Muslims, pakaian muslims dan kerja sebenar muslims

Posted by sazali


good title isn't it? He..he..

2) Since I am a teacher let me give you a simple analogy. We as teachers if we wake up from sleep and started to prepare going to the school .. did the clothes we put on is called the real work called teaching?

Is the soldier by wearing his full uniform ( in green, I mean) .. is wearing the unniform his real work?

so when is it the work is really a work by the teacher and the soldier in the above paragraphs? Good. When he started to teach, explain things, elaborate his ideas again n again in his classrooms, mark the students books , return them punctualy and prepare his students to sit for examinations. Therefore the clothing he puts is so much different from his actual work in the classroom.

Similar is the soldier. He has to sacrifice his life in the thick battle of war .. protecting his country .. surviving from the wars .. then this is called the real work of a soldier.

What about muslims, mukminin, and mukminah? What is our real work?
By putting nice clothes like baju melayu, baju arab, kurta .. eating dates from mecca and drinking zam zam water .. is that our real work my readers? Or is it by praying 5 times in MEcca and Madinah ..our real work. Think for a second .. what is the answer.. u think.

To get the answer let us look at the kitabs of the Holy Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. Yes all his sahabhs took part in the work of dakwah. Yes propagating islam to all corners of the world. We can start small. By taking part in the work of dakwah in our locality. Gashz. Visit door to door our neighbours houses next door and talk a bit bout the real purpose of our life.

If time comes for .. jihad .. religious war ... at least we are already prepared for the real work of helping the deen of Islam .. are we ready for this work my dear soul ( my self) and u readers out there?

Thats the real work as prescribed by the kitabs of all anbiyas and sahabahs of the blessed years Abu Bakar, Omar, Othman, Ali, r.a. aj main.

Thats all for today. Is clothing .. the real work?



  1. sazali said...

    Alhamdulilah .. I am fine here. Just pen down my thinking now and then for the benefit of all mankind today, tomorrow and many more to come. As muslims ..we have to think , act and amal much differently from the others . Then we are called the best ummah. I will try to see ur busana wanita one fine day. TQ for your support sister! wasallam.

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