English Lessons for Malays 20

Posted by sazali


Got to rush these days. Why? I am celebrating Eid Mubarak next week. Are you Ali?

Ali: what Sir?
Teacher: I said we muslims will be celebrating EID MUBARAK next week. Is that right Ali?
Ali: Jolly good. Yes I am . Good this Eid Mubarak. We can eat a lot of sate. You open house Sir?

Teacher: Thank you Ali. Oops. My house will be open after 15th September Ali. Would you like to come? Invite Ranjit too, will you?

See we can make good dialogue by giving out short questions and suitable replies.

Examples: 1) Are you Ali? [ saya maksudkan ..adakah kamu juga Ali akan meraikan hari raya ini? macam saya .]
2) You open house Sir?

Saya faham maksud Ali itu. Open house means I will hold an open house where many people can come and enjoy my food.

3) Invite Ranjit, will you?

This is so simple a sentence. Invite Ranjit, will you? The sentence ends with a tag ..will you?

I think you can do that too. Try and converse with your friends. Broken english is also OK. As long as you are using your brain, mouth and friendship values.

Start talking with someone. You will improve your confidence talking english, thinking english and dreaming englishj. Try please?

I think thats all for today. Take care on the road. I don't want to see anybody on the front page during these raya days. He..he.

Till then see you.


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