pretend, pretending and pretenders

Posted by sazali


Man is an actor.
So does a woman.
We act according to the instructions given.
Not easy.

It is better to be natural.
We are what we are.
If we like lontong,let it be.
Why must we eat english breakfast.
It is stupid right?

As a malay, i enjoy soto johor.
I eat well.
If i  am in Terengganu, i eat nasi dagang lauk ikang.

Why must i eat sausages.

We like to pretend.
Just because we went for a short stint
Training with Chelsea football stars
It did not mean anything.

It is justvtraining.
We werevtrained to pick up loose balls.
Nothing more, nothing less.

After a week in Chelsea. We flew home.
So what?
Are we good at football?
we could not beat  Singapore.
oh my god.
with thailand and Indonesia
the score remained.

we are nobody in football

at chelsea we were trained to pick up  loose balls.

so dont pretend you are so great.
pretending this pretending that
life is hell.

better be ourselves
in and  night out.
we can play better.

stop pretending.
be what you are.
stop being a pretender
be original lah..



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