Dalam bahasa melayu terdapat satu perkataan dipanggil hati.
Sebenarnya hati adalah organ terpenting dalam tubuh manusia dan haiwan. Tanpa hati, manusia akan jatuh mati dan innalilllah hi ro jiuun.
Orang orang melayu pada satu masa dahulu telah berjaya menciptakan banyak istilah berasalnya dari perkataan hati.
contoh buah hati bermakna kekasih seseorang. JAGA hati merujuk kepada satu sifat manusia bermasyarakat agar kita tidak mengguriskan perasaan orang lain disebabkan mulut kita. Ada bidalan melayu mengatakan '..terlajak perahu boleh undur, terlajak kata ..buruk padahnya'. Ini mungkin merujuk kepada sisuami melafazkan 'talak 3' kepada isterinya.
Kadang-kadang orang melayu diajar bersifat berpura-pura. Ini adalah kerana orang-orang kita ingin sangat menjaga hati orang lain. Dengan cara ini masyarakat melayu dapat hidup berbaik baik antara satu sama lain dalam jangka waktu yang lama.
Kecut hati bermakna penakut. Pada satu masa dahulu, orang melayu adalah peneroka kawasan hutan belantara. Untuk membangunkan kawasan tersebut kerajaan menawarkan berbagai bagai janji manis untuk mereka yg kecut hati dan kecut perut ini. Caranya adalah menawarkan 10 hektar tanah dara ini untuk setiap peneroka. Lantaran itu orang hatinya kecut tiba tiba bertukar berani dan sekarang peneroka di kawasan Felda sudah menjadi jutawan.
Susah hati bermakna seseorang mengalami sedikit masalah dalam keluarganya. Contoh En Kareem susah hati memikirkan anak anak daranya yang sudah banyak umur. Beliau takut jika anak daranya tidak khawin, harta hartanya tidak dapat diwarisi oleh cucu cucunya yang lain. En Kareem mempunyai tanah sawit ratusan ekar. Hayati dan Haryani belum khawin-khawin lagi. Nak cakap fesyen semua pakaian yang termoden penuh sudah almari di rumah tetapi jejaka idaman tak kunjung kunjung datang. Ini menyebabkan En kareem susah hati dan makan hati.
Satu lagi perkataan ialah berhati-hati. Orang lelaki takut dengan Encik Kareem kerana bila bercakap dia suka meninggi-ninggikan diri. Mana ada jantan yg berani mendekati anaknya Hayati dan Haryani itu.
Sedangkan suka hati adalah menggambarkan keadaan emosi seseorang bila mendapat hadiah, kenaikan pangkat, bisnes menguntungkan dan tiba-tiba Bengali putih datang masuk meminang anak anak daranya dan macam macam lagi. Sebenarnya Habib Jaweed (Pakistan maghi) dah lama ada hati (berkenan) dengan anak anak orang kaya ini. Ha..ha..
Hati busuk adalah satu penyakit moden. Orang zaman sekarang mengelarÄ·an jealous, dengki, cemburu dan sedikit ada sakit hati bila melihat orang lain beruntung darinya. Contoh anak anak jiran semua dah kahwin walaupun rambut mereka DNA berjenis kerinting ala bulu biri biri Merino , New Zealand. Dia tak faham bahawa belakang rambut kerinting, banyak rezeki.
Tawar hati bermakna merajuk. Selalu orang melayu tawar hati hendak memulakan projek kerana YB YB UMNO dahulu berjanji macam macam tetapi selepas menang pilihanraya, janji janji manis dilupakan mereka. KONtraktor melayu trengganu pun tawar hati hendak membangunkan projek raksasa lain bila akhbar harian selalu melapurkan berita sensasi seperti masjid runtuh dan stadium terengganu runtuh lagi. Aduhai gelinya hati.
"Ambik hati" mengambarkan cara kita bergaul dan berbicara dengan mertua kita yang kaya raya. Silap silap hari bulan , banyak tanah sawit mereka , kita pula tuan punyanya. Mengapa? Kita pandai ambik hati (menjaga hati) mertua kita sejak kita melangkah masuk ke dalam rumah banglo mertua itulah. Bukankah ini nasib namanya? Tak payah menggaji tinggi tinggi sampai Finland dan Sweden. Belajarlah memasak ikan patin cili padi perasa tempoyak makanan kegemaran mertua kita itu dan belajarlah berbicara dengan mertua kaya tetapi selalu sahaja jatuh sakit memanjang lamanya. Anak anaknya yang lain terlalu sibuk nak bertanyakan khabar. Baguslah begitu. Biar orang lain menjaga ibu bapa kita seorang.
Rusak hati ialah penyakit kronik atau dalam bahasa hospital pakar dinamakan 'hipatitis B'/ bengkak hati. Hati seseorang itu membekak. Matanya dan kulitnya semua berwarna kuning pucat. Perut semakin membesar dan .. hishh takutlah nak tulis panjang panjang pasal rusak hati ini. Mengikut pakar penyakit kronik , rusak hati adalah akibat tabiat menghisap rokok sejak bertahun tahun lamanya. Oleh itu kalau tak mahu isteri tuan hamba guru siswazah DG48 bernikah dengan orang bengali putih .. berhentikan merokok tuan hamba secepat mungkin. Tak kasihan kau isteri tercinta?
Suara hati? ini adalah bisikan / perasaan orang ke atas peristiwa yg sedang berlaku di depan matanya. kalau dunia indah , maka suara hati pun sama sama menyatakan feeling dunia itu indah tetapi jika di dunia ini banyak fitnah seprti fitnah pangkat dan darjat, muram durjana .. maka tulisan seseorang terjerumus ke arah itulah. Kita adalah manusia. Hati manusia kecil saiznya tetapi ..jika dipanggil tukang selam untuk menyelami hati seseorang ..silap silap .. dia akan mati kehabissan oxygen kerana kedalaman perasaan hati yg berbagai bagai dimensi melebihi ke dalaman lautan pasifik dan india kedua-duanya sekali. Orang beriman berpaksi tuhan dan agama sedangkan orang hipokrit ... dimensinya jauh menuju ke lubang neraka di mana bahan bahan apinya terdiri dari manusia dan batu bata tuhan robbbal alameen. Aduh .. sakit tak terperi dasyatnya.
Cukuplah setakat ini dahulu. Insya allah di lain waktu kita akan bertemu lagi. Oleh itu bersihkan hati kalian dengan membaca Al Fatihah dan Wal Asri.
Wallahu aklam bis sawabbbb.
Today I will write a bit about ... the canteen(s) in the university campus.
This university has international students. They are going to be our spokemen once they returned to their mother lands.
In the canteen , it is good to serve many kinds of food examples
(i) malaysian food - nasi lemak, nasi kerabu hitam, lontong, soto, gapo dio laghi hah
(ii) indian / pakistani/ bangladeshi food
(iii) arab food
(iv) continental food
(v) many more please
The students are mostly hungry 24/7. They wanted to eat at some specific times like 730 am for their breakfast; 1000 am for their tea-break; 1230 pm for lunch; 1600 pm for tea time and 2000 pm for their dinner.
In England, the faculties such as in THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM and UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS put a lot of effort to ensure the students can take some kind of food easily. Examples 0800 am ... sandwiches; 1000am hot chocolate and 1230 pm ..British lunch and 1630 pm evening drinks
By doing so .. the students can focus in their study all the time.
After 1700 hours ..they return to their hostels/ rentals .. and .. they can cook for themselves.
In this university, if I were a student .. i expect similar things to be provided
but i saw .. in my faculty .. there is no place to drink hot coffee and enjoy nasi lemak quietly while playing with my gadgets.
So far we have to walk 10 - 15 minutes to the food court, you know ..
in Malaysia, this country is notorious for rain, storms, lightning and .. hot weather my friend. If we are soaked in the rain, we can focus our lesson no more. What good is G3 if we came into the lecture theater wet and 'running nose' all together?
OMG ! Why can't they place one simple cafeteria in each faculty?
Does it cost much to create that facility in a faculty?
We can save a lot of time walking up and down from one place to another just to get a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Burger me!
I can't understand this because .. I heard many staff have studied abroad.
As a student representative, I want this facility badly. Last year, I heard one Chinese girl got killed .. accident when she went out from the campus .. just to find her roti.
If there is a good place to eat here in the campus, that Chinese student can still walk and run in the campus, you? Poor her and her mummy.
Please if there is anybody powerful there .. please listen to what we want to say...just
put one cafeteria please in each faculty. Is that too hard? I heard it is not economic to run a stall in the faculty. But .. business is not the main thing here. The university can think of subsidizing the stall operator(s). It is our needs that really matter. In business the customer is the king and there is a malay saying '..hendak seribu daya, tak nak seribu dalih'. We had come from many parts of the world .. is it too much for us to ask .. a cafeteria in each faculty please? If we demand the university to provide us an internal rail system .. then it is reasonable to turn our request down but ..we just need a cafeteria. It is so simple, man.
And one more thing.. can the cafeteria in the library ... be opened for longer hours for heaven sake?
We studied ..from morning to midnight .. of course as a human being we need something to eat and drink to rejuvenate ourselves. In the previous convocations , many parties blamed that there were so few of us obtaining 1st class Honors degree. The answer .. we spent so much time .. walking to and fro the faculty seek food and drinks. We promise to do well in the coming years and of course the future convocation(s) if the university put a cafeteria in each faculty. God Willing and God Smilingly! He..he..
In the library we cannot eat and drink.
So where to go .. tell me?
Some of us have to walk and burnt 100,000 calories walking from the library to the food court .. some 1.5 km away and some of us take a car and drive elsewhere outside the campus just for the sake of getting a simple makan. We wasted so much time for simple roti and drinks please. Oh my dear you, my son. From our observation, the lecturers drive out from the campus too .. why? You are right. They go out for makan too. The difference between them and us ..poor students is ... they got cars ranging from Proton Exora to Merx E300 for makan. But we as students .. we used God sent legs and feet to seek makan. Where got road man?
I think that is all .. I want to say. Selling ice cream is also ok because most students are aged 18 - 21 years old only. Ice cream like Walls, Magnolia , ... once it is eaten ..our eyes will be wide opened and insyaallah ... we can study well .. promise.. 1st Class graduates in the making, you say ?
Till then .. hope the ice cream man can come not only this Saturday 5th Oct 2013 but for more days to come. (laugh).
TQ. No heart feeling to those who care. Just telling you that makan item .. only. We want to makan. He..he..
** *
Salam/ salutations
Now we discuss about the Library.
In the university , the library is the main center of attractions. In my university, the library has more than 500,000 books excluding e-books, journals etc etc.
I think the students nowadays are very fortunate to have so many facilities at their disposal. At this IT age, everything is at their finger tips.
So what now?
Step 1: go to the library
Step 2: plan what to do in the library. Is it to study / discuss with your friends / makan makan ?
Step 3: let us say you are there to study in the library. Very Good.
Step 4: open your lecture notes and start reading. Anything want to add? find any books that will demonstrate more examples about any particular topic? Find them.
Step 5: any journal you want to see?
Step 6: how long have you being reading? 10 minutes ? oh no/ you cannot exit yet.
else if 3 hours .. then exit .. to the library's canteen
Step 7: after makan makan (break) , go back to your desk in the library
Step 8: keep on reading. Do the exercises/ assignments. Do it yourselves. Anything difficult? If yes .. wait. Wait. refer to the library .. there are so many books there. Use the number system to find relevant books to help you in your study.
Step 9: any success?
Step 10 : how long in the library ? 7 hours ? OK you can go home now. Go back to your hostel?
In the library it is good to read. So talk less with your friends. I hate listening to many types of talking , joking, making fun of others in such a way that .. it is so noisy to .. focus on our books.
If it is so noisy, there is no point studying in the libary. You can refer to the librarian in charge to control the noise.
If you want to discuss on your assignments, I recommend you to go to a special room in the library to meet your friends and do the discussion there. Restrict your discussion to the books only. Hope it is going to be a fruitful one. Don't discuss about politics , Sunnah , Syiah .. the governmnet have paid somebody else to do that. You are here in the university to study well and get a very good degree. It will help your own family in Kelantan, Lagos (Nigeria) or Duha (Qatar).
When I was young , I spent a lot of time in the library. I read my books and sometimes if I am bored ..I read the TIMES, NEWSWEEK magazines. If I find anything interesting .. I zerox them. So buy a RM10 library card to photostat some parts from the magazines etc. etc.
Now the library has ASTRO / paid TV. We can sit quietly in one corner and watch Animal Planet from the ASTRO. Sometimes we can watch National Geography. Good , huh?
We must improve our English. If you got MUET Band 2 and 1 is better to think seriously about this. You must improve your command in English. Talk with your friends in English.
Try some questions like this:
(i) have you done your assignmnt Ah Meng?
(ii) is it possible if I see your work Ah Meng?
just to refer ... i mean (he..he..). this is to break the ice .. talking with your friends.
Say TQ for their nice favour.
By asking , saying thank you .. one day your communication skill will be improve. If you know your friend is handicapped in english .. then it is not so wise to be with her 24/7.
The decision is yours. In the library, you can talk with the librarians in english. There is nothing wrong with that. I am sure the university has offered them the jobs based on their english command.
Some people .. they download so many things from the journals.
By doing so , they feel so nice.
But in reality .. they are fooled in the sense that ..
those down loaded materials must be read, referred and discuss. Apply what you read to your assignment given by your lecturers. Then .. the time with the internet said to be a productive one.
don't let your notebook , calculators, hand-phones not attended for a long interval else they will be taken away by some unknown people. Please be careful.
if you lost something .. there is no chance to get it back because the thiefs are getting smarter than the librarians/ police/ PDRM/ PRDM know? prdm= polis raja di malaya (laugh)
I think that is all for today. Hope you get all the benefits from the library everyday, every week and all the times. You know.. your parents have high hope on you. Don't let them down please.
All the best.
Dr S.
Sehari dua ini sibuk mengemas kantor (opis). Terjumpa sebuah kitab .. saiznya kecil dan nipis nukilan Abd Wahab Salleh (1987). cetakan ketiga.
bagus juga berkongsi dgn anak-anakku ini di mana mana kau berada ..
Wahai anakku!
kalaulah wasiat ini
untuk kesempurnaan adabmu
aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya ,
tetapi !
ia sebagai pengingatan untuk yg lalai
dan pedoman kpd yg berakal
andai ibubapamu dapat memberikan segala-galanya,
tidak perlu bagimu seorang suami
dan kau terlalu berharga bagi kami
tetapi !
wanita dicipta untuk lelaki
lelaki dicipta untuk wanita
guru dicipta untuk seluruh anak anak muridnya
Bercerailah kau dari ayunan buaiaanmu
meninggalkan teratak tempat besarmu
melangkah menuju ke alam baru
yg belum kau kenal
yg belum kau biasa
kau milik suamimu
annggap dirimu sebagai hamba
tentunya suami mu
jadi teman paling setia
Bawalah wasiat dari ku
sepuluh sifat
sebagai bekalan perjalanan
menuju alam bahagia
relakan hatimu
sekadar yg ada
semuga sucu hati anakanda
dengan taat setia
dan hulur tanganmu
tanda mahu berganding bahu
jauhkan dirimu dari
segala yg jahat (jelek)
yg dihidu atau dipandang mata
juga awasi gerak lakumu
agar tidak sumbang mengguris rasa
sembunyikan suram wajahmu
masters tesis / phd tesis tidak siap siap juga
gantiikan ia dgn sinar
secerah sang suria pagi
dan badan yg semerbak harum (boleh ke?)
bermandikan bauan
mata berpasak , kening bercelak
itu menambah seri
itu membangkitkan berahi
dan ..... ingat tesis belum siap lagi
air sudah memada
bagi yg tiada
jaga masa makannya
juga waktu tidurnya (banyak sedap kau ..bang)
perut kosong hilang bicara
mata ngantuk hilang sabar di dada
kunci mulutmu
tabahkan hatimu
badanmu terselamat
jiwa temanmu tak terseksa
Simpan dulu kerianganmu
di kala dia berduka ( hilang kerja)
pendamkan kesedihanmu
di kala ia bergembira ( dapt kerja di Duha sana)
akibat aksi tak senada
hilang simpati mu sebab pertama
keruh suasana disebab kedua
hulur tanganmu ..
andai kau menghulur sebelah tangan
nescaya dia menghulur kedua belah tangan
tidak cukup tangan , nyiru pula ditadahkan
ketahui lah!
kasihmu tidak sampai ke mana
jika hati mu berdua tidak sejiwa .. (memang .. dia KPTM ..kita UTHM)
kasihkau , kasihlah dia
benci kau, bencilah dia
Allah sahaja yg mentukan nasibmu .."
adaptasi dari :
muka surat 62. Panduan Hidup Untuk Suami isteri yg soleh
abd wahab saleh
klang book centre
isbn 983-61-0008-3
Ada satu hadith .. Rasullullah s.a.w.
bila anak adam meninggal dunia .. terputuslah semua amalannya kecuali 3 perkara
pertama: sedekah wang ringgit, sedekah jariah
kedua: ilmu yg mana orang lain boleh menikmatinya dan menggunakannya untuk maksud proses penghidupan manusia sejagat dan seterusnya dan
ketiga: anak anak yg soleh yg selalu mendoakan ibu bapanya .. ke hadrat Allah Taala.
Deep inside me , I hope my writings .. do belongs to one of those three above. Oh My LORD ..please accept all my short comings .. I am not so rich like that Menteri Serawak .. but this is me .. my only contribution .. a simple me with all ilm' from your ikhsan and hinayahmu Ya Allah ... ameen.
Maaf dipinta.
Dr S ( anak melayu kito TRW)
Salam/ Salutations.
Ok .. now we go to the other part called assignments and projects in the university. In this occasion, I will focus my writing to the assignments and projects during the first year / 2nd year of your degree program. The rest ... I think I will keep that a bit later.
2) For a start let us read, write, reflect things called 'assignments'.
I restrict this to Maths/ Stats assignments.
As a lecturer , I usually give 4 or 5 assignments for my students to do for the first 8 to 10 week lectures. This will keep them a bit occupied. Even though they like washing their clothes on Saturday/ Sunday or going shopping in BP Mall or Melaka Mall .. at least at the back of their minds .. there are assignments for them to complete and submit.
I accepted assignments sent on time i.e., on or before the due date. After that date , I rejected all their work ( except my arab students who just could not understand what a due date means bad huh?).
Talking about assignments ..
I keep all their work in a corner of my room. After marking, I just keep them in case .. if I returned them to the students .. there is always a chance .. I will get the same work by my foreign students plus many sad sad stories such as ..why they submitted their work a bit late. I hate to listen all kinds of stories ranging from their papa quarrelled with their mummies, their grand dad got married again to .. he broke his right leg last few weeks.
3) From the students' perspective , assignments mean .. you can collaborate with your friends ..
after some discussion, 'zerox' ing each other's masterpieces , .. you can submit the assignment .. make sure it is before the due date. Settle?
If you can work with your friends .. jolly good then else .. if you wanted to submit your own work .. that is fine for me as long as you send the work to my attention asap.
From my experience in Leeds 1978/82 .. very rarely I got my assignment back for my revision. I did not dare to ask my work from my Professors. As long as I pass handsomely in my coursework + exam in each of the subjects that I took . i did not care so much about my work ( assignments) in their room.
I knew .. I know the subject very well. That was good enough for me.
But in Malaysia, some of the chinese/ indian students always ask for their work every now and then especially when we met at the faculties' lifts etc etc. Of course I returned their work .. accordingly. But now I still have piles and piles of my ex-students' work in front of my office's door.. it may seems that not many of them are interested to collect their work any more .. . Last time, I brought home many things from UK .. it was all in the t-chest (boxes) .. shipped from London to Port Klang. I kept all my work. Initially my families laughed at me keeping old things .. Now it has turned very yellow/ browninsh .. eaten by time spent in my home library ..luckily I kept my work .. and my children can see my work 30 years ago well intact for their reference(s).
I did not buy jewels and diamonds from UK ..but I bought few books from the car boots in Whitechapel , London, Leeds and Birmingham ,.. and those old books are the source of my exam question banks. He..he.. complete with answer scripts!
Thinking back .. I think I was smart in the sense that I kept old maths books from Grantham and London. For your information, Sir Issac Newton the world well known physicist came from Grantham and so did Margaret Thatcher, a former Iron Lady from Grantham, Lincolnshire. Yes, I was fortunate to study there .. some where near Newton / Thatcher had studied .. once upon a time before.
the steps to do :
firstly, read the question. Once. twice . thrice. Can you understand the question? If yes go to step 2. else .. don't worry. Seek your friend meh?
secondly, try and do them yourself. Yes, if you can do it yourself .. give a pat on your back. Can?
else ..keep trying again and again until you can do ..few of the questions yourself.
thirdly, write out properly.
finally , submit them yourself and tell to the lecturer .. this is my own work Sir! can?
It is good to try and do the assignment yourself. It will give you some confidence and your 'maruah' will be kept high and nigh. He..he..
it is also good to consult your better friends .. in completing the next half of the questions as produced in the assignment. At least it tells to your friend .. you had tried some yourself.
it is not good consult your friends . when haven't done anything on the assignment yourself. It tells the whole world you are there to copy .. just copy all the times. What is this , man?
In England, I have many chinese friends from Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong. They were very friendly and they looked very smart ... but I never ask their 100% help in completing my maths, stats and programming tasks. Mostly after lecture , I went home or visit the library to do the homework .. it was very painful .. thinking .. alone since I was the only melayu in that course .. but Soon after I entered my final year degree program Operational Research , i gained some respect .. and from there we collaborated with many kinds of projects what come may. I believed that .. we must show to the others that we are fully qualified to enter a British University/ Polytechnic based on our merits GCE "A" Levels results alone not because we were from Felda Jengka 10, 11 and many more. Last few months PM Dato' Najib Tun Razak mentioned of building FELDA UNIVERSITI - I hate to enter a university based on the fact I was a poor melayu and I was admitted to the university by another powerful melayu. (refer: Halim Yatim, Dikir Barat, pesan ibu).
In Malaysia, from my 20 year experience teaching .. in a polytechnic (KPTM) and a technical university (KPTM) .. I found that many students .. liked to engage in group work since day 1 in their diploma/ degree program. Some times when I marked their assignments .. if I found an error .. that error keeps on repeating itself in their friends answer scripts. Why? .. he..he.. magic in the air?
I wrote a book about Collaborative Work using Felder (1991) and Felder and Brent (2004) recommendations.
last few days I presented a paper in a conference 'Assessment and Evaluation' UTHM co-hosted with MPM (Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia) and alhamdulilah I gave a book (Mohd Sazali & Helmi Adly, 2012) to a MPM big officer .. as a simple sign of friendship between a veteran maths teacher and them MPM.
In those presentations, I explained that .. why somehow we went downhill as far as TIMMS' report and World Universities Rankings from 2002 - 2011 ..
may be .. my above experience marking the assignments ... can explain the decline.
In a book by ... they said the teachers failed to explain the basic mathematical concepts to the 14 year old students in this country .. I could not comment because .. the teachers were taught maths in Bahasa Melayu from 1978 to 1998 and suddenly Tun Mahathir in 2000 suggested the maths and sciences must be taught in English. The result as TIMMS report say : in 1999 we were the 9th best in maths among 14 plus students as compared to 100 different nations but when the year 2011 came .. our position in maths was 26th. The 4 letter word 'MALU' !
u !
It is difficult to assess and evaluate a piece of maths/ stats/ programming work when 5 students claimed to be working together in producing the work.
It is also time consuming to listen to their presentations. Of course I enjoyed .. listening their work during my classes and lab sessions. But if they were in my shoes .. then they will know .. it was hard to give .. marks correctly to those who have made the real break through in solving, developing the idea behind the assignment and projects.
Usually in RPP4 .. we spelt ..all the assignments/ projects .. but unfortunately the presentations happened at the end of the semester. We got to rush with so many things. More over Malaysia has so many public holidays. If not because of the King's birthday , the cuti was associated with THE RED WARRIORS that came home with the FA Cup trophy (laugh). We lost our momentum if there were so many cutis in the universities.
If a section of students' population has 70 students that semester and each group has 5 students. Then I have about 14 different groups to assess and evaluate their work. It is really tough when the peer evaluation forms ( Barkley et al , 2005) that I gave to my students .. showed .. they were all happy with their peers' contribution. They award all Likert Scale of '5' to their friends in the group. In that Likert Scale we used a scale of 1 to indicate Lowest Contribution and a scale of 5 to be the Highest Contribution.
So if I gave ..15/20 marks .. to the group leader , i was obliged to give 15/20 marks to the other followers. Thus .. each of them have obtained 15 marks from group assignment.
if the test , quiz and exams .. they got 25 marks .. as a total .. i found majority of my students had passed the maths, stats and programming with the lowest passing grades. Bravo .. team work at their best!
We can discuss .. is it difficult to get another 25 marks .. in order to pass a maths paper?
But I better kept that under my chest alone.
In short .. I somehow told the audience consisting of many Form 6 teachers and lecturers from JB IPG, Pagoh IPTA, and many students from many schools .. in sum I did not enjoy assessing and evaluating my students in maths and stats .. using group work as one of the measuring strategies. I gave 2 rubrics in the paper/ conference.
I think that is all for today. I hope you can talk to your self quietly .. how to survive in this university .. but deep under my brown melayu jati skin .. it is always good to show you have some degree of maths knowledge , skills, understanding, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation i.e., a credibility as a university graduate at the end of your wonderful stay in this great place called THE UNIVERSITY. Syukurlah kita!
4) Insyallah, a paper in COSMED V, Penang 11 - 13 NOV 2013 will address this tone again but the gist is .. the contents of maths , stats that Sir Issac Newton, Sir Bonaperte, Ibnu Kharuzjmi did know once .. may have gone a bit different in its approach in our march towards an advanced developing nation 2020 with so many holidays in between. He..he..
With that .. may I bade you good bye and ....
God Bless you . Ameen.
Felder, R.M. (1991). Effective teaching. in a workshop , Department of Chemical Engineering , North Corolina State University, Raleigh, N.C.
Felder and Brent . (2004). Nota Kursus UTM Co-Operative Learning. Skudai: UTM
Barkley, E.F. , Cross, K.P., and Major, C.H.(2005). Collaborative Learning Techniques -A handbook for College Faculty. San Francisco : Jossey-Bass.
Mohd Sazali Khalid & Sulaiman Yamin. (2013). Assessment and Evaluation of Statistics Projects in UTHM: are we doing it correctly? Paper presented in Persidangan Pentaksiran Pendidikan PraUniversiti dan Pendidikan Tinggi 2013. UTHM Block G3. 21 SEPT 2013. Main Hall. 1 - 6
Mohd Sazali Khalid & Helmi Adly Mohd Noor (2012). Teaching and Learning Mathematics using CDiCL: making sense through computers and teamwork. Parit Raja: UTHM
Salam/ Salutations.
Mind you ..I am continuing my writings about my life in the universities .. I hope I can add some tips for you readers.
In the university, there are 3 things that we have to focus. First quiz, second test and finally our final exam papers. All these are directly linked to your own effort only. The more you study and focus , God Willing, you will see bigger and bigger marks would be credited into your COURSEWORK account alone. Yes alone! The rest like assignments and projects are closely related to group-work/ team work. I will write about this group work later on.
To do well (the above 3 things) it is advisable to attend all classes (theories and practicals) all along the semester.
Quiz is easier than Test1 and the tests are much easier than the exams.
In the quiz, the lecturer usually ask 1 or 2 questions. Time duration about 10 minutes.
Examples of questions in the quiz are .. what are the parameters used in Binomial and Poisson Distributions?
Are these statements correct . Yes/ No
(a) Binomial distribution is a discrete type of data distribution. Name the parameters.
(b) Normal distribution caters for continuous data distribution. Give an example of a data here.
Your answer is brief and the marking can be done in the class immediately after the questions was asked. Simple?
But from my experience, if you did not read and prepare daily .. you can get just '0' mark.
In the test, you have to prepare very well. The questions are a bit tough .. quite similar to the real examination paper. Please have a collection of past papers from your lecturer. He should be able to provide you one so that you can check whether you are properly prepared for the coming test(s). I used the past paper to guide my study preparation towards my final exams.
What I mean by preparing well is .. you have to spend more than 5 hours , 10 hours like that per test.
Try and answer few questions from the Exam Past Papers. If you can do them, I can assure that you can do in the real Test. Congratulations!
Few of my students cannot answer the test questions at all. Why? Some of them mentioned .. they lack preparation. See? Surprisingly, some mentioned that they did not understand the english being used in the questions asked.
Finally we come to the main thing. The Exam Paper.
In my university, the students start to sit for the finals at Week 13 , 14 of a semester.
Most papers take 2 hours and a half and some 3 hours. Of course if you prepare well , you can answer the questions. But if lack sleep and your health is always on the poor side .. I have the feeling that you cannot answer the exam papers. Bad Luck, huh!
That is why it is important to take very good care of your self in the university. Try to eat well, exercise a bit daily and mix with some of your friends. THe university is built not for you only , you know? He..he..
I found that many students spend little time sleeping. They were busy with projects and assignments and report writings at the last minute(hour) b4 the final exams. I am not so sure why is that so the trend I mean here?
is it because the lecturers give them last minute project?
is it because the lecturers give them last minute assignments?
If that is the case, why RPP4? lesson plan I mean.
In the lesson plan, the lecturer will explain the way the subject is going to be taught through out the semester. He will pinpoint .. when the quiz, test and exams plus when he is supposed to give you the assignments etc etc.
If that is not so, you can see the Dean and complain. Can't you? or if it did not work, try and seeing the Education Minister or
the PM. why not? (laugh)
If you do that.. I am sure every body will be dead serious with RPP4. Try. (laugh). Once a upon a time my daughter attended Sunday classes from morning to evening. Why? someone wanted to replace their missing classes. Ajaib! (forgive me).
So far .. if I can remember things well, I gave my students ample time to complete their maths and stats project.
What surprise me .. was .. most of the reports were pushed into my room through the tiniest gap at the foot of the door at the 'due date' .. in such a way that .. every things looks so rushing. Right?
I think it is you that were to be blamed.
I think that is all for today. The clouds looked so dull outside ..perhaps it is going to rain soon. Till then , take care and stay focus to your study please.
Dr S
Bangsa melayu terkenal dengan sifat lemah lembutnya sejak zaman turun temurun lagi.
Oleh sebab itu, lagu lagu dan filem melayu selalu berkisar dengan kata-kata sayang siang dan malam. Mengikut penyelidikan yg telah dibuat berikut adalah kisah-kisah sayang:
(i) seorang suami isteri yang baru mendirikan rumah tangga
Pada waktu pagi ..masing masing mengucapkan perkataan sayang. Selepas itu di waktu nak berpisah di platfom tren LRT, ERL ke .. sang isteri akan bersalam dan mencium tangan suami tanda sayang.
Pada waktu petang .. masing masing mengucapkan perkataan sayang bila berjumpa kembali. Contoh ayat .. dah lama pulang sayang? Geli .. tikus kat belakang dapur kita kan?
Begitulah laghunya .. dari sehari ke sehari, minggu ke minggu yg lain, bulan bertukar bulan , tahun silih berganti. Lama lama .. hasil kasih sayang datanglah anak anak anak macam gerabak kereta api/ tren .. bukti kasih sayang.
Dalam agama islam , kita diminta menghidupkan amalan kasih sayang antara satu sama lain. Bukan setakat suami isteri , bahkan kepada ibu bapa kita yang sudah lanjut usia dan juga jiran tetangga kita.
(ii) seorang guru muda yang baru berkhidmat di sekolah, politeknik dan alam universiti
Pada hari pertama, minggu pertama, bulan pertama, tahun pertama, dekad pertama .. disebabkan sayang kepada kerja..seseorang guru akan menjalankan segala tanggungjawabnya bersungguh sungguh .. demi bangsa, agama dan negara. Payah nak dengar guru baru marah kpd anak anak didiknya .. kerana ? dia sayangkan pekerjaannya. Sayang kat sekolah, sayang kat pelajar pelajarnya, sayang kat subjek tertentu dan macam macam lagi ..hinggakan kepada .. satu saat klimaks .. di sebabkan terlalu sayang kpd pekerjaan .. seorang guru senior yg baru berusia sehari pencen , seminggu pencen , sebulan pencen dan setahun pencen pun... selepas tarikh keramat wajib bersarapun . dia akan melayan emosi sayangnya merangkumi 999 macam macam nostalgia kerana ada unsur-unsur sayang.
Ada yang tak boleh tidur teringat kpd satu sudut opisnya dalam sebuah bilik guru/ kerusi khasnya dalam kantin sekolah/ pandangan sudut tertentu blok makmal sainsnya ... yg baru dia tinggalkan kerana .. bersara wajib/ pencen. Meleleh air mata .. bila dia melalui satu blok sekolah .. teringat saat saat manis .. mengajar dan belajar .. pada sesuatu hari itu. Mengapa emosi sedemikian? Jawapan nya tak lain tak bukan kerana .. guru ini terlampau sayang kpd kerjanyalah , sayang kpd sekolahnyalah , sayang kpd .. pelajar pelajar cinanyalah dan .. macam macam lagi sayang hatta kpd .. kerusi buruk dalam kantin sekolah tersebut .
Why jadi gila bila pencen? Kerana .. perkataan 'sayanglah' otak guru pencen meracau-racau di waktu malam .
(iii) Tetapi sayang seribu kali sayang .. cinta sayang dan kasih ini tak melarat kepada sayang kepada agama, amalan amalan agama dan 1001 macam amalan berkaitan dengan agama. Mengapa yer?
Kalau sayang .. seorang suami sanggup mati .. menolong isteri yg terjatuh ke dalam perigi buta ..
kalau sayang .. seorang pendatang asing Bangla .. bermati-matian .. nak pulang ke Kuala Lumpur untuk bekerja dan bertemu lagi dan lagi dengan buah hatinya minah indon ... kenapa yer? Jawapannya ialah sayang.
Mengapa kita tak merasa macam itu kepada agama kita/ tuhan kita Allah.
kalau sayang kpd Allah .. sudah tentu kita taat mengikut perintah nya siang dan malam ..
kalau sayang kpd Rasullullah ..sudah tentu kita akan amalkan cara hidup Rasulullah .. sembahyang 5 kali sehari di masjid , sembahyang malam , buat kerja kerja dakwah tanpa henti henti .. membaca Al Quraan , membaca maknanya .. dan menginsafi kesilapan kita/ dosa besar kita seperti berzina, mengambil rasuah yg lampau -lampau, menipu orang ramai menimbang buah pisang, zalim kita tak menaikkan pangkat guru tua dalam sekolah kita itu satu hari yang lampau .
mengapa kita tak bersusah payah untuk agama?
Jawapannya senang sahaja .. kita tak sayang Allah sebagaimana kita sayangkan kepada isteri muda kita, sayang kpd meja sekolah kita/ universiti kita dan .. sayang kepada kereta baru kita, sayang kepada anak anak kita dan macam macam lagi ..yg mana .. semua ini melebihi perasaan kasih sayang kita kpd Allah Taala (PENCIPTA Sekalian Alam).
Mengapakah begitu tuan hamba?
Adakah .. Allah itu .. zalim?
Adakah Allah itu tak adil?
Apakah yg kurang dgn Allah?
Engkau tahu tau ..walaupun kita ingkar kpd ajarannya .. tetapi Allah tetap memberikan nikmat panjang usia kpd kita, rezeki kita datang mencurah curah banyaknya dari langit .. dan .. anak anak kita sentiasa sihat ... Allah kurniakan semua ini tanpa mengira ..kita taat/ ingkar perintahnya. Allah kurniakan kita kesihatan badan. Pancutan air kencing kita jauh ke hadapan menembusi belukar dan lalang di belakang dapur rumah kita .. macam anak anak muda baru bersunat ./ berkhatan .. semua nikmat ini .. adalah kasih sayanng Allah kpd kita. Bayangkan jika Allah turunkan balasan kpd kita kerana tak bersolat subuh seperti kita tak dapat kencing tiba-tiba. Apakah yang akan jadi kepada sistem badan kita? tak boleh kencing sepanjang hari, 2 hari, 3 hari .. tak takut engkau?
Mengapa kah kita ..tak sayang kpd kuasa, ikhsan , kasih sayang Allah kpd kita siang dan malam walaupun kita tak terlepas dari melakukan dosa?
Kita dapat mendirikan alam rumah tangga kita dengan anak mummy (Penang) pun disebabkan .. Allah mencampakkan rasa berkenan ke dalam hati mertua kita tanpa kita menyedarinya ..if not ..if not .. tak usah nak harap kita dapat mendirikan rumah tangga dengan sayang kita seorang itu. Hidung mancung, tubuh tinggi lampai, rambut hitam mengurai , bibir mulut nipis, tak habis gincu mudah mudah , bulu kening lebar , biji mata besar bagaikan .. buah delima di Gunung Khasmir , India .. dan .. macam macam lagi ..kecantikan yg ada pada sayang kita anak mummy kita seorang itu.
Itulah ..
engkau ini/
Jawapannya ialah ..iman kita kpd ALLAH semakin nipis macam bawang merah .. nipis sunggguh macam .. apa itu? (laugh). Kita tak ada masa pun nak buat doa mintak apa apa dgn ALLAH di waktu hari nak masuk waktu maghrib atau pun di waktu fajar .. JIka kita tak sebut subhanallah, alhamdulilah dan allahu akbar ... tanda kita tak sayang kpd Allah .. yg kita petik ialah gadget kita ...
Jom ..kita baikilah sedikit usaha hidup kita laki bini ..supaya kita sayang kpd Allah ..punca segala rezeki kita selama ini. Bila kita ingat kpd Allah di waktu kita senang ,, nanti bila kita payah .. Allah akan membantu kita. What say you tuan?
Saya sayang kpd Allah .. tuan bagaimana?
Salam/ Salutations.
Bismillah hi rah ma nir raheem.
Saya tidak buat apa apa sangat semalam, kelmarin atau yesterday. Sabtu 21 SEPT 2013.
Hanya menghadhirkan diri ke Persidangan Pentaksiran dan Penilaian di UTHM yg dianjurkan oleh MPM dan UTHM bersama sama dengan guru guru sekolah menengah T6 dan pensyarah pensyarah IPG Johor Bharu.
MPM = majlis peperiksaan malaysia.
Majlis ini menjaga kredibiliti STPM/ STP/ HSC/ GCE 'A' Levels di negara kita selama ini. Tahniah MPM!
Baguslah mendengar orang orang terkemuka mereka termasuk Mr Ng yg mewakili Univ of Cambridge , England dan Tuan Hj Fauzi ( orang kuat MPM) .
Peserta -peserta ramai jugak syukurlah .. ramai pensyarah IPG, pensyarah IPTA zone Johor , Melaka, guru guru Tingkatan 6 sekolah sekolah menengah termasuk pelajar-pelajar mereka memakai uniform masing-masing yg turut hadhir. Seronok juga tengok mereka datang termasuk orang orang besar dari JPN Johor. He..he.. orang kulit hitam pun ada. masya allah. Dari Nigeria tahu? Oleh itu , persidangan ini adalah bertaraf antarabangsalah. Tahniah MPM dan Prof Dr Sulaiman dan AJK AJKnya dari FPTV.
2) Tahun 2013 ini merupakan tahun atau kali pertama (dalam sejarah) peperiksaan STPM dibuat secara/ berformat modular bukan summatif macam kita dahulu yg lahir pada tahun 1957 - 1980. Mereka menduduki peperiksaan setiap semester. Pelajar Tingkatan 6 Rendah pun sudah kena mengambil peperiksaan pada Nov 2012 lagi. Oleh yg demikian , Tingkatan 6 Rendah bukan lagi macam zaman dahulu di mana pelajar pelajar mengganggap 'honey moon' year seperti Tingkatan 4. Yang best, dia orang boleh baiki result dari semester ke semester hingga selesai semester 3 pada penghujung Tingkatan 6 Atas. Oleh itu, sepanjang 1.5 tahun Tingkatan 6 ..mereka kena belajar macam pelajar universitilah. Bagus jugak bukan!
Tetapi paling paling best .. result STPM berformat baru ini sama standard dengan sijil STP / STPM sejak dahulu lagi. Brilliant?
Saya tak mahu komen apa apa ..lagi .. tengoklah pada tahun 2045 nanti bila 20 tahun .. dlm dada akhbar akan keluar komplain itu dan ini pasal standard graduan STPM ini. Aghhhh.. masih ada lagikah kita pada tahun tersebut?
3) Saya sempat juga mendengar taklimat dari Madame Yu ..pasal MUET (Malaysian University Exam Entrance). Sekarang baru saya tahu Band 1,2,3,4,5 dan 6 itu. Band 1 = buta kayu dalam bahasa inggeris dan Band 6 = too good to be melayu. (ha..ha..)
Kalau sekarang saya gatal gatal .. katakanlah ..menduduki MUET .. saya yakin saya akan dapat Band 4 ke atas. Insyalllah. Mengapa ? saya ada beberapa student cina dari Melaka .. mereka bercakap dengan saya .. macam hawkers jer depan tugu Melaka/ KL Suria. Itu pun depa dapat Band 3 ( sederhana lulus) . Jadi tak susah sangat ..nak lulus MUET tetapi .. ada juga pelajar pelajar saya .. yg belum berjaya mendapat Band 3 .. walaupun mereka dah dengar lecturers universiti memberi syarahan/ perintah/ arahan/ sejak 3 tahun yg lalu dlm kampus universiti seluruh negara. You know why?
they can write 'sms english' jer.
banyak sangat menggunakan 'he..he...' dan 'hu' dalam FB dan tweeters.
Mengikut laporan seorang presiden industri / firma terkenal di Lembah Kelang .. dia kata ..kebanyakan graduan melayu boleh bertutur menggunakan bahasa inggeris yg banyak dipakai dalam media sosial sahaja.
Mereka gagal .. membina ayat lengkap seperti berikut:
3.1 I am afraid disagreeing you that by passing our hand cell numbers to the others could harm us directly and indirectly as university students. Here are my 3 reasons. Bla bla..
3.2 I agree with you the notion that .. studying in Malaysia is better than England because of 2 strong reasons. Firstly, .. secondly, ...
Insya allah saya dapat MUET Band 4 ke atas punya. (laugh dan action sikit sikit).
4) Saya bertuah juga mendengar PM Dr Sidek (UPM) berucap dan menerangkan mengenai satu sistem komputer bergelar My***, ***, Qaseem dan digunakan oleh JPA untuk menyaringkan pelajar pelajar lepasan SPM untuk mengikuti kursus kedoktoran di negara ini dan juga luar negara. Tahniah PM Dr Sidek.
Kalau saya ini orang biasalah .. izinkan saya komen sedikit .. boleh?
mengapa kita susahkan otak orang kita dgn
akronim akronim seperti berikut
PS = problem solving = penyelesaiaan masalah
CT = critical thinking = pemikiran kritikal
SK = soft skills = bahasa tubuh
tak leh ke buat slide slide power point macam ini
tukarkan jer PS kepada PM = penyelesaian masalah
tukarkan jer CT kepada PK = pemikiran kritikal
tukarkan jer SK kepada BT = bahasa tubuh (jelingan manja, kenyit mata dan mulut terlopong, terngangga)
bukankah itu lebih memudahkan saya memahami banyak benda benda yg diceritakan oleh Tuan Professor dan lain lain menteri termasuk DS Idris Jusoh, Menteri Pendidikan II KPM.
maaf Tuan Profesor Dr Sidek (UPM).
4) Saya juga sempat mendengar ceramah bagaimana MPM meletakkan rubrik untuk subjek matematik , sains dan sosial sains dalam STPM. Bagus ceramah mereka. Bijaklah.
tetapi ada guru sains dari pekan Yong Peng dekat dengan UTHM .. membawa perhatian MPM pasal budget KPM, MPM pasal duit duit sekolah untuk membeli bahan bahan kimia untuk buat amali sains di sekolahnya. Syabas Cikgu..kerana berani bertanya dan memaklumkan duit tak cukup ker?
Saya kagum dengan keberanian Cikgulah.
5) After mendengar banyak benda dari UPM, MPM .. maka sampailah giliran pembentang-pembentang kertaskerja dari pelajar pelajar UTHM peringkat Ph.D membentangkan hasil dapatan mereka .. memberi fokus pasal pentaksiran dan penilaian.
Syukur kpd illahii .. saya turut membuat pembentangan ..pasal .. saya tak caya sangat pasal rubrik-rubrik dalam kerjakursus matematik peringkat pengajian di politeknik dan juga di fakulti saya selama ini. Saya perhatikan ramai students dapat markah cemerlang dalam kerja kursus (60%) tetapi kecundang dalam kertas peperiksaan teori (40%). Akhir akhirnya gred skor matematik ialah Gred "C" mengapa 60 + 2 = 62 / 100 = Gred B atau C+. Luluslah mereka dlm matematik ini. Saya menggaku saya bukan seorang guru pakar seperti Mr Tan di Maktab Perguruan Persekutuan Pulau Pinang 1982 ..yg masuk kuliah matematik tanpa membawa sebarang buku untuk rujukan. Dia tahu semua skill penyelesaian masalah matematik dari buku Durell C.V. (1959) dan dia boleh tunjukkan penyelesaiaan langkah demi langkah secara santai dan bersahaja. Yang magic ialah dia boleh kasi kami kerja rumah muka surat mana dan muka surat mana tanpa susah sebarang masalah. Dasyat guru guru zaman dahulu. Tabik spring untuk Mr Tan.
Yang ada kini ialah .. banyak sangat borang nak di isi oleh guru guru di sekolah seluruh negara .. isi itu dan ini .. sepatutnya kita fokus kpd content subjek sudahlah.
Nak isi markah bahasa tubuh .. soft skills kasi kat orang lain lah.
If this is taken , I think I have given a chance for the creation of another group of workers called
'data collection and processing using internet to the ministry computer sections and many more'.
Kasihan kpd diri saya, diri anak anak saya yg berjawatan PPP Siswazah DG41 .. dan diri guru guru sekolah semua. Kasihanilah kami dok bawak bertan-tan kertas putih dok isi borang markah bahasa tubuh , markah kerja berkumpulan pelajar pelajar .. tanpa ada titik noktah ..
common brother .. there is more than that lah ..dalam kehidupan ini.
We must enjoy our lives as a simple teacher, you know?
After my presentations, a Nigerian .. student stood up and present hhis PhD work ..comparing .. Malaysian and Nigerian .. school system
as far as .. assessment and evaluation. I like his .. final words in the power point slides ..
we don't have to agree blindly with what Malaysian teachers are doing .. they are not going to influence us (Nigerian) .. and there is nothing wrong to defer.
What a great statement you put Brother Sulaiman(nigerian PhD student)?
why copy us teachers who are busy filling up the mark sheets covering 9999 / items from a single student per subject / per class/ per school / OMG .... including .. jelingan manja, kenyitan mata , mulut student ada terlopong atau tidak dalam kuliah recursion and inductions.
we die young like this lah.
Persidangan itu telah diresmikan oleh YB Dato' Prof NC kami.
Syukurlah ..persidangan berjalan lancar ..
saya seronok.. melihat ramai pelajar melayu, cina dan india turut mengambil bahagian dlm persidangan seperti ini. Tahniah Profesor Dr Sulaiman (Pengarah Pusat Penilaian dan Pentaksiran, UTHM) .. dan semua ahli AJKnya yg telah bersusah payah , bertungkus lumus .. menganjurkan persidangan seperti ini di sebuah pekan terkenal seperti Parit Raja ini. He..he..
Al Fatihah dan Surah Wal Asri.
Maaf saya pinta .. dari rambut yg dah tak ada lagi hingga ke tapak kaki. Maaf jika ada yg salah dan menyakitkan hati.
p/s: code switching is disastrous to human's memory. PS = problem solving tetapi dalam kuliah kita sebut penyelesaiaan masalah. Sakit otak kita bukan? Kita boleh berubahlah brother/
In the university there is a group of people called the lecturers and professors. They lead a 'nice' life compared to many people around the campus.
Why did I say so?
Few reasons strike my mind:
(i) big proportion of them studied and completed the Ph.D overseas
(ii) they write books, journals
(iii) they visit many places and presented their work .. and at the end they contribute some to the body of knowledge
(iv) they got drivers to send them for meetings, airports and mind you ..these drivers waited for them obediently
(v) and many more
But to be a lecturer , you must work hard once you are in the university.
In Malaysia, in the government sector. lecturers hold the highest economic status and income after the politicians like Tun Dr Mahathir, Dato' Sammy Vellu and The Chief Minister of Sarawak. If that is not true, you can see .. the trend ..why successful engineers , doctors and academicians wanted to stand for election what come may. They believe by direct involvement in politics .. they can get wealth on the much better / fast(er) track. He..he..
2) One day I flew to Kota Kinabalu. Before we landed, I saw all green palm trees on the ground as far as my eyes could see. I asked the air steward and stewardesses , whose property is that? All of them answered .. it may belongs to the daughter of Dr. M. See? Better life in politics young man.
3) But in Islam, the followers were trained ..
one day ..Allah will ask ..few basic questions such as :
3.1 where did you get your money from
3.2 where did you spend it
3.3 how do you get those land / plantations/ palm trees
3.4 when did you get them
3.5 and of course many more
4) In the university , we are trained to value our limited time. All students and lecturers have 24 hours only. No matter you are good or bad in English, every body has 24 hours only. Why did I say that? Most of us has a watch but from my simple observation .. many of us .. did not know how to read the time from our watches. Some important meetings and lectures started late. I ask my friends and students why? Instead of their instant reply .. they ask me too why? I think Standard 3 student (from any school) can read the time correctly and practice it obediently at the sport ground.
O yes ...
From this limited time, we learn and teach because
in the day after , Allah will ask us few important questions such as:
4.1 did you hear the azan at subuh time?
4.2 did you have any knowledge about that azan
4.3 did you act upon your knowledge
4.4 what did you do with your rest of the knowledge
4.5 did you keep your knowledge and why
Oh my God .. it is tough to be admitted into the paradise.
If it is so so easy, surely Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab, Firaun, Qaruun would have easily understood and accepted the calling of the prophets at their respective time. And there won't be any stories describing about them in the Holy Quraan.
In short, we are in the university to learn, practice and become successful people for the betterment of our own families, our selves and our GOD / tuhan.
If we lost, we are the only one to be blamed. Why? we have so many lecturers and professors as our guidance. Follow their instructions. We won't get lost at the end of our stay in this university.
Till then .. Study Hard/ Think Hard/ Train Hard/ and be smart all the time.
G_BU. ( god bless you)
Salam/ Salutations and Greetings.
All along I keep on writing some thing for my readers out there since 2010. Why? As a humble teacher, I am paid to read, write and tell relevant stories to my students and the rest. As teacher we must love reading, writing , reflecting and telling some important stories to our 'followers'. Great leaders like Mahatma Ghandi, Jawahal Nehru, Margaret Thatcher, Lee K. Yew and Tun Dr Mahathir Muhammad have few common values called reading, thinking, reflecting, writing and by telling others, the civilization of human beings thrive and prosper. The younger generations would progress based on those stories/ history. History never lie. Assumptions? sometimes an assumption does lie.
The real target of my writing is my own children's well being. Three of them are studying hard just like everybody else. We follow the principles of the late Tun Abdul Razak (ex-PM Malaysia) that says '.. through education we can change our social economic well being..'. Another three of my children are working and raising their families the best that they can. God Willing!
2) I can't send them money all the time but what I can give is some motivation and the good feelings of studying abroad/ locally. That is how I trained my children. From young age, I ask them to write on a piece of paper .. anything interesting that happen today, yesterday and tomorrow. Before I sleep , I tried to read and understand their writings. By them writing, you can see their thinking and the way they appreciate many things pouring onto their well being ever since as Malaysians.
In this blog, if you read and learnt something ..jolly good else please ignore and I am sure you won't miss anything. He..he.. It will do you thousands of goods.
2) I think it is very rare ..people write things like this nowadays when it was not attached directly with any financial rewards at the end of the writings. But for me, .. , one day when all my children are successful in this dunia and akhirat (as decided by the Al Mighty Allah) .. all those successes is my actual money. I pick up any bouquet of flowers in the next world. Insyallah! It is good to build up a good family that practices good feelings between the old generation and this Y-generation. They never sleep. Everything is always ON. ( gadgets and I.T).
How to create good feelings? One of the ways is to write something short like this.
The rest is .. tawakal to Allah to decide.
If it good is good ..if it is bad ..I would like to apologize to my own children first of all and .. you too.
O my LORD (Allah) .. forgive me as you had forgiven Syaidina Omar al Khatab r.a. Ameeen.
Some students are very fortunate to get hold of their lecturers' cell phone number. Mine is also known by many students.
In this juncture I would like to share some of the experience 'sms'ing with my students.
2) practice some degree of politeness
when you send an sms ,, salute your lecturer correctly. examples. good morning Prof.
thank you so much Sir.
I got some messages like this.
where class Sir?
you not coming again?
raining , how to go your class?
3) take out all the 'he.he..' , 'hu hu hu' stuff.
try to be professional.
replace 'he..he..' with ' Thank you Sir/ It is so nice of you Prof.'/ never believe you are so approachable.
replace ' hu' with ' I am deeply sorry for my mistake. It was my entire mistake Sir. Thousand apology please.'
In the university , you are dealing with respected Drs and Professors. These type of people were highly trained in USA , UK , Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Pakistan, India , Japan and South Korea.
They came back to their country with some standards of conversation and interaction between themselves including their so called students from Manek Urai, Batang Berjuntai, Ulu Yam and many more 'wonderful' places near the vicinity of these universities.
Our university had selected their students based from certain standards/ qualifications. One of those was you my readers.
Therefore, to go far in this academic world and future undertakings .. it is good for you to follow some standard rules and procedures. It is for your own good. Believe me.
Stop using all this 'he..he.. geli gelimang stuff ' and 'hu hu .. highly surprising stuff' once and for all.
I pen down Hope you can digest my sincere views.
In the university you have 2 kinds of lecturers. They are called your study advisor and the other one is the semester by semester lecturer(s).
Both of them you can meet at your free time but since ..
most of the lecturers are busy , it would be advisable to do the following things:
1) make appointment with them
If you make one, come to the stated time as agreed by him/her and you.
Be prepared what to ask and what are the things that troubling you such as accommodation, time table and many more.
From my experience, most of my students come to get my rubber stamps. I just stamped their forms and off they disappear from my eye sights.
2) asking about a subject, topic, sub-topics etc.
Regarding this point, you must be well prepared. It is important to give a good impression that you are serious in your subject.
Show some of your workings like maths, statistics and programming.
It is good to show them your errors in mathematics. At least they can pin point where you got wrong.
3) asking for a good reference(s)
Some lecturers stock very up to date books for his teaching and ..
If you want, just say .. I want to see you latest book that you are using in this subject please.
Use please and thank you. Speak politely but accurately.
4) Final Year Project
In your final year, you are given a special project to solve. It takes 2 semester or about 8 - 9 months.
If you are confused with how to get started, ask your project supervisor how to start.
Try to show him/her your progress from time to time.
Some students met me at the first meeting and at the last before they went VIva in the end of the project cycle.
You wasted a lot of chances not to mix with your lecturers while you are here in the university. They are very helpful you know?
Provided you know how/
By discussing things with him/her, it built up some confidence in you to work with the seniors once you started working after you left the university.
there are some common rules how to work with others.
they are:
i) be punctual. Don't use the word 'on the way' all the time when you are 200km from him else you are going to be called 'on the way graduate'. <laugh>
ii) be serious with your work
iii) put on a good but proper attire
iv) bring your diary, notebook with you for discussion and
v) try to spend limited time with your SV but make it very often. I don't think he wanted you to stay longer in his office. why? he wanted to think of other things else for example arrangements to get his children from schools, shopping etc etc.
I hope you understand what i mean by my writings here. Till then I would like to say
Good luck and have many fruitful year(s) studying in this university. Enjoy your time here. plz?
Salam and a very Good Morning.
Syukur kita hidup lagi pada pagi ini. Ada kalangan kita bergelar warga muda (pelajar) dan warga tua (emas). Semua bangun tidur rasa sihat, bahagia dan cukup ceria. Nasib baik tuhan jadikan malam dan siang. Waktu malam kita tidur dan waktu siang kita mencari punca pendapatan (pekerjaan). Dengan cara begini, insyallah kita sihat dan boleh memainkan peranan.
Pelajar gembira berada di universiti buat kali pertama dan warga kerja merasakan bahagia kerana minggu depan minggu gaji.
Di malaysia, majoriti pegawai yg bekerja kerajaan didapati bekerja kuat kerana seronok membayar pelbagai hutang iaitu hutang rumah, kereta, kad kredit dan menghantarkan wang kpd anak anak yg sedang melanjutkan pelajaran tetapi jauh di mata ibu dan ayah tercinta.
Dalam kalangan masyarakat melayu khususnya, bila sebut sahaja 'tua' istilah ini merupakan motivasi untuk terus hidup berpanjangan. Kata lawan istilah tua ialah istilah muda.
Kerajaan cukup prihatin dgn cara cara kehidupan penduduk muda di negara ini. Mereka adalah bakal pemimpin negara. Bagus mereka, baguslah pemimpin kita pada masa hadapan. Oleh itu, mereka dibekalkan berbagai - bagai peluang pendidikan dan juga peluang pekerjaan. Bila ada pekerjaan mereka boleh masuk meminang anak dara atau janda orang. Betul tak? Tetapi zaman sekarang, ada juga , pengantin lelaki belum bekerja pun ditaja oleh orang tertentu untuk memasuk meminang dan terus khawin. Bahagia sungguh zaman la ni. Tuah badannn, kata orang? Tetapi bagi kebanyakan muda mudi lain, tanpa pekerjaan, payahlah kita nak merasa nasi beriani gam special diri sendiri.
Di samping itu, kerajaan turut juga prihatin dgn warga tua di sini. PERTAMa pegawai yg sudah berumur 50 hingga 60 tahun, kerajaan meminta mereka bersedia untuk dibersarakan. Warga tua lelaki tetapi beristeri muda pun , pihak kerajaan cukup sangat prihatin. Contoh perkhidmatan 'servis' hospital untuk warga tua ini maklumlah pasangan mereka jauh lebih muda dari mereka. <ketawa>
Pendek kata, kita beruntung besar berada di Malaysia ini. Oleh itu, bila sebut sahaja istilah kerajaan ..tolong ingat sedikit jasa kerajaan kpd kita dan anak anak kita semua. Pertama, anak anak kita ditaja oleh kerajaan untuk berkursus di politeknik dan universiti(KPM). Mereka ditawarkan pekerjaan dlm sektor kerajaan jika mereka cukup syarat dan layak diserap masuk ke dalam skim perkhidmatan kerajaan. Untung sangat dikau.
Kedua, pegawai dlm zon rambut warna keemasan/ keputihan, sebelum bersara , mereka dihantar berkursus persaraan. Macam macam dikau untung. Boleh tahu sedikit sebanyak langkah persiapan untuk bersara. Mengikut statistik, faktor faktor penting yg dipandang besar oleh pesara ialah sihat tubuh badan, ada pencen, ada kasih sayang dari anak anak, ada hidayah dan taufiq untuk menjalankan suruhan agama, perasaan gembira, tiada masalah, tidak kecewa, keadaan tempat tinggal , tidur, jiran dan memenuhi masa lapang. (Mohd Yusof Hadi, 2012). Oleh itu, kenapa dok asyik pandang serong kpd kerajaan? If dikau mati pun, pencen kau dikreditkan ke dalam akaun bank isteri muda mu dalam jangka masa 'within a short time'. Nok mintok gapo lg demor?
He He.
Jgn cakap tidak baik lagi pasal kerajaan. Marah besar tuhan kita. Tak malu kau?
Terima kasih Malaysia.
Di atas bumi tuhan ini terdapat 3 kelompok ciptaan tuhan bergelar manusia, haiwan dan tumbuh-tumbuhan.
Haiwan dikatakan tidak mempunyai kekuatan pemikiran untuk membuat keputusan sama ada sesuatu itu ada nilai komersial atau tidak. Mereka fokus kpd cara mencari makanan dan melayan proses pembiakan dari masa ke semasa. Haiwan memakan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Kalau tumbuhan ini ada otaknya ..sudah tentu tumbuh-tumbuhan ini melarikan diri dari satu tempat ke tempat yg lain.
Manusia adalah ciptaan Allah yg terhebat sekali kerana dianugerahkan aset otak untuk melihat, meraba, menghidu sesuatu sama ada bagus atau bahaya , belajar dan membuat satu keputusan sama ada rasional atau tidak. Untuk itu tuhan mewajibkan manusia untuk belajar , belajar dan terus belajar dari banyak sumber seperti kejadian malam dan siang. Dari malam manusia berehat dan dari siang manusia berkerja untuk mencari nafkah yg halal.
Tetapi ada manusia mencari sesuatu di luar kemahuan tuhan penciptanya yg agung. Mereka melakukan kerosakan atas muka bumi ini melalui pembunuhan dan kes serangan ke atas manusia lain untuk menaaluki sesuatu kawasan kehidupan dan lain lain lagi.
Sejarah menunjukkan banyak kes mengenai fenomena di atas.
Manusia melakukan kejahatan kerana pengaruh syaitan dan nafsu syahwat. Rujuk Al Quraan.
2) Di sekolah dan universiti ..kita dididik untuk membaca, memikir dan membuat sesuatu keputusan yang paling jitu untuk kebaikan dan kelangsungan hidup kita sendiri.
Jika diberi dua jenis pilihan ..satu senang dan satu susah .. majoriti manusia memilih pekerjaan yg senang dan memperolehi hasil kerja secara cepat. Kalau boleh sesuatu yg berbentuk percuma sepanjang masa. Banyak masalah berlaku disekeliling kita. Ini memerlukan penyelesaian. Ada orang mampu menyelesaikan sesuatu masalah secara cepat, tepat dan jitu (PDRM) dan ada yg lambat.
3) Tadi saya sempat bersembang .. dengan seorang profesor kejuruteraan mekanikal. Dia memberi satu .. kenyataan bahawa sistem organisasi kita menyebabkan kita jadi malas.
Banyak hujah yg diberikan ..tetapi tak semua melekat dalam otak dan hati saya. Salah satu hujah ialah .. sistem kenaikan pangkat seseorang pegawai dalam kerajaan.
Ada orang bersusah payah bekerja untuk kenaikan pangkat tetapi .. dia tak ada rezeki. Oleh yg demikian, tidak ada pangkat tinggi untuk nya.
Ada orang tak susah sangat bekerja untuk dinaikkan pangkat tetapi .. tiba tiba semua manusia nampak dia memang ada rezeki. Dia diberikan rezeki oleh sistem organisasi ini sendiri.
Bila orang ramai mengunakan satu alat ukur .. kenaikan pangkat iaitu kerja kuat dan ikut prosedur yg asli .. tetapi .. dinafikan hak sedangkan orang lain ..tidak ikut prosedur dan dinaikkan pangkat ..
maka sistem organisasi inilah dikatakan satu sistem yg menyebabkan kita malas.
Bila ada pegawai yg rajin terjadi malas kerana sistem .. maka .. jangan impikanlah kita dapat bersaing dalam ranking universiti terbaik di dunia. Kalau nak harapkan pegawai malas / helah untuk melakukan kerja kerja yg berat untuk membawa .. universiti ke tempat teratas ..
manusia biasa yg ada otak sederhana pun .. dah boleh agak /jangka .. tak kan dapat pegawai kumpulan kedua tadi dapat membantu menaikkan produktiviti organisasi.
Oleh sebab itu .. sistem kita menyebabkan kita (yang rajin, ada wawasan, ada komitmen) terasa tawar hati untuk bergerak maju kecuali dlm kes kes tertentu seperti perbarisan kehormat Hari Kemerdekaan apabila askar askar diperintahkan untuk bergerak maju ke hadapan dan terus bergerak di bawah cahaya matahari yg panas terik hingga membakarkan kulit perwira perwira tercinta kita. Di sini, badan perwira tersebut sahaja yg bergerak maju ..tetapi bagi .. orang orang di universiti .. otak mereka mesti digerakkan sehaluan dengan keupayaan dan kebolehan mereka masing-masing.
Aghhh.. aku ketawa kecil .. sambil bermain -main janggutku memikirkan hujah sahabat saya bergelar profesor bahawa sistem kita menyebabkan ramai orang jadi malas.
Sifat malas tidak banyak terdapat dalam haiwan kecuali lembu yg kenyang dan suka memain-mainkan ekornya melibas lalat lalat beranika warna kerana tertarik dgn najis yang masih basah dan melekat kat buntutnya. Konsep ini dipanggil konsep/ budaya lembu kenyang! Sifat malas dan tak endah apa apa banyak terdapat dalam kalangan manusia tak kira warna , pegangan agama dan budaya.
Sayang atas dasar satu kaum utama .. organisasi dan produktiviti organisasi kita tiba tiba kalah tanpa berlawan sengit kerana ianya mempunyai majoriti staf dari satu kaum sahaja. Oleh yg demikian , kita kalah sejak dahulu lagi.
Rumusan :
Manusia akan memilih jalan pintas untuk menikmati kehidupan yg senang dan bahagia sepanjang masa. Ini berlaku kerana sistem organisasi memudahkan cara tersebut.
Adakah saya silap besar bila menulis perkara begini?
From day 1, we know generally ..somehow .. by instinct who our mother is. Next come our hero called our daddy. His voice is a bit different from our mummy.More over our mummy has ample supply of fresh natural milk for our consumption at all times, any time day and night. Not only we sucked hard the reservioir of milk , sometimes some of us bite our mummy's tits and of course we got the immediate slap once in a while. I think we deserve it , right? After the slap , we cried .. and every body got busy to cool us down. Day in day out ..we grew up in the love of our wonderful parents.
From mum's sacrifice we grow up as a clever kid.
From our dad's sacrifice ..he sent us to schools, colleges, and now university. Sometimes he forego his daily coffee in order to save some money for us to school, boarding school and now the university.
When we are sick .. they are always at our side.
Even though they are so hungry and they are about to eat a morsel of food, when they heard our cry .. they sacrifice their food rushing into the bedroom in order to see our well being away from the mosquito bites, snakes and scorpions. See .. that is the love we got from our parents.
-- Next come the teachers.
We met our teachers at the age of 6 and 7. Standard 1.
Sometimes when we were funny, the teacher taught us up ... how to deal in the school toilet. Sometimes, we came out from the toilet with the top uniform only .. and missing the bottom part all the way through. But don't worry, we haven;t met our sweet heart yet. Luckily that time , size did not really matter, really?
After some years .. we gradually become cleverer and cleverer. We came top of the class among Felda families/ police barrack families or teacher quarters and soon we were sent to a boarding school.
At the boarding schools, we met more teachers. Here they regarded us as their own children. They taught us many things such as ... (fill in the blanks) other than Physics, Biology and Chemistry.
Soon MCE/ SPM/ HSC/ STP/ STPM came and we scored very well.
Then interviews came for studying abroad. We went there with the help of many of our teachers' advice through and through.
After some time we met many British lecturers in the high colleges of engineering and universities. I also got many pakistani, indian and arab friends. I knew them from the soccer fields near our colleges and universities.
After few years studying abroad , we came back to serve our country Malaysia. Some came back as teachers, lecturers , engineers and doctors. We worked together to build up our nation including my accounting friends ACCA/ Chartered Accountants.
Looking back at all the hard services of our parents
and teachers .. I think we should say Thank You Mummy, thnak you dadddy and of course Thank YOu Sir/ Teacher. Luckily, my name has Dr and Prof all put together as one nowadays .. as some kind of flowers that decorate the garden of knowledge I obtained from the blessings of my kind parents and wonderful teachers. When I mentioned flowers I remembered my best indian teachers called Mr Dominic, Mr Hector John and Mr Mano (Biology teacher in STAR, Ipoh) and Mrs Simon (Grantham, England).
By saying that .. we should try our best to stay away from causing hardship / bad feelings towards our parents or teacher masters. They had contributed a lot towards our well being.
Without them ..we are no where today as an expert teacher, Professor, Chief Executive Officer , and many more. In fact the PM of Malaysia came from the service of his parents and hard working teachers.
But do you know.. most politicians that we have today ..came from the teaching families especially the malays. I do not know .. how come we say bad things about how our teachers that had ruled this country. I am sure ..if given the chance to 'make' some extra money .. we are not 100% sure that we are better than them .. because money , power and lady attractions are very addictive elements like ganja and opium. It is easy to get addicted. Ask Chin Peng the communist leader. Why on earth he took many lives of the Malaysians in that communist era 1940 - 1980 if it was not for power, money and glory?
As a good son / teacher .. myself .I think we have to repent and start saying good things to our parents and our past teachers. Is that very hard to do?
Without their sacrifice, we won't be here. Right?
So think nice of them always.
One day .. your own children will think nice of you too.