If applying for a post TUTOR in my university

Posted by sazali

Salam. Bismillahi rah manir rahim. Tawakal tu allal llah..

If I were your sibling Attending an interview as a tutor

Objective: if they call you for interview, it means that they want to recruit you into the faculty. Well Done!!! (mathematically speaking, your chance of success is 50:50). So do you best. For goodness sake.

There are 2 phases invloved. First they call you at the Faculty level itself and the second phase is more towards the central committee of the university itself . Two different days. In this case UTHM , Johor.

First phase – UTHM, FKAS.

There are three main areas for you to focus:

1) Dressing for the interview
It is wise to wear appropriately. To put a tudung is Allah’s commandments and it reflects that you are an obedient servant. Don’t wear tight clothing’s. This is not the place to do so. ( refer to Berita Harian, 18 NOVEMBER 2010)

Speak well about yourself in English. Your background education and why you wanted to be a tutor in this university. Must present at least 3 good points why so and so like - working in the university is the chance for me to get a good and stable job, honorable job and the best route to do PhD in foreign countries like UK, USA or Australia sponsored by the university. Full time study. 3 years.

2) Subject content

If they call you as tutor in Civil Engineering then it is wise to know quite a lot about the syllabus and curriculum of Civil Engineering. Right?

Sumbangan/ contributtion - Jika kami mengambil anda sebagai seorang staf FKAS apakah yang anda dapat sumbangkan kepada fakulti ini?

What can you contribute to the faculty if you are taken in as a staff in this faculty? Why did you say so? Can you explain more/ elaborate ? May we know your strength please in this Civil Engineering? Did you bring your final year project thesis? What did you do for your final year project? Explain please.

Lets say you score 4.00 flat in a subject called Structural Analysis in your last semester, So try and talk a bit about that strength. Try not to talk on things you are weak at or you are not well versed in it. The professors can catch you on any of your weak points at any time during the interviewing session.

Your plan / career path after this interview. Tutor – Lecturer – Associate Prof – Professor

Once they appoint you as a tutor you must enroll as soon as possible masters programme. Where? Local university or overseas? Why? Name one university. Why? [ this is tocheck that you have done some background study on doing your further studies . If you cannot say anything on this , it reflects that u r completely blank ..regarding your prospect of working in a university].

After the completion of the masters program get ready to embark on your PhD programme. Preferably overseas. Name one university. Why?

What niche area you want to pursue? Subject apa you nak buat? Petroleum engineering. Oceanography and Geology. Why? Title of your Phd proposal? Why?

3) Prepare to teach 10 minutes in front of the panel
Here they will politely ask you to demonstrate that you can teach. So you take a marker and go to the white board and teach anything like mathematics in MATLAB for example. Please talk loudly. Look at the eyes of the panel. Eye to eye contact. Don’t be shy. If you can do well, perhaps the weak areas that you had shown earlier in the interview can be forgiven. It means that you can teach. Try and teach to someone else first. Do this b4 the interview. Invite your friends. Try teaching them. Make that as a mock lecturing.

Tell us which is the lastest book that you have read in this discipline?
Beri tahulah buku akademik apa yang anda telah baca. About what the book is. Isi kandungan buku itu.

Ok .. do you know anything why a faculty is encouraging its staff to do research and writing journals? Have you heard anything about this ‘impact factor’?

Questions and answers. ( 5 minutes)
Be prepared to ask the panel of interviewers at least 1 question. Such as:

When can I join the faculty – the earliest? The latest?
This is to give you some time to resign from your present job. 2 months notice to resign.

How long is the probation period between tutor and university lecturer?

[ it is good to ask at least 1 question from youyrself .. it shows to the panel that they are dealing with somebody who got brain and life].

*** study and research that faculty - the structure of the faculty in terms of staffing - it will tell you which niche area the faculty is interested in recruiting new staff.


PHASE II ( duration 20 – 40 minutes). Different date. Mungkin sebulan selepas interview pertama. Tujuan interview kedua. Selalunya politik. They can know which side you are supporting from a simple conversation. Kadang-kadang Universiti dapat meneka anda ‘pondan’ atau tidak dari gaya anda bercakap, berjalan dan .. saiz badan dan senjata?(laugh). They wanted to check your personal profile sahsiah diri anda dengan lebih mendalam lagi. I think they did not want to hire anybody from Al Qaeda group – militants etc etc.

Q1. Tell us about your self? English ( 5 minutes )

Q2. Tell us what you know about this UTHM as a new university. Read the history of the establishment of this UTHM. At least you must know who the Chancellor and the Vice Chancellor are. Their respective functions. Who the Dean of Faculty Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies? How many departments in the faculty?

Q3. General knowledge. ( 20 minutes) Tell us what you know about this DS41, DS45, DS52, DS54. Scheme Gaji / Perjawatan Pensyarah.

What is the latest news in the newspapers nowadays? Politics, economics, sports, price of shares in the market, bencana alam. Impact? Mengapakah PPSMI dihapuskan dari dunia pendidikan sekarang? Why are the rural students weak in English?

Sebagai seorang staf kerajaan mengapa kita harus taat setia kepada Dato’ Najib Tun Razak dan bukan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim?

Miss … why “Hang Tuah” is more respected as the national warrior and not Hang Jebat?

Siapakah itu Ketua Wanita UMNO di tempat anda? Apakah peranan nya?

Mengapakah Dr Ong Siew Lek diambil balik sebagai Presiden MCA walaupun skandal panasnya masih belum dapat dilupai oleh rakyat Negara ini khususnya orang cina Johor?

Mengapakah BN mesti terus menerajui dunia politik di Negara ini sampai bila-bila dan bukan Barisan Pembangkang?

Bolehkah anda komen sumbangan pihak pembangkang di dalam dunia politik dan ekonomi tanah air? Just answer this - They (PAS/DAP/PKR) check and balance. After so much up-roar about ‘rasuah’ by PAS, DAP and PKR now the government is very serious on eradicating bribery among the politicians and the police.

Beza antara guru sekolah KPM dan pensyarah KPTM.

KPM Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia. Struktur perjawatan. DG41, DG44, DG48, DG52, DG54- Sekolah SK, SM, Institut Pendidikan Guru. Maktab Perguruan.

KPTM - kementerian pengajian tinggi Malaysia. Politeknik, Universiti .

Beza antara pensyarah politeknik Johor Bharu dan pensyarah muda UTHM.

Pensyarah Politeknik ada staf yang memegang sijil politeknik dan ada juga staf PHD. Tetapi gaji mereka DH.

Pensyarah Universiti bermula dari takok PHD ke atas. Tutor adalah mereka yang sedang memegang Masters. Selagi anda tidak Berjaya memperolehi PhD jawatan anda ialah Tutor. Kadang-kadang after 6 years tidak Berjaya juga memperolehi PhD ..they fire you from the University. Good Bye. Segala masa yang lampau .. memori dan riwayat hidup kita dalam sejarah.

Beza antara jawatan Penolong Pendaftar di UTHM dengan Pegawai Daerah di Johor Bharu.

Pegawai Daerah adalah pegawai pentadbiran, pengurusan dan diplomatic. PTD. Gred gaji mereka ialah M41, M44, M48, M52, M54 management. Mereka bergerak pantas dari guru di sekolah. Ada PTD mencapai gred M54 dalam umur 35 tahun – 45 tahun sedangkan ada pensyarah universiti mati pada umur 55 tahun tetapi dengan gred gaji DS45 sahaja.

Penolong Pendaftar Universiti = pemegang ijazah pentadbiran, undang-undang. Boleh dikatakan kebanyakannya mereka adalah dari PTD juga.

Beza antara perjuangan UMNO, MCA, MIC dan PKR/PAS? - dia nak tahu you sokong siapa ni. Jangan kutuk siapa-siapa di sini. Entah-entah orang yang dikutuk itu merupakan bakal menantu mereka (panel). Laugh.

Pernah tidak anda mendengar istilah ini ‘Team Building’ di dalam satu satu organisasi. Mengapa team building di dalam HROD (human resource on development) dirancangkan?

Bilakah tarikh paling awal anda bersedia untuk berkhidmat sebagai Tutor ini? Mengapa? Jika anda sedang sarat mengandung katakanlah ( esok due date) yang paling benar dan logic. Seperti 4 bulan dari sekarang.

Adakah anda bersedia untuk dihantar ke Gunung Ledang untuk latihan jati diri? Mengapa?

Beza antara Profesor, Profesor Madya dan Pensyarah DR.

Se orang professor pada lazimnya mempunyai Ijazah PhD dan beliau juga telah menulis(menerbitkan) sekurang-kurangnya sebuah buku ilmiah berkenaan dengan ilmu kepakarannya. Profesor adalah seseorang yang tersohor dalam satu bidang tertentu contohnya Prof Dr MM D - niche area - Data Mining and Cloud Computing. Beliau tersohor di seluruh dunia. Bukan setakat Parit Raja atau Terengganu sahaja tetapi seluruh dunia. Ingat tu? Check Prof Di Raja. Ungku Aziz. Brain di belakang KOPERASI dan Tabung Haji

Prof Madya mempunyai Ijazah PHD jugak dan telah menerbitkan jurnal sekurang-kurangnya 3 buah. Dua di antaranya adalah di peringkat antarabangsa. Satu adalah di peringkat kebangsaan.

Pensyarah PHD. Beliau mempunyai ijazah PhD dan sedang bertungkus lumus menerbitkan jurnal dan pada masa yang sama sedang menyiapkan sekurang-kurangnya sebuah buku kepakarannya untuk bacaan umum orang-orang Malaysia.

Gaji professor di IPTA ada yang menjangkau RM12000 sebulan sedangkan gaji pensyarah DS45, DS52 dan DS54 adalah di antara RM5000 hingga RM10000 sahaja sebulan. Elaun professor banyak. Google it and see for your self.

Anda tahu tak jurnal impact factor? ISI index, Springer ?

Sebuah universiti boleh digredkan di kalangan universiti-universiti terbaik di seluruh dunia berdasarkan kebolehan staf professor dan penolong professornya banyak menulis jurnal yang mempunyai impact factor. Contohnya UNIVERSITI MALAYA. Ramai profesornya mempunyai penulisan yyang mana orang lain dari Negara luar telah menggunakan penulisan itu sebagai bahan rujukan. Semakin ramai orang luar merujuk semakin tinggilah impact ‘ilmunya ‘ kepada dunia luar. Jika impact factor adalah sifar ..mungkin dia syok sendiri dalam niche area tersebut. Laugh/.

· Mengapakah pentingnya sesebuah universiti seperti UM dan UKM berada di dalam liga 200 UNIVERSITI TERBAIK DI DUNIA ?
· Tahukah anda tentang ciri-ciri yang digunakan sebagai alat pengukur sesebuah universiti itu adalah terbaik ataupun tidak?
· Apakah bidang penyelidikan yang ingin anda ceburi sewaktu pengajian masters dan PHD kelak?
· Sudahkah anda senaraikan nama-nama universiti dalam atau luar Negara bagi maksud ‘proses penyelidikan’ tersebut? Mengapakah anda berbuat demikian?
· Sudahkah anda berumah tangga? Setahu saya suami/isteri anda bukan dari staf universiti – bagaimanakah perancangan family anda jika pihak universiti mahukan anda menyambungkan pengajian anda di luar Negara? [ bayangkan pasangan anda bekerja swasta/ kerajaan tetapi di tempat yang lain]
· OK my last question. Now this UTHM is trying to do this new research called Biotechnology from Civil Engineering point of view? Are you interested to try Miss …? Can you explain more? What steps should you follow?

Wallahu aklam. Kalau dapat jgn lupa orang tua ini tahu? Laugh.


  1. aduhai said...

    tq diatas tips

  2. Unknown said...

    Wow! Mind blowing. Lengkap dan padat. Terima kasih, ayahanda. Minta dihalalkan ilmu.

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