English Lessons for my Malays 5

Posted by sazali


Today I am going to teach you a bit about 'Continous Tenses'. You know this by seeing many words ending with 'ing'. Right? Examples: running , eating, drinking, playing , studying etc etc. All these 'ing' words could indicate an action that is taking place now and will continue to be so for some time ...

Studying = Some body is study + ing mathematics by himself in the room.

Writing = Ani is write + ing (writing) an article for an international journal in data mining.

Singing = Don't disturb them . Let them enjoy their sing + ing, will you?

Dancing = Last weekend, she went to a dancing class in Kota Kinabalu.


Yes many of you might have notice that most of the 'ing' words come with 'is' , 'are', 'were' before it .. right? So that's it.

Present Continous Tenses.

She is eating noodles with her younger brother Raos.
They are playing soccer in the rain.
We are planning a trip to Hanoi now.

Past Continous Tenses. ( Past Tense? benda yang dah berlaku minggu minggu lepas)

They were planning a trip to Hanoi when I met them last week.

She was eating noodles with Raos when I met them last Thursday.

I was dreaming of flying to China this November 2011 .. when you called .


Hope you can see the patterns of the above sentences. All actions (perbuatan, kata kerja) sedang berlangsung tak berhenti-henti ... terus berjalan ..

I think thats all for today. We meet again next time , shall we?


Wallhu aklam.


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