Dok siapkan diri ke Kuala Lumpur

Posted by sazali


Syukur ..kita berjumpa lagi pada pagi Jumaat yang mulia ini.  Syukur .. tuhan telah memberi saya taufiq dan hidayah untuk menyertai sembahyang subuh berjamaah di masjid berdekatan dgn rumah saya.  Selalu saya bergegas ke sana .. mengikut tok guru quran saya zaman dulu .. sembahyang berjamaah 27 kali ganda lebih afdal dari sembahyang seorang diri jah.

2)  Ater the dawn  prayer .. i went to the park to jog for 20 minutes.  Purpose to keep myself fit like a young donkey.  Moreover my doctor advise me . to run at least 3 times a week.  Why?  to make my heart beats a bit faster more and more.  Kuda jantan mudo .. larinya kencang.  Why?  jantungnya cukup baguslahhh.

3)  Today .. i got to prepare some slides to present for JPP, Kuala Lumpur.  So i have to prepare well since I represent my university for the benefit of the polytechnic (MOHE) teaching and learning processes.

The area I am going to talk will be algebra, calculus, statistics  and discrete mathematics for the foundation year in the polytechnics (MOHE) God Willing.

Alhamdulilah I have a 60 page book in addressing some weaknesses in T&L processes in the world of polytechnics (MOHE).  Actually i had constructed that book 2 months ago .. and never in my mind i will be invited to talk about the book ..  but alhamdulilah .. suddenly  my rezeki has been written on the wall -  Kuala Lumpur next week!    I love one hotel near UPM where we have a big mosque and a big lake.  I can jog .. and while jogging alone ..  i will be thinking about my presentations etc etc.  Hopefully it will go well.  God Willing.

I think thats all for the time being.  Today Friday .. got to go to the mosque a bit early .. open up the praying mats..   do some cleaning .. the toilets etc etc. By doing so.. hopefully Allah will pardon all our weaknesses called the daily sins committed throughout the week. What sins?  many.. many .. many ..  one of them is .. for example  we ill-prepared our lessons.  See?  we need Allah's forgiveness for that.

On Friday don't forget to send 1000 darud (salawat) to our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.

Till we meet again ,   wasalllam.

Wallahu aklam.  ( God Knows Best).


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