 1000 things
One of them never use the office's stationery for any thing related to my study. Hushh... one day i  learnt he was very right.  No bad feeling Tn Hj Ibrahim.

However, that day onwards ...i walked with the feeling
I am a cheat.


A new chapter
My boss thought me so many other things.  I expected him to say something better
like .. good luck , study smart ..anything i can help, please shout.

4.  A newly married woman

Your sleep has changed.
Now you cannot read any more novels from England, Bandung or Montreal. Gone were the days ..you can count 1 million sheep and there u go ..falling fast asleep.
A new hand intruding your privacy again and again.  Well cannot blame ..you cannot get this any where else.

That is new chapter Of your life , right?

Now your novel gathers dust
For you are entering a new type of journey.  Phase 1 ..slim body.
Phase 2.  Big stomach.  Phase 3.  You are no more the same. Phase 4.  Aerobic..trying to get that 15 year old body.  Can?

If you malay
Your husband an indian
Your father in law an Australian

Then your painting will be very much interesting as compared to mine.


5.  A newly retired  teacher, engineer, headmaster, doctor, nurse, imam, PM and just name it ..  and my idola in writing
6.  The late Mr Soo Ewe Jin (2016)

see every one has a new chapter daily, weekly and who cares.

Take care you  there!



Soo Ewe Jin (2016) A mentor and tower of strength to many.  Pg 8  Nation.  The Star Malaysia.

Fathuri Salehuddin (2012).  Mudahnya menjemput rezeki.  Kuala Lumpur:  SKS Print

Al Quraan Sharif .  (Undated).


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