Wishing you all the best

Posted by sazali


To start PhD ?  What are you going to do? 

Here I suggest few important steps :

(i)  identify your PhD topic?  what are you interested to study?  mine was something on mathematics at polytechnic level MOHE; sub-topic algebra ; target -- >   certificate engineering 1st year 1st semester only

(ii)  try to locate any Phd thesis (preferably the most up-to-date with 2010 say ) that are in local universities  related to your field of research.  I was lucky to get a thesis from Dr Wan Fatimah UKM who graduated 2005/06.  I was also lucky to get Dr Heather Mays Deakins Univ thesis who just completed her PhD in Ballarat University, Australia in 2000.

(iii)  try to find PhD supervisor
(iv)  country?

(v)  and the rest


Step 1:  we have to be mad about one particular topic in doing research at PhD level.  Why did I use the word 'mad'?  He..he..  I have a few reasons such as -  a mad person is not bothered whether he is doing something at odd hours anywhere and anytime for a long period of time which is about 3 years.  I repeat THREE YEARS.  Why?  Simple.  Because he is a mad person. (laugh)

A mad person loves doing something that is funny to the others but not him at all instances.  Example, a mad person with a strong feeling of love .. towards the KING's daughter (age 33 years) .. even though he is already 55 years old ..  all his struggle looks so stupid .. but since he is a mad person ... he has decided from the day he put his eyes to the only child of the king.. his going all out is nothing bad at all.  What more if his madness came out to be a successful one.  He..he.. check many Hindustani films played during the years 1970 - 1990 like Sanggam.   To make the story interesting with so many AHA ..  soon after their marriage, the King fell ill and passed away.   Outcome:  the mad man is going to be husband of the next QUEEN.  See?  any thing can happen ..mate!

Step II

You must have some guide.  With 2 thesis at least , after you have read all the pages ..say about 300- 400 and looking at the references made ..  at least you know where , what and how big is the playing field of research that you are going to explore, digging madly for ideas and most importantly 'the GAP'.

The next question will be 'Can I do it ?'

How committed  are you? What lose will I got to undergo if me exploration and digging go beyond the playing field let us say as far as the planet called JUPITER.  (laugh).

But don't worry ,   .. , if I can do it boy,  you can do it too.  Right?  Why did  I say so?  bEcause I eat rice 3 times a day, I pray 5 times a day, my rice is white and yours is also white.  You eat ice cream and you taste it so nice , so do I (your dad) ..  I feel so nice too licking the ice cream.  So I did it (PhD successfully) .. so do you my son.  Insyallah.

Stay focus.

TQ. wishing you all the best .  May God gives you some feeling of happiness once you set foot on the 3 year journey ..towards the completion of your PhD.  All the best my son.  My doa for you.  Ameen.

Wallahu aklam.


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