English Lessons for my Malays 4

Posted by sazali


Wow I got many hits .. my English lessons on the blog. TQ so much.

In English, it is nice to say Thank You .. when somebody do something nice to you. In this case , many hits on the blog is very motivating indeed.

Today I am dedicating my writings to NEGATIVE sentences. From my experience teaching english, I noticed that many malay students just cannot say / write properly some thing they do not like.

For examples. "tak nak aku .. " ; " tak sir aku .. " , "tak mahu aku .. "

In English .. you say it as " Sorry I don't like it. Thank you."

Sorry I don't need it. Thank you.
Sorry I do not like that please. Thank you.

Sorry I am afraid I can't ..

Comments: I put for you four different styles of people expressing something they do not like doing something as instructed. So the standard word is "Sorry .. I can't ..

followed by 'Thank you'.

I don't = I do not
She doesn't like = She does not like
He doesn't seem to care = He does not care so much about (something).

I, We, They = all these pronouns (gantinama) menggunakan 'do' untuk YES dan 'don't" untuk NO. Negative.

She, He, The baby, The student, .. (singular) = Use 'does' so the negative will be 'doesn't" menggantikan "DOES NOT"

Ok then . I think .. thats a lot for you to discuss. Happy learning English. Till then good bye everybody.

See you.

Wallahu aklam.


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