Jalan-jalan makan angin sambil bertugas sedikit sebanyak

Posted by sazali


Sudah seminggu saya menghilang dari blog ini. Adush. macam-macam nak tulis. Jurnal writing jugak ni. Ramai orang merungut on this blog ..why u write things like writing a dairy. He..he..

2) Pada 26 hingga 28 april saya di Kuala Trengganu. Kursus PhD Industri. Dikendalikan oleh staf profesional UTM Kuala Lumpur. Macam-macam feedback dapat. Sekarang orang dalam industri dah mula seronok/ teruja nak buat phd di industri. Perbezaan ketara mereka dengan anda yg sedang menjalankan research PHD di UM, UKM, UTHM ialah .. anda berada sepenuh masa di universiti sedangkan mereka yang berjawatan CEO/ Pengurus Besar di Proton, Telekom dan lain-lain tempat ialah .. mereka menjalankan kajian di dalam industri mereka sendiri 3 hingga 5 tahun. So apa peranan anda sebagai staf universiti? Jawapan ialah ..saya berperanan sebagai penyelia merekalah. bayangkan .. mereka CEO Telekom, CEO SIME DERBY, CEO MAS, CEO AIR ASIA .. they have everything .. they more style than u.. they more powerful than you .. and may be , may be they have more wives than you, .. , and here u are .. anda dilantik menjadi penyelia PHD mereka? bayangkan tuan hamba. Tuan drive PROTON WIRA .. mereka drive MERX mata belalang .. BMW 7 series .. yes so what? they have everything except PHD. Serious? I look a loser but wait wait wait .. .. I have PhD. Imagine (laugh). Do you think this can work? no wonder i saw lately many staff university are buying big cars ..like BMW, Merx, Honda .. in fact all shapes and brands .. to look compatible to his student industri doing phd. For your info, Korea has 120,000 phd graduates. 70% of them works in the industries. Malaysia? According to stats , Dewan masyarakat march 2011, we have less than 10,000 phd graduaates so far. See? hw much we have to catch the Koreans as far as making innovations etc. etc. That's why .. malaysian government is so serious pushing this mode of program PHD Industri.

Lets go back to the main point. So what? so wat if they are CEO of this and that , n u r just driving a WIRA. Without my signature as a phd supervisor , they won't be going anywhere ..to print the three letter word P H D. see? he..he..

So powerful the wira car driver from day 1 to day 1000 .. they doing Phd in the industry. but i like the words from the instructors there. they r students from hell . Really? many reasons u know. I will tell you later insyallah. Till then .. wish that wira car driver all the best in the world. the english used to say '..first impression counts .. when they first see you .. you being their PhD supervisor.. they will judge you .. they will see how to fit their life with you .. O my God'.

Wallahu aklam. I am not afraid.


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