
Posted by sazali


When do we feel happy?  Could it be one of the followings and many more ..

1.  your favourite team won the world cup 2014 semi finals?  Argentina!
2.  your children/ husband/ wife obtained his Ph.D abroad?
3.  your idea has now turned into a big thriving restaurant with so many regular customers
4.  your mum's illness has gone away -  diabetes, cancer, TB, HIV ?  may be ..
5.  but to me as a father.. the most fulfilling happiness is one morning after the mosque - I saw my 7 year old boy ..doing his morning prayer with his school uniform on and ..now reading a Qunut prayer for his well being.  Alhamdulilah (praise be to Allah).

With that .. thank you.

Wallah hu aklam bis sawabb.


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