Think positive

Posted by sazali


In the course of work, our heads department always say 'think positive'. By the way what is that thinking positive?

2) We must feel there is a future in our work. If u r a student, thinking positive is a good attribute of a succcessful student. Imagine if u do all the maths problems alone ..then u r training yourself to be an independent worker. Yes u r right. We must work in teams but from research not all team works produce maximum / optimum return. There are so many sleeoing partners. But wait ..think positive!

3) Perhaps .. s/he is a sleeping partner now in the early stages of your group work assignmnet ..but one day ... surprise surprise .. he got connections/ cable with the big lords. See? he can help you to secure jobs. So don't lose hope .. if u r the only one who determine the course of your team's directions now and then. Think positve.

4) Say politely if u do not like some sort of attitude from ur team members. If u r polite, they will listen and start to think good about you. In the end every body wins. If u look nice, and evry body will look nice. So all will enjoy the fruits of a successful team work.

Believe me. Think positive all the time plz.



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