Learning English among Malays II

Posted by sazali


Today we talk about Past Tense. This is used when we want to tell others what we did yesterday/ last week/ last month etc etc . Past events (peristiwa yang sudah lepas).

See the sentences below.

1) I married in 1981. I was in my final year degree in Leeds, England.
2) I got a son in 1982.

See married -- past tense for 'marry' khawin, bernikah dengan isteri saya
See got --- past tense for 'get' dapat anak tu// memperolehi anak lelaki 'son'.

Exercise 1.

Change these few words into past tense. Check with your dictionary.

a) kick -- ?
b) cook -- ?
c) swim -- ?

Yes you are right.

The answers are : kicked/ cooked/ swam

I think you will find that the answers are very straight forward. All the answers got '+ed' at the back of each word EXCEPT the last one.

kick = kick + 'ed' = kicked
cook = cook + 'ed' = cooked
swim = swim + 'ed' NO NO NO --- > it is 'swam'. Why? U better ask your English teacher or check with your teacher(s).

but if you write swim + ed = swimed = I think it is also OK because ... we are Malays/ Melayu lah.

(laugh). Yes we must sometimes laugh .. to show that we are happy most of the time learning English.

Till then .. good bye.

Wallahu aklam.


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